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Metadata list
||Product on coverpage|SBC Core|
||Product Release|10.x|
||Document Title|REST API Reference Guide - system|
||Document Number|<doc number>|
||Document Revision|<doc revision>|
||Filename|<doc #>_<doc revision>_<product name>_<release #>_<title>|

Resources | system

Image Modifiedsystem

System-level configuration.


Image ModifiedisOAMObooleanfalseThis indicates if the system is the OAM VM used to manage the VNF.
Image ModifiedconfigModeOenumerationsbcThis field indicates the configuration mode on cloud
Image ModifiedisVNFMObooleanfalseThis field indicates vnfm/non-vnfm mode.
Image ModifiedactiveConfigFileOstring
Contains the file name of the last retrieved file from the external object store service.
Image ModifiedactiveRevisionOint16
Active Configuration Revision
Image ModifiedlicenseModeO

The licensing mode for the application
Image ModifiedoutOfMemoryCoredumpO

Image ModifiedfaultAvalancheControlO

System wide settings associated fault Avalanche Detection and Control feature.
Image ModifiedprotectO

Configuration related to Protect server.
Image ModifiedadminM

Basic configuration (name, location, etc) for the system.
Image ModifiedserverAdminO

The serverAdmin table describes the configuration of each server module. A server module can be a standalone server or a server card in a chassis based system.
Image ModifieddaughterBoardAdminO

The daughter board admin table describes the configuration of each daughter board.
Image ModifiedlicenseRequiredO

The licenses needed by this application
Image ModifiedfacNonBlockingEntriesO

Provides the list entries not to be blocked by application. Application won't block calls matching to these key/value pairs.
Image ModifiedannouncementsO

Announcement file status and statistics
Image ModifiedmediaProfileO

DSP Media Profile configuration
Image ModifieddspPadO

DSP PAD configuration - service must be restarted for new config to take effect
Image ModifieddspStatusO

Status of DSP resources.
Image ModifiedtranscodeInfoO

Status of transcode resources.
Image ModifiedipPolicingO

The MIB Module for IP Monitoring.
Image ModifiedhighAvailabilityPortM

Configuration and status for the HA ethernet ports.
Image ModifiedintervalStatisticsO

The system-wide settings for interval statistics.
Image ModifiedfileStatisticsAdminO

Admin data of file Statistics.
Image ModifiedmediaO

System-wide media configurations, udp port range and rtp/rtcp peer inactivity timeout.
Image ModifiedpolicyServerO

Configures softswitch servers and client services
Image ModifiednetworkProcessorStatisticsO

Network Processor statistics
Image ModifiedloadBalancingServiceO

Load Balancing Service configuration
Image ModifiedslbO

SLB specific configuration
Image ModifiedclusterAdminO

Cluster specific configuration
Image ModifiedrealmO

The realm of this IP network.
Image Modifiedh248StatisticsO

The details statistics for H248.
Image ModifiedvirtualMediaGatewayO

The Virtual Media Gateway.
Image ModifiedpathCheckPathO

Path for ICMP ping mechanism
Image ModifieddsbcO

Configures Distributed SBC
Image ModifiedemsO

EMS specific configuration
Image ModifiedsweActiveProfileO

Specifies the profile name that is activated in the system.
Image ModifiedsweConfigProfileSelectionO

This table displays the configuration provisioning profile names.
Image ModifiedsweTrafficProfilesO

This table stores different traffic profiles. Each profile is essentially a statement of the call mix presented to the SWe.
Image ModifiedsweCodecMixProfileO

This table describes the codec mix used for a given profile.
Image ModifiedserviceDiscoveryO

Service Discovery specific configuration
Image ModifiedntpM

NTP Services Management.
Image ModifiedmetaVariableDynamicO

Meta variable name and value pair table configurable by the user
Image ModifiedsecurityO

The MIB Module for Security Management.
Image ModifiedmgmtIpInterfaceGroupO

A group of management IP interfaces for the default address context.
Image ModifiedmgmtStaticRouteO

Static IP routes for this address context.
Image ModifiedlogicalMgmtIpInterfaceO

The logical management IP interface.
Image ModifiedethernetPortM

Configuration for management, packet, and field-service ethernet ports.
Image ModifieddspResO

DSP historical interval statistics
Image ModifiedcongestionM

System congestion profile for the node.

Operational Data

Image ModifiedconfiguratorThis indicates if the system is the configurator
Image ModifiedlicenseStatusThe CE license status table describes the state of license information.
Image ModifiedsoftwareUpgradeStatusLive software upgrade status at any given time.
Image ModifiedfileStatisticsStatusThe current ID of the last performance statistics written to the database
Image ModifiedsbcPersonalityStatusPersonality of this instance
Image ModifiedobjectStoreParametersParameters used to specify an object store service to upload or download a configuration file.
Image ModifiedniceLicenseContains whether Nice recording is allowed or not.
Image ModifiedpdcsLicenseContains whether PDCS license is allowed or not.
Image ModifiedsbcliLicenseContains whether SBC-LI license is allowed or not.
Image ModifiedhardDiskStatusHard disk status on the server(s).
Image ModifiedhardDiskUsageHard disk status on the server(s).
Image ModifiedfanStatusFan status on the server(s).
Image ModifiedpowerSupplyStatusPower consumption/state of the server.
Image ModifiedsyncStatusThe system server synchronization status table, describes data synchronization state of various items.
Image ModifiedstandbySyncStatusThe standby server synchronization status table. This table is used for N:1 redundancy where a standby server support N active servers. It describes data synchronization state of various items.
Image ModifiedledStatusDisplays status of various LEDs of the server.
Image ModifiedserverStatusThe system server status table describes the status of the server module.
Image ModifieddaughterBoard3StatusIndicates the daughter board status on the server.
Image ModifiedserverSoftwareUpgradeStatusThe system server software upgrade status table describes the status of the server software upgrade module.
Image ModifiedsoftwareUpgradeDetailedStatusThe system software upgrade detailed status table describes the detailed status of the software upgrade module.
Image ModifiedlicenseFeatureStatusStatus information about each licensed feature
Image ModifiedlicenseNodeLockedBundleInfoShows information about all the nodeLocked licenses stored on the box
Image ModifiedlicenseDomainBundleInfoShows information about all the domain licenses stored on the box
Image ModifiedlicenseInfoThe license status for registered license features.
Image ModifiedbaseMacAddressDisplays base MAC address of servers
Image ModifiedcpuUtilCurrentStatisticsThe CPU utilization for the current interval period.
Image ModifiedcpuUtilIntervalStatisticsThe CPU utilization for the 'n' number of intervals.
Image ModifiedmemoryUtilCurrentStatisticsThe memory utilization for the current interval period.
Image ModifiedmemoryUtilIntervalStatisticsThe memory utilization for the 'n' number of intervals.
Image ModifiedcoredumpListList of coredumps on the server(s).
Image ModifiedcoredumpSummarySummary of coredump files on server(s).
Image ModifiedsavedConfigListList of configurations saved on the system.
Image ModifiedbfdSessionStatsBFD session status
Image ModifiedfipsFSM2StateFIPS finite state machine state.
Image ModifieddodModeStatusDoD mode status
Image ModifiedmacAddress2StatusDisplays status of MAC address of servers
Image ModifiedgpuStatusDisplays Information of GPUs present in server
Image ModifiedhaConfigDisplays the HA port redundancy configuration.
Image ModifiedrgStatusThe system Redundancy Group(RG) status table describes the status of the instances in RG.
Image ModifiedgpuTranscodeStatusCurrent GPU transcode status.
Image ModifiedcpuTranscodeStatusCurrent CPU transcode status.
Image ModifiedadSyncStatusDisplays AD server sync status.
Image ModifieddatabaseIntegrityDisplays data integrity of databases.
Image ModifiedsweProcessorCoreCapacityThis table displays the processor's capacity indices on which SWe is currently running.
Image ModifiedsweCapacityEstimationThis table stores the populated SWe capacity for different custom traffic profiles created.
Image ModifiedmetaVariableDynamic Meta variable name and value pair table in Cloud SBC configuration management.
Image ModifiedlogicalMgmtIpInterfaceStatusThe status of the logical IP interface.
Image ModifiedsystemCongestionStatusSystem Congestion Status Table
Image ModifiedsystemCongestionCurrentStatisticsThe Sonus System Congestion Current Statistics table.
Image ModifiedsystemCongestionIntervalStatisticsThe Sonus System Congestion Interval Statistics table.


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/config/system