| Parameter | Description |
| licenseStatus | The CE license status table describes the state of license information. |
| softwareUpgradeStatus | Live software upgrade status at any given time. |
| fileStatisticsStatus | The current ID of the last performance statistics written to the database |
| sbcPersonalityStatus | Personality of this instance |
| objectStoreParameters | Parameters used to specify an object store service to upload or download a configuration file. |
| hardDiskStatus | Hard disk status on the server(s). |
| hardDiskUsage | Hard disk status on the server(s). |
| fanStatus | Fan status on the server(s). |
| powerSupplyStatus | Power consumption/state of the server. |
| syncStatus | The system server synchronization status table, describes data synchronization state of various items. |
| standbySyncStatus | The standby server synchronization status table. This table is used for N:1 redundancy where a standby server support N active servers. It describes data synchronization state of various items. |
| ledStatus | Displays status of various LEDs of the server. |
| serverStatus | The system server status table describes the status of the server module. |
| daughterBoard3Status | Indicates the daughter board status on the server. |
| serverSoftwareUpgradeStatus | The system server software upgrade status table describes the status of the server software upgrade module. |
| softwareUpgradeDetailedStatus | The system software upgrade detailed status table describes the detailed status of the software upgrade module. |
| licenseRequiredStatus | Status information about licenses acquired by this application |
| licenseFeatureStatus | Status information about each licensed feature |
| licenseServerStatus | Status for license servers |
| licenseLocalBundleInfo | Shows information about all the local licenses stored on the box |
| licenseLegacyBundleInfo | Shows information about all the legacy licenses stored on the box |
| licenseInfo | The license status for registered license features. |
| baseMacAddress | Displays base MAC address of servers |
| cpuUtilCurrentStatistics | The CPU utilization for the current interval period. |
| cpuUtilIntervalStatistics | The CPU utilization for the 'n' number of intervals. |
| memoryUtilCurrentStatistics | The memory utilization for the current interval period. |
| memoryUtilIntervalStatistics | The memory utilization for the 'n' number of intervals. |
| coredumpList | List of coredumps on the server(s). |
| coredumpSummary | Summary of coredump files on server(s). |
| savedConfigList | List of configurations saved on the system. |
| fipsFSM2State | FIPS finite state machine state. |
| dodModeStatus | DoD mode status |
| macAddress2Status | Displays status of MAC address of servers |
| configStoreFiles | Displays the configuration files on an external object store service |
| haConfig | Displays the HA port redundancy configuration. |
| rgStatus | The system Redundancy Group(RG) status table describes the status of the instances in RG. |
| databaseIntegrity | Displays data integrity of databases. |
| metaVariable | Dynamic Meta variable name and value pair table in Cloud SBC configuration management. |
| logicalMgmtIpInterfaceStatus | The status of the logical IP interface. |
| sweVcpuAllocation | This table shows the populated Vcpu allocation in the System for different profiles. |
| systemCongestionStatus | System Congestion Status Table |
| systemCongestionCurrentStatistics | The Sonus System Congestion Current Statistics table. |
| systemCongestionIntervalStatistics | The Sonus System Congestion Interval Statistics table. |