| Parameter | Description |
| name | The name of this zone. |
| totalCallsAvailable | The sum of all available or unblocked calls across all IP trunks in this zone. |
| inboundCallsUsage | The current inbound usage count across all IP trunks in this zone(measured in no. of calls). |
| outboundCallsUsage | The current outbound, non-priority usage count across all IP trunks in this zone(measured in no. of calls). |
| totalCallsConfigured | The total number of calls configured (allowed) across all IP trunks in this zone. |
| priorityCallUsage | The current priority call count across all IP trunks in this zone(measured in no. of calls). (This only applies for zones containing IP trunks configured for priority call reservation.) |
| bwCurrentLimit | The current media bandwidth limit across all IP trunks in this zone(in Kbits/sec). |
| bwAvailable | The available media bandwidth across all IP trunks in this zone(in Kbits/sec). |
| bwInboundUsage | The current media bandwidth in use for inbound traffic across all IP trunks in this zone(in Kbits/sec). |
| bwOutboundUsage | The current media bandwidth in use for outbound traffic across all IP trunks in this zone(in Kbits/sec). |
| emergencyCallsBwUsage | The current media bandwidth in use for emergency calls across all IP trunks in this zone.(in Kbits/sec) (This only applies to zones containing IP trunks configured for priority call reservation.) |
| activeSipRegCount | Number of SIP registrations active across all IP trunks in this zone. |