Versions Compared


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  1. Download the 

     artifacts ‘’ and ‘ev-fullpkg.tar.xz’ to the /opt directory of the primary node (reach out to Ribbon Support for the URLs of these artifacts. Also note that you will need an HA license to utilize this functionality).

    Code Block
    cd /opt/
    wget ftp://$url_from_support
    wget ftp://$url_from_support

  2. Enable read-write-execute permissions for the copied files using the command given below:

    Code Block
    chmod +x

  3. To execute the installation process, use the following command:

    Code Block

    The installation procedure will begin. Please provide input as prompted by the console output during the installation process.

    The installation creates a log file of all the performed actions for historical review/troubleshooting. The name of this file is $MM-DD-YYYY-ev-install.log.

  4. You are prompted to enter information related to your networking configuration. Please read this section carefully and provide appropriate values for your network environment.

    Once the installation is complete, the console screen displays the following message:

    Installation/Upgrade Completed” 

    A directory named scc-build is created.

  5. All the services start and all replica-expected-values reach their target (for example 1/1 or 5/5) over the next several minutes. To validate, run the following command:

    Code Block
    docker service ls


    Make sure that the replicas are all meeting their targets – for example, 1/1 or 5/5. If they are not, run the following command and check the Health section of the output using the following command: 

    Code Block
    docker service ps $service_name -no-trunc

  6. For the initial SCC configuration, register your 
    server by accessing it through the web interface at its IP address and entering the registration information that you received in your email. If you didn’t receive the registration information, reach out to Ribbon Support.
  7. Enter the 
    admin registration details and click NEXT.
  8. Enter the Tenant admin registration details and click NEXT.
  9. Click APPLY to complete the registration.
  10. Click LOGIN to navigate to the login screen.
  11. Enter the credentials and click SIGN IN to log in to the 


  1. Download the 

    artifacts cluster-install-ev.shand ev-fullpkg.tar.xz to the /opt directory of your system (reach out to for the URLs for these artifacts):

    Code Block
     cd /opt/    wget ftp://$url_from_support    wget ftp://$url_from_support

  2. Enable read-write-execute permissions for the copied files using the commands given below:

    Code Block
      chmod +x

  3. Execute the following command to start the installation process:

    Code Block

  4. The installation creates a log file of all actions for historical review/troubleshooting using the file format: $MM-DD-YYYY-ev-install.log. When prompted, enter validation or update information related to your networking configuration environment. Once the installation completes, the console screen displays the message “

    Installation/Upgrade Completed”. 

  5. To check whether the containers started successfully, use the following command:

    Code Block
    docker service ls

    All the services start and all replica-expected-values reach their target (for example 1/1 or 5/5) over the next several minutes.


OS/Security Patching and Node Maintenance 

Linux systems should be updated and patched for security require security updates and patches on a regular basis. When running When 

 is run in HA mode, apply patches may be applied as required in the environment. Take care to Update only update one member of the cluster at a time to ensure the availability of the application. After each node update, verify that all services return to a healthy state before moving to the next


 does not support the utilization of VMware snapshots for testing and/or reverting changes. This results in errors.

For more information, refer to Storidge Node Maintenance.

Cordon node

To safely evict all services before performing maintenance on a node, execute the following command:

Code Block
cioctl node cordon

This command puts the node in drain state so services are rescheduled. The node is then isolated from other nodes in the cluster.

Identify the name of the node you need to cordon. List the nodes in the cluster using the following command:

Code Block
cio node ls

For CIO to cordon the node, execute the following command:

Code Block
cioctl node cordon NODENAME

Perform Maintenance

In the cordoned state, a node is temporarily isolated from the rest of the cluster. Change block tracking is engaged to track updates that are destined for the cordoned node. This enables fast rebuilds when the node is rejoined to the cluster. When the cioctl node cordon command returns, proceed with maintenance. Perform desired CIO software upgrades, driver updates, hardware replacements, and package updates.

Reboot Node

After the node maintenance is completed, run reboot to clean state the node. This step is optional

Uncordon Node

Restore the node to full operation after maintenance is complete, using the following command:

Code Block
cioctl node uncordon NODENAME

The uncordoned node rejoins the cluster and exits drain state.

Repeat these steps for each node in the cluster until all member nodes are upgraded.

Migrate from single node to Storidge Cluster (HA)

Steps to migrate data from existing 

system (for 
versions 15.1.0 and higher) to Storidge Cluster:

  1. To build a Storidge cluster, follow the guidelines in the Install Storidge section.
  2. To install Storidge in single-node configuration on the source system, run the following commands:

    Code Block
    curl -fsSL | sudo bash
    cioctl create --single-node

  3. Shutdown 
    on the source system with docker-compose down
  4. Create Storidge profile on the single node system:

    Code Block
    cd scc-build/; cio profile create storidge-profile

  5. Copy root ssh key from single node to root authorized keys on sds node:

    Code Block
    cat /root/.ssh/ ; vim /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 

    Paste the key from other server.

  6. Convert the local docker volumes to remote cio volumes in a single command:

    Code Block
    cioctl migrate docker $LOCAL_DOCKER_VOLUME $REMOTE_CIO_VOLUME -p storidge-profile -v --ip $INTERNAL_IP_SDS_NODE_REMOTE 

    The remote name should match the naming convention in the cluster.
    Example: ev_mysql_data for things to work seamlessly.

  7. Run the normal install process on the cluster and check whether all expected data is there.
  8. Update 
    or DNS entries to point to the new cluster address.
