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In this section:

Table of Contents

Use this command to configure the D-SBC signaling ports for the IP Interface Group used to communicate between the signaling, media and transcoding SBCs.

The D-SBC Signaling Port configuration syntax, parameter descriptions and command examples are included in this section.

Include Page

Refer to Cluster Admin - CLI for configuration details.

Command Syntax

Code Block
% set system dsbc dsbcSigPort <DSBC_signaling_ports>
	addressContext <addressContext name>
	encryptionType <none>
	ipInterfaceGroup <IPIG name>
	ipPublicVarV4 <metaVariable>
	ipPublicVarV6 <metaVariable>
	ipVarV4 <metaVariable>
	ipVarV6 <metaVariable>
	mode <inService | outOfService>
	state <disabled | enabled>
	timers <keepalive | retry>
	transportType <tcp>
	type <ip>


Command Parameters

1DSBC Sig Port Parameters
3DSBC Sig Port Parameters
<metaVariable> – Name of the configuration variable use to fetch the IPv6 address.
addressContext N/A<addressContext name> – The name of the address context to use for the D-SBC IP Interface Group.

The encryption type used in the D-SBC signaling link.

  • none (default)
ipInterfaceGroup N/A

<IPIG name> – The name of the IP Interface Group used by the D-SBC signaling port.

ipPublicVarV41-255 characters<metaVariable> – The name of the metaVariable used to fetch the public/floating IPv4 address.
ipPublicVarV61-255 characters<metaVariable> – The name of the metaVariable used to fetch the public/floating IPv6 address.
ipVarV41-255 characters<metaVariable> – The name of the metaVariable used to fetch the IPv4 address.
ipVarV61-255 characters<metaVariable> – The name of the metaVariable used to fetch the IPv6 address.

The D-SBC Signal Listen Signaling Port mode.

  • inService
  • outOfService (default)

The state of the D-SBC Signal Listen Port.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Use this parameter to configure keep-alive and retry timers related to recovering a D-SBC signaling link when stable calls are present.

  • keepalive The D-SBC signaling channel keep-alive timer in seconds (range: 1-65535 / default = 3)
  • retry Retry time in seconds, the D-SBC attempts to recover a D-SBC Signaling Link (range: 1-600 / default = 20)

NOTE: Before changing the D-SBC timer value, disable dsbcSigPort by setting mode to 'outOfService' and state to 'disabled'. Once you commit the timer value, revert mode and state back to 'inService' and 'enabled', respectively.

transportType N/A

The transport type used for D-SBC signaling link.

  • tcp (default)

The interface type supported by the D-SBC.

ipPublicVarV4 <metaVariable> – Name of the configuration variable use to fetch the public/floating IPv4 address.
ipPublicVarV6 <metaVariable> – Name of the configuration variable use to fetch the public/floating IPv6 address.
ipVarV4 <metaVariable> – Name of the configuration variable use to fetch the IPv4 address.
  • ip (default)

Command Examples

To configure D-SBC Signaling Port:

Code Block
set system dsbc dsbcSigPort addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG1 type ip ipVarV4 IF2.IPV4 mode inService state enabled
Code Block
show details system dsbc dsbcSigPort 
type             ip;
ipInterfaceGroup LIG2;
addressContext   default;
ipVarV4          IF3.IPV4;
ipPublicVarV4    IF3.FIPV4;
transportType    tcp;
encryptionType   none;
mode             inService;
state            enabled;
timers {
    keepalive 3;
    retry     1;

To disable D-SBC Signaling Port:

Code Block
set system dsbc dsbcSigPort mode outOfService state disabled

To set the values of the keep-alive and retry timers to "3" and "20" seconds, respectively :

Code Block
set system dsbc dsbcSigPort timers keepalive 3 retry 20

To enable D-SBC Signaling Port:

Code Block
set system dsbc dsbcSigPort mode inService state enabled

To view the keep-alive timer value:

Code Block
show table system dsbc dsbcSigPort timers keepalive
keepalive 3; 

 To view the retry timer value:

Code Block
show table system dsbc dsbcSigPort timers retry
retry 20; 
