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  1. Connect one end of the supplied serial cable (DSUB 9-Pin Female to DSUB 9-Pin Male) to the SBC DB9 serial port and the other end to the serial port of your PC.

  2. Use Connect to the BMC through this serial port, using the following serial port settings of PC.:
    . Baud:38400
    . Data bits:8
    . Stop bits:1
    . Parity:None
    . Flow Control:None

  3. Login Log in to the BMC using default the following credentials:
    At the prompt enter:
    Username: linuxadmin root
    Password: <password>
    Switch User to 'root' using the command: su -
    Enter the 'root' access password.

  4. At

    Access the BMC Java Remote Console. Refer from step 5 step 10 of Launching the SBC 5400 BMC Remote Console.

    In the Java Remote Console, at the root prompt, execute the command. Assign the BMC management IP address, netmask, default gateway and NTP time server IP address. For example:

    Code Block
    # ./
    ***               BMC Initialization                         ***
    Enter BMC management IP (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd)     :
    Enter BMC management netmask (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd):
    Enter default gateway IP (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd)    :
    Enter NTP time server IP (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd)    :
    Enter advanced configuration? <y/n>:n
    Please verify your entries....
    bmcIpAddr       =
    bmcNetmask      =
    gatewayIpaddr   =
    ntpServerIpaddr =
    Ok to apply configuration? <y/N/>:y
    Restarting NTP and network services ....
    ifdown: interface lo not configured
    Interface eth0 is going down
    Interface eth0 has gone down
    Interface lo is going to go up
    Interface lo is up
    IPv6 entry is not present in interfaces file
    Interface eth0 is going to go up
    Interface eth0 is up
    IPv6 entry is not present in interfaces file : Nodes not present for IPv6
    Stopping lighttpd
    WEB is enabled and port numbers are NON-SSL:0x50 SSL:0x1bb
  5. Connect the Field Service port of SBC to the Ethernet router and access the BMC over the network.
