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Image Modifiedprofiles

A profile allows you to create a specific set of characteristics different from the standard SBC Core 5000 series defaults. When defining a new instance, for example, you can then use the profile to set the values as you would like them. Profiles are referenced by other configuration objects throughout the system, and are a means of sharing the same configuration values among multiple object instances.



systemO   System-level profiles.
digitParameterHandlingO   Profiles for manipulating digits (Calling, Called, etc) and other call processing parameters.
callRoutingO   Profiles related to call routing (elementRoutingPriority, timeRangeProfile, etc).
mediaO   Profiles related to media control (Packet Service Profile, Codec Profiles, etc).
servicesO   Profiles related to call services (Disconnect Treatment, Emergency, ARS, etc).
securityO   Profiles related to security (tlsProfile, cryptoSuiteProfile, etc).
signalingO   Profiles related to call signaling (IPSP, SIP Adaptor, Number Globalization, CauseCode Mapping, etc).
featureControlProfileO   Profile defining the Feature Control Profile Attributes
voipSubscriberipSignalingPeerGroupO Represents a IP signaling peer group that identifies set of Ip peer.
Image AddeddbSyncCheckProfileO DB Sync Status Check Profile  Profiles related to Voip Subscriber.
aorGroupProfileO   Profiles related to AoR group.
ipSignalingPeerGroupvoipSubscriberO  Represents a IP signaling peer group that identifies set of Ip peer Profiles related to Voip Subscriber.
adAttributeMapProfileO   Configure The AD Attributes That Needs To Be Fetched From The Remote Domain Controller.
adProfileO  Ad Profile.Image RemovedcallParamFilterGroupProfileO   
dbSyncCheckProfileadProfileO  DB Sync Status Check Ad Profile.
callParameterFilterProfileO   Profile used for call parameter filter profile.
digitProfileO   Profile defining digit generation and digit detection.
dtmfTriggerO   Profile defining conditions for triggering on DTMF digit strings.
sipCacProfileO   Profile defining call/registration admission control for a SIP endpoint.
