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Use the Service Authorisation Cur Stats window to view current global statistics that report which licensed features are authorized for use on the SBC. A value of 0 indicates the feature license is not available.

To View Service Authorised Cur Stats

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > Service Authorised Cur Stats. The Service Authorisation Cur Stats window is displayed.

1Service Authorisation Cur Stats Window - Partial

Image Modified

1Service Authorisation Cur Stats

NameSpecifies a dummy key
to be
added to the non-
configurable scalar element container (even when only one row is allowed in the container).
License ModeDisplays the current licensing mode (nodeLocked/Domain) of the SBC.
Encrypt Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the ENCRYPT license is available.
Srtp Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SRTP license is available.
Enhanced Video Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-VIDEO license is available.
Amrnb Leg Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the DSP-AMRNB license is available.
Amrwb Leg Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", DSP-AMRWB license is available.
Evrc Leg Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the DSP-EVRC license is available.
Nice Rec Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-NICEREC license is available.
Mrf Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-MRF-RTU license is available.
SIP Rec Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-SIPREC license is available.
Transcode Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the VDSP-RTU license is available.
Pdcs Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-P-DCS-LAES license is available.
Li Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-LI license is available.
Sbc Rtu Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-RTU session license is available.
DSP G722 Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the DSP-G722 license is available.
Gmp4x1Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-4X1GMP license is available.
SIP ISessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-SIP-I license is available.
SIP 323Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", SBC-SIP323 license is available.
Gmp1x10Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the 1X10GMP license is available.
Pol Rtu Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-POL-RTU license is available.
PSX Rtu Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-PSX-RTU license is available.
Capacity License Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", SBC-CAPACITY license is available.
E911 Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-POL-E911 license is available.
ENUM Sessions Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SBC-POL-ENUM license is available.
Sw Instance License Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the SWE-INSTANCE license is available.
Evs Leg Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the DSP-EVS license is available.
Silk Leg Authorisation
Set based on whether
If set to "1", the DSP-SILK license is available.
Media Probe AuthorisationIf set to "1", the MEDIA-PROBE license is available.
