Ribbon Communications
Saved on Aug 09, 2020
Saved on Sept 16, 2020
A consolidated list of
TECH DOCS: Update total count when adding alarms.
Accounting Services Alarms
Call Processing Alarms
CP Event Log Alarms
CP Radius Alarms
CP System Alarms
Diameter Alarms
Distributed SBC (D-SBC) Alarms
sonusSbxCcsClusterUpNotification - MAJOR
DSP Availability Alarms
Dynamic Blacklist Alarms
sonusSbxDBLActionMajorNotification - MAJOR
sonusSbxDBLClearActionMajorNotification - MAJOR
Gateway Signaling Alarms
GETS and WPS Alarms
JSRC Alarms
Lawful Intercept Alarms
License Alarms
Machine Congestion Alarms
Master Trunk Group Alarms
Media Port Alarms
Monitoring Alarms
Network Management Alarms
Node Alarms
Node Resources Alarms
OAM Node Alarms
Path Check Alarms
Platform Alarms
Policy Server Alarms
SBC SWe Active Profile Commit Alarms
Security Alarms
SIP Resource Priority Header (RPH) Alarms
SIP Signaling Alarms
Softswitch Client Services Alarms
Sonus WebRTC Gateway (WRTC) Alarms
Surrogate Registration Alarms
Trunk Group Alarms
VNFM Alarms