Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


licenseO License data.
systemO Global system objects.
cacO Global CAC objects.
callRoutingO Global call routing objects.
qoeCallRoutingO QOE based call routing.
serversO Global server objects.
signalingO Global Signaling objects
sipOodO Out-Of-Dialog Message Config Data.
securityO Global security objects.
policyServerO Policy Server Statistics
saveRecentCallFlowsInMemoryO Recent call flow storage
callQueuingO call queuing.
callTraceO Call Trace Group configuration for the Node.
monitorEndpointO the monitor endpoint (MCT)
siprecO Initiates Media Recording with siprec protocol.
monitorTargetO the monitor target
carriersubscriberO Carrier definitions Subscriber.
subscribercarrierO Subscriber Carrier definitions.
sipDomainO SIP Domain.
countryO Country definitions.
npaNxxO Npa Nxx.
