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The following table list the features introduced in this release.

FeatureFeature IDFeature OverviewAffected Documents
Routing Tables Limit Increase to 20000 Entries Per InstanceDSC-20404The Diameter routing table limit is increased from 20000 to 30000 entries.
DSC Diameter SCTP Remote Port as EphemeralDSC-20400

When the ADN is being handled by a Transport Server (Server Mode), the incoming connection will go through transport server and Remote Port of ADN-C is ignored. Remote Port is only used when the DSC is initiating the connection as a client.

This feature will allow users to configure the SCTP/TCP Remote Port as Ephemeral instead of displaying a value that is not being used to prevent user confusion.

DSC Diameter TCP Client Local Port as Fixed Port NumberDSC-20399

This feature allows the user to select the local port number for TCP connections to ADNs.  

Prior to this feature, the user could only select Ephemeral as the Local Port when using TCP as the transport, so the OS would pick the port number. The port number could change each time the connection was made.

With this feature, the user can provision a local port number when using TCP. The DSC will use the configured port number when making the connection toward the ADN. The port number will remain consistent even when the connection goes down and is re-established.

Platform Migration from TIPC to SCTP AssociationsDSC-15893This feature removes the use of TIPC connections for statistics communications between the statistics collector (SCA binaries) and all applications with which the SCA communicates. TIPC is replaced with SCTP associations for all statistics communications. As of this release these connections are automatically created as SCTP associations.This feature does not affect customer documentation. 
DSC 8000 Deployed as an Edge DeviceDSC-16895This feature allows DSC SWe to use the IO cards in DSC 8000 shelves for TDM links. It applies to all DSC SWe deployments except on the MA-RMS host. The DSC 8000 can be deployed with up to 4 shelves of IO cards. The number of shelves and IO cards supported is 4 shelves fully equipped with IO cards on slots 2 - 13. The DSC 8000 will provide maximum IO connectivity without the additional costs of management and routing CPUs. When deployed in this way, the DSC 8000 is made up of two AMC 671 MCH cards, and the rest of the slots are populated with AMC 348 SS7 IO cards as required on a per shelf basis. The management and routing for this feature is performed by a remote SWe platform that contains management and routing VMs. The limit of cards on the SWe will change from 20 to 76 to accommodate the extra IO and switches from the DSC 8000.This feature does not affect customer documentation. 
Detect/Repair Missing I/O Card ConfigurationDSC-18078This feature functions as an audit of the IO card configuration files to ensure they exist on the management CPU cards. This audit is performed from the DSC system. The second component of this feature is a health-check script for the existence of files on an IO card. It is executed in the management CPU card before doing maintenance IO cards in order to detect missing config files on the IO cards.This feature does not affect customer documentation. 
OpenStack Cinder Block StorageDSC-18384This feature is only for OpenStack VNFM deployments.  OpenStack Cinder storage is used to permanently store all OS/application configuration, logs, stats and other run-time data.  This storage exists independently within the OpenStack Cinder infrastructure. The data storage is performed in real-time.This feature does not affect customer documentation. 
Package TDM Drivers that will run on RHEL 7 KernelDSC-18674The purpose of this feature is to provide RPM packaged drivers for the TDM I/O hardware (PCE382) card when installed on the LH and LJ MA-RMS running VHE 3.0. This feature allows TDM I/O hardware to be connected to the DSC SWe system by creating a pci-net interface on the host system, which can then be attached to a soft switch to communicate with virtual machines. Only the self-extracting install script is needed to be deployed and copied into the MA-RMS host in order to perform the I/O card installation procedure.This feature does not affect customer documentation. 
LPP or USP to Virtual SP2000 TDM MigrationDSC-17789This feature supports the migration of CS2K ISUP traffic from legacy LPP or USP to vSP2K on the MA-RMS or the vC20 hardware (DELL).This feature does not affect customer documentation. 
Support for Allowed TUP Message TypeDSC-18683

The GWST application adds the "Allowed TUP MTs screening table", linkable from the Allowed DPCs, Allowed SIOs, and Blocked DPCs. It is created to screen TUP messages with certain Message Type Range.

This screening table will increase the granularity of the criteria to determine if an incoming MSU to the DSC platform must be discarded or redirected.  No impact to the GWST integration with the rest of the DSC platform.

This feature does not affect customer documentation.