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Specifies the name of the Path Check Profile. This is a mandatory field.

Failure Response Codes

Use this parameter to define one or more response codes to treat as failure responses. The options include one or more of the following values, separating each entry with a space:
 400-699 - list codes individually

  • all – include all response codes from 400-699
  • all4xx – include all 4xx response codes
  • all5xx – include all 5xx response codes
  • all6xx – include all 6xx response codes

 When you use more than one value, enclose the values in square brackets [ ], separating each value with a space. Entering  a value without using brackets appends the value to the existing configurations.

The Failure Response Codes values for Path Check Profile and Sip Ars Profile within the same zone/TG has similiar values to avoid unexpected behavior. For example, it is not advised to set Path Check Profile Failure Response Code to "all" and Sip Ars Profile Failure Response Codes to "all4xx,all6xx".


In EMA, the Failure Response Codes are configured as comma separated values. In CLI, the values of the Failure Response Code are separated by space.


Specifies the ping protocol type used. sipOptions is the only option available.

Send Interval

Specifies the interval in which the PING request will be sent out to the endpoints duration (in seconds). Enter value in range of 1-600 seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
This is a mandatory field.

Reply Timeout

Specifies the number of consecutive error responses that should occur before adding the endpoints to the Blacklist. Enter value in range of 1-10. The default value is 6.
This is a mandatory field.

Recovery Count

Specifies the number of consecutive success responses to be received during recovery. Enter value in range of 1-10. The default value is 6.
This field is mandatory.

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