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isOAMObooleanfalse This indicates if the system is the OAM VM used to manage the VNF.
configModeOenumerationstringsbc This field indicates the configuration mode on cloud
activeConfigFileOstring Contains the file name of the last retrieved file from the external object store service.
activeRevisionOint16Active Configuration Revision
licenseModeO The licensing mode for the application
Image AddedoutOfMemoryCoredumpO
Image AddedfaultAvalancheControlO System wide settings associated fault Avalanche Detection and Control feature.
adminM Basic configuration (name, location, etc) for the system.
serverAdminO The serverAdmin table describes the configuration of each server module. A server module can be a standalone server or a server card in a chassis based system.
daughterBoardAdminO The daughter board admin table describes the configuration of each daughter board.
licenseRequiredO The licenses needed by this application
Image AddedfacNonBlockingEntriesO Provides the list entries not to be blocked by application. Application won't block calls matching to these key/value pairs.
sweActiveProfileO Specifies the profile name that is activated in the system.
sweConfigProfileSelectionO This table displays the configuration provisioning profile names.
sweTrafficProfilesO This table stores different traffic profiles. Each profile is essentially a statement of the call mix presented to the SWe.
sweCodecMixProfileO This table describes the codec mix used for a given profile.
ipPolicingO The MIB Module for IP Monitoring.
dspStatusmediaProfileO Status of DSP resources DSP Media Profile configuration
Image AddedmediaO System-wide media configurations, udp port range and rtp/rtcp peer inactivity timeout.
transcodeInfoannouncementsOStatus of transcode resources. Announcement file status and statistics
dspPadO DSP PAD configuration - service must be restarted for new config to take effect
announcementsdspStatusO Announcement file status and statistics Image RemovedmediaProfileO DSP Media Profile configuration Status of DSP resources.
mediatranscodeInfoO System-wide media configurations, udp port range and rtp/rtcp peer inactivity timeoutStatus of transcode resources.
highAvailabilityPortM Configuration and status for the HA ethernet ports.
intervalStatisticsO The system-wide settings for interval statistics.
fileStatisticsAdminO Admin data of file Statistics.
policyServerO Configures softswitch servers and client services
Image AddednetworkProcessorStatisticsO Network Processor statistics
slbclusterAdminO SLB Cluster specific configuration
h248StatisticsloadBalancingServiceO The details statistics for H248. Load Balancing Service configuration
Image AddedslbO SLB specific configuration Image RemovedvirtualMediaGatewayO The Virtual Media Gateway.
realmO The realm of this IP network.
Image RemovedImage AddednetworkProcessorStatisticspathCheckPathO Network Processor statistics Path for ICMP ping mechanism
clusterAdminh248StatisticsO Cluster specific configuration Image RemovedloadBalancingServiceO Load Balancing Service configuration The details statistics for H248.
pathCheckPathvirtualMediaGatewayO Path for ICMP ping mechanism The Virtual Media Gateway.
dsbcO Configures Distributed SBC
ntpM NTP Services Management.
metaVariableDynamicO Meta variable name and value pair table configurable by the user
securityO The MIB Module for Security Management.
mgmtIpInterfaceGroupO A group of management IP interfaces for the default address context.
mgmtStaticRouteO Static IP routes for this address context.
logicalMgmtIpInterfaceO The logical management IP interface.
ethernetPortM Configuration for management, packet, and field-service ethernet ports.
dspResO DSP historical interval statistics
congestionM System congestion profile for the node.
