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Prerequisites to invoke MRF

The following existing controls that cause the SBC to include DSP applies when invoking MRF.

Create path check profile, ARS profile, and CAC profile during the initial configuration.

Include Page

Path Check Profile

The Path Check Profile specifies the conditions that constitute a connectivity failure, and in the event of such a failure, the conditions that constitute a connectivity recovery.

  • For more information on path check, refer Service Profiles - Path Check Profile
  • For more information on creating IP Peer, refer to System Provisioning - Ip Peer for GUI or Zone - IP Peer - CLI.


    If using an IP address, create different IP Peers for each IP addresses configured in MRF cluster profile as MRF IP address and attach the Path Check Profile.

    If using an FQDN, create the IP Peer with FQDN and attach the Path Check Profile.

ARS Profile

The Address Reachability Service (ARS) determines whether a server is reachable, able to blacklist a server IP address when unreachable, and remove the server from blacklist state. ARS profiles can be created to configure blacklisting and recovery algorithm variants. For more information, refer to Service Profiles - Sip Ars Profile (EMA) or SIP ARS Profile - CLI.

Create an ARS profile and attach to the MRF TG as configured in the cluster profile. The ARS feature controls the congestion to handle the 503 response.

CAC Profile

Invoking MRF Server

In a cluster profile, you can configure the routing type for FQDN or a list of IP addresses. If FQDN is chosen, the FQDN resolves into a list of IP addresses.

If the MRF profile is configured with a list of MRF server IP addresses and a call is routed to MRF server(s) as follows:

  • S-SBC tries to connect to the configured MRF server IP addresses in a round-robin fashion.
  • If any failure/no response is received from an MRF server for a specific IP address, the same IP address is blacklisted. When blacklisted, S-SBC continuously sends an option message to MRF server to check whether the IP is active/inactive. Once the IP is active, S-SBC removes the IP address from the blacklist state and tries to connect to the same IP when the next call is routed to MRF Server.
  • S-SBC tries for the next available MRF server IP address configured in the list alternatively.
  • This process is repeated until S-SBC either receives a SUCCESS response from any of the MRF servers or all the MRF server IP addresses in list is exhausted.

Example: The MRF profile is


Feature Overview

The Sonus Distributed SBC (D-SBC) solution distributes the core SBC components signaling, media and transcoding into discrete functional elements that allows SWe instance to instantiate and scale independently in their own respective clusters. This is ideal for greenfield deployments where all the three clusters are deployed; however, in an existing network, Sonus D-SBC uses the services of an external transcoder for audio transcoding.

In Sonus microservices architecture, the virtualized Sonus Signaling SBC (S-SBC) and Sonus Media SBC (M-SBC) instances supports signaling and media relay functionalities. Media Resource Function (MRF) supports any media inter-working requirement that includes transcoding/transrating. Sonus S-SBC invokes the MRF using a 3PCC call model as per RFC-4117.

Media Resource Function – Resource Manager (MRF-RM) runs on SBC and interacts with external third-party transcoder (MRF Server) to provide transcoding services. S-SBC manages the transcoding resources on MRF server remotely using SIP interface based on RFC-4117. Any third-party transcoder that supports SIP interface based on RFC-4117 can be used as MRF server with the SBC to provide Audio transcoding services.

Key features:

  • Supports all audio features
  • Supports mid-call modification to insert or remove the transcoder
  • MRF related information is logged in CDR:
    • Signaling IP/Port information

    • Local/Remote End Point information for both Ingress and Egress private leg towards MRF

  • Sonus PSX Packet Service Profile (PSP) control is used to invoke transcoding 

Prerequisites to invoke MRF

All existing controls that causes SBC to include DSP applies:

  • Configure MRF profile in S-SBC
  • Configure Private LIF Groups in M-SBC
  • Enable transcoding at PSP, refer Packet Service Profile - CLI.

    Additional Configuration

    Create path check profile, ARS profile, and CAC profile during the initial configuration.

    Path Check Profile

    The Path Check profile specifies the conditions that constitute a connectivity failure, and in the event of such a failure, the conditions that constitute a connectivity recovery.

  • For more info on path check, refer Service Profiles - Path Check Profile
  • For more info on creating IP Peer, refer System Provisioning - Ip Peer for GUI or zone ipPeer - CLI for CLI.

    In case of IP address, create different IP Peers for each IP addresses configured in MRF cluster profile as MRF IP address and attach the path check profile.

    In case of FQDN, create IP Peer with FQDN and attach the patch check profile.

    ARS Profile

    Address Reachability Service (ARS) determines whether a server is reachable, able to blacklist a server IP address when unreachable, and remove the server from blacklist state. ARS profiles can be created to configure blacklisting and recovery algorithm variants. For more info, refer Service Profiles - Sip Ars Profile.

    Create an ARS profile and attach to the MRF TG as configured in the cluster profile. The ARS feature controls the congestion to handle the 503 response.

    CAC Profile

    For TG CAC, create CAC profile and attach to the MRF TG as configured in the cluster profile.

    End point CAC does not support FQDN.

    Bandwidth CAC is not supported for both TG and Peer level.

    Invoking MRF Server

    In cluster profile, you can configure routing type as FQDN or list of IP addresses. In case of FQDN, the FQDN resolves into list of IP addresses.

    If the MRF profile is configured with a list of MRF server IP addresses and a call is routed to MRF server(s) as follows:such as IP1, IP2, IP3 and IP4, then for the 1st call, S-SBC tries to connect

    to the configured

    for MRF server

    IP addresses in a round-robin fashion.If any failure/no response is received from an MRF server for a specific IP address, the same IP address is blacklisted. When blacklisted

    IP1. Meanwhile, S-SBC

    continuously sends an option message to MRF server to check whether the IP is active/inactive. Once the IP is active, S-SBC removes the IP address from the blacklist state and tries to connect to the same IP when the next call is routed to MRF Server.
  • S-SBC tries for the next available MRF server IP address configured in the list alternatively.
  • This process is repeated until S-SBC either receives a SUCCESS response from any of the MRF servers or all the MRF server IP addresses in list is exhausted.
  • received 2nd, 3rd, 4th calls and connected to the MRF servers IP2, IP3 and IP4 respectively. For the 1st call, the S-SBC has received a Failure/No response from the MRF server IP1. Hence, the S-SBC tries with IP2 and connects successfully.

    Signaling and Media Flow

    Signaling and Media flow for a transcoded call using S-SBC, M-SBC and MRF:

    • S-SBC: Provides signaling services and responsible for allocating/activating/managing various resources (including MRF). Configures media flow through M-SBC and MRF.
    • M-SBC: Provides media services. Public interface is used to communicate with peers and private interface is used to communicate with MRF.
    • MRF: Provides transcoding services. Configured in private network of SBC and uses RFC-4117 interface to communicate with S-SBC.


    1Signaling and Media Flow

    Image Added


    Configure Private LIF Groups in M-SBC
    Configure Private LIF Groups in M-SBC
    Configure Private LIF Groups in M-SBC

    The following CLI command is required to configure the MRF cluster profile in M-SBC.

    To configure Private IP Interface Group that communicates towards MRF, execute the loadBalancingService set command:

    Code Block
    % set system loadBalancingService privateIpInterfaceGroupName <Private IP Interface Group Name>


    To view the configured Private IP Interface Group Name, execute the loadBalancingService show command:

    Code Block
    groupName         ;
    privateIpInterfaceGroupName SLIG2;


    Debug Stat Commands

    The following CLI can be used to get the media stats corresponding to private NIF resources for an MRF call.

    Code Block
    > show status global callRemoteMediaStatus
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 0 {
        streamId          0;
        resId             116;
        resType           xresUser;
        legId             0;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
        localRtpPort      1082;
        remoteRtpPort     8999;
        remoteRtcpPort    9000;
        rtpPacketSent     78;
        rtpPacketRecv     656;
        rtcpPacketSent    0;
        rtcpPacketRecv    0;
        rtpPacketDiscard  0;
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 1 {
        streamId          0;
        resId             117;
        resType           xresUser;
        legId             0;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
        localRtpPort      1140;
        remoteRtpPort     1076;
        remoteRtcpPort    1077;
        rtpPacketSent     656;
        rtpPacketRecv     78;
        rtcpPacketSent    0;
        rtcpPacketRecv    0;
        rtpPacketDiscard  0;
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 2 {
        streamId          0;
        resId             118;
        resType           xresUser;
        legId             1;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
        localRtpPort      1082;
        remoteRtpPort     8955;
        remoteRtcpPort    8956;
        rtpPacketSent     417;
        rtpPacketRecv     2;
        rtcpPacketSent    0;
        rtcpPacketRecv    0;
        rtpPacketDiscard  0;
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 3 {

    Example: The MRF profile is configured with a list of MRF server IP addresses such as IP1, IP2, IP3 and IP4, then for the 1st call, S-SBC tries to connect for MRF server IP1. Meanwhile, S-SBC received 2nd, 3rd, 4th calls and connected to the MRF servers IP2, IP3 and IP4 respectively. For the 1st call, the S-SBC has received a Failure/No response from the MRF server IP1. Hence, the S-SBC tries with IP2 and connects successfully.

    Signaling and Media Flow

    Signaling and Media flow for a transcoded call using S-SBC, M-SBC and MRF:

  • S-SBC: Provides signaling services and responsible for allocating/activating/managing various resources (including MRF). Configures media flow through M-SBC & MRF.
  • M-SBC: Provides media services. Public interface is used to communicate with peers & private interface is used to communicate with MRF.
  • MRF: Provides transcoding services. Configured in private network of SBC and uses RFC-4117 interface to communicate with S-SBC.
    1Signaling and Media Flow
    Image Removed

    CLI Changes

    AnchorConfigure MRF profile in S-SBCConfigure MRF profile in S-SBCConfigure MRF profile in S-SBC

    The following CLI commands are required to configure the MRF cluster profile in S-SBC.

    The MRF servers are configured as FQDN or IP Address is decided by Routing Type configured in the MRF Profile.

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType <Routing Type>
    Possible completions:       IpAddress  fqdn

    To configure the Domain Name of MRF Server, select FQDN:


    When FQDN routing is enabled, configure DnsGroup on zone in which mrfTgName is present.

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType fqdn mrffqdn <Domain Name>

    To configure an IP-Address for the MRF Server, select IpAddress.


    When Routing Type is selected as IP Address, minimum of one IP must be configured. In case of multiple IP addresses, each IP address is separated by a Comma (,).

    Sonus supports maximum of four IP address configuration.

    Minimum: 1

    Maximum: 4

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType IpAddress mrfIpAddress <MRF IP-Address>

    To configure a dedicated TG on MRF servers, execute below command:

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfTgName <MRF TG Name>

    To configure transport type for MRF server, execute below command:


    Default value is UDP.

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfTransportType  
    Possible completions:       TCP  TLS  UDP 

    To configure request URI sent in the invite towards the MRF server, execute below command:

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRequestUri <MRF Request URI>

    To configure Port of the MRF server in MRF Profile, execute below command:


    When the mrfRoutingType is selected as IpAddress, mrfPort default value is 5060.

    When the mrfRoutingType is selected as fqdn, mrfPort default value is 0. When the value for the port is 0, user must configure desired port in DNS server for SRV record.

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfPort <MRF Port>

    To configure the state of the MRF server, execute below command:

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf state <Enabled | Disabled> 

    Command Parameters

    1Command Parameters


    Parameter Name


    Default Value

    Parameter Description

    Mandatory / Optional
    mrfTgName1-24undefinedSpecifies Trunk Group Name used for MRF signaling.M

    Specifies Routing type used to send invite towards MRF server.


    • FQDN
    • IP Address
    mrfFqdn1-63undefinedSpecifies Domain Name of the MRF Server.M
    mrfIpAddressNAundefinedSpecifies IP Addresses of the MRF Server.M
    mrfRequestUri1-63undefinedSpecifies Request URI to be sent in Invite towards MRF Server.M

    For Fqdn - 0

    For IPAddress - 5060

    Specifies port of the MRF Server.


    Specifies transport to be used in communication with MRF Server.


    • TCP
    • TLS
    • UDP

    The admin state of the mrf cluster.


    • Enabled
    • Disabled

    Command Syntax

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf
    	mrfRoutingType <IpAddress | fqdn>
        mrfPort <5060 | 0> 
        mrfTgName <trunking group name>
        mrfTransportType <TCP| TLS| UDP>
        mrfRequestUri <Request URI>
        state <disabled | enabled> 

    Configuration Example

    Code Block
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRequestUri <>
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType <fqdn mrffqdn>
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfRoutingType IpAddress mrfIpAddress < fdda:5cc1:23:4::1f fdda:5cc1:23:4::1e>
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfTgName <MRF_TG>
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfTransportType <UDP>
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf mrfPort <5060>
    % set system dsbc cluster type mrf state <enabled> 
    AnchorConfigure Private LIF Groups in M-SBCConfigure Private LIF Groups in M-SBCConfigure Private LIF Groups in M-SBC

    To configure Private IP Interface Group that communicates towards MRF, execute below command:

    set system loadBalancingService

    Code Block
    % set system loadBalancingService privateIpInterfaceGroupName <Private IP Interface Group Name>


    To view the configured Private IP Interface Group Name, execute below command in M-SBC:

    show system loadBalancingService

    Code Block
    groupName         ;
    privateIpInterfaceGroupName SLIG2;


    Image Removed

    Debug Stat Commands

    The following CLI can be used to get the media stats corresponding to private NIF resources for an MRF call.

    show status global callRemoteMediaStatus

    Code Block
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 0 {
        resId             119;
        resType     streamId          0xresUser;
        resIdlegId             1161;
        resType nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
        localRtpPort      xresUser1142;
        legIdremoteRtpPort     1076;
        remoteRtcpPort    0;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
        localRtpPort      1082;
        remoteRtpPort     8999;
        remoteRtcpPort    90001077;
        rtpPacketSent     782;
        rtpPacketRecv     656417;
        rtcpPacketSent    0;
        rtcpPacketRecv    0;
        rtpPacketDiscard  0;
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 1 {


    Use the following CLI 'show' command to view the call stats for an MRF call.

    > show status global callDetailStatus

    The callDetailStatus command contains the following new fields (with example output):


    Code Block
    streamId 0; resId
     "fd00:10:6b50:4d51::3/ 1140 (rtcp: 1141)";
    ingressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddr    "fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f/ 1076 (rtcp: 1077)";
    egressPrivStream1LocalIpSockAddr      "fd00:10:6b50:4d51::3/ 1142 
    (rtcp: 1143)";
     "fd00:10:6b50:4d40::7e/ 1076 (rtcp: 1077)";
    nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
           "fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f/ 5060";
    Code Block
    show status global callDetailStatus
    callDetailStatus 67108888 {
        mediaStreams  1140;
        remoteRtpPort     1076;
        remoteRtcpPort    1077;
        rtpPacketSent     656;
        rtpPacketRecv     78audio;
        rtcpPacketSent state   0;
        rtcpPacketRecv    0;
        rtpPacketDiscard  0;
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 2 {
        streamId          0Stable;
        callingNumber resId             118;
        resType     "";
        calledNumber  xresUser;
        legId             1;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3) 7894561232;
        localRtpPortaddressTransPerformed      1082;
        remoteRtpPort     8955none;
        remoteRtcpPortorigCalledNum     8956;
        rtpPacketSent     417;
        rtpPacketRecv     2"";
        rtcpPacketSentscenarioType    0;
        rtcpPacketRecv    0;
        rtpPacketDiscard  0;
    callRemoteMediaStatus 67108888 3 {
     streamId   callDuration       0;
        resId             1196;
        resTypemediaType           xresUser;
        legId             1transcode;
        associatedGcid1 nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
        localRtpPort      1142;
        remoteRtpPort     107667108888;
        remoteRtcpPortassociatedGcid2    1077;
        rtpPacketSent     2;
        rtpPacketRecv     41767108888;
        associatedGcidLegId1    rtcpPacketSent    0;
        rtcpPacketRecv    01;
        associatedGcidLegId2  rtpPacketDiscard  0;

    To View the Call Remote Media Status on EMA

    1. Log on to EMA as admin user.

    2. Click ALL.

    3. On the navigation pane, click Global > CAC > Call Remote Media Status.

    Image Removed


    The following CLI can be used to get the call stats for an MRF call.

    show status global callDetailStatus


    The callDetailStatus command contains the following new fields:

        ingressSessionBandwidthkbps         32;
        egressSessionBandwidthkbps          16;
        ingressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr  "fd00:10:6b50:
     1082 (rtcp:
        ingressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr "fd00:10:6b50:
     8999 (rtcp:

        egressPrivStream1LocalIpSockAddr              "fd00:10:6b50:4d51::3/ 1142 (rtcp: 1143)";

        egressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddr          "fd00:10:6b50:4d40::7e/ 1076 (rtcp: 1077)";

        transcodeResType                                       mrf;

        mrfSignalingInfo                                           "fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f/ 5060";

    Code Block
    show status global callDetailStatus
    callDetailStatus 67108888 {
        egressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr   " 1082 (rtcp: 1083)";
        egressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr  " 8955 (rtcp: 8956)";
        ingressMediaStream1Security         rtp-disabled,rtcp-disabled;
        egressMediaStream1Security          rtp-disabled,rtcp-disabled;
        ingressMediaStream1Bandwidth  audio;
        state  32;
        egressMediaStream1Bandwidth         16;
        ingressMediaStream1IceState         NONE;
    egressMediaStream1IceState    callingNumber      NONE;
        ingressDtlsStream1             "";
        calledNumber DISABLED;
        egressDtlsStream1                   7894561232DISABLED;
        addressTransPerformedingressPrivStream1LocalIpSockAddr   "fd00:10:6b50:4d51::3/ 1140 (rtcp: 1141)";
        ingressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddr  "fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f/ 1076  none(rtcp: 1077)";
        origCalledNumegressPrivStream1LocalIpSockAddr    "fd00:10:6b50:4d51::3/ 1142 (rtcp: 1143)";
        egressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddr   "fd00:10:6b50:4d40::7e/ 1076        "(rtcp: 1077)";
        scenarioTypeiceCallTypes                        SIP_TO_SIPing-lcl-NONE,ing-rmt-NONE,eg-lcl-NONE,eg-rmt-NONE;
        callDurationtranscodeResType                        6mrf;
        mediaTypemrfSignalingInfo                           transcode;
        associatedGcid1                     67108888;
        associatedGcid2"fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f/ 5060";


    Use the following CLI 'show' command to view the call resource stats for an MRF call.

    show status global callResourceDetailStatus


    Value dresMrf indicates MRF is used for transcoding the call.

    Parameter: resType
    Value: dresMrf


    Code Block
    > show table global callResourceDetailStatus
        associatedGcidLegId1RES    RES            1;
        associatedGcidLegId2                0;LEG
    GCID    ingressSessionBandwidthkbps     INDEX  ID  32;
     RES TYPE  egressSessionBandwidthkbps          16;
    CALL ID   ingressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddrID  "fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3/ 1082 (rtcp: 1083)";
        ingressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr "fd00:10:6b50:4500::78/ 8999 (rtcp: 9000)";
        egressMediaStream1LocalIpSockAddr   " 1082 (rtcp: 1083)";
        egressMediaStream1RemoteIpSockAddr  " 8955 (rtcp: 8956)";
        ingressMediaStream1Security         rtp-disabled,rtcp-disabled;
        egressMediaStream1Security          rtp-disabled,rtcp-disabled;
        ingressMediaStream1Bandwidth NODE GCID AND IP ADDR
    67108894     0      116  xresUser         32;
       67108894 egressMediaStream1Bandwidth 0    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)
    67108894    16;
     1   ingressMediaStream1IceState   40   bresLe2LeRtcprelay  67108894 NONE;
     0   egressMediaStream1IceState  67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)
    67108894     2    NONE;
      117  ingressDtlsStream1xresUser            67108894  0    DISABLED;
    67108894    egressDtlsStream1 3      119  xresUser          DISABLED;
      67108894  1 ingressPrivStream1LocalIpSockAddr   "67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d514d50::3/ 1140 (rtcp: 1141)";
    67108894     4    ingressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddr  "fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f/ 1076 (rtcp: 1077)";
        egressPrivStream1LocalIpSockAddr41   bresLe2LeRtcprelay  67108894  1    "67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d514d50::3/ 1142 (rtcp: 1143)";
        egressPrivStream1RemoteIpSockAddr   "fd00:10:6b50:4d40::7e/ 1076 (rtcp: 1077)";
    67108894     5      118  xresUser     iceCallTypes       67108894  1    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)


    Use the following CLI 'show' command to view the call media leg information for an MRF call.

    Code Block
    > show status global callMediaStatus 
    callMediaStatus 67108888 {
    mediaStreamsInCall      transcodeResType                    mrfaudio;
        ingressMacHeader       mrfSignalingInfo                    "fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f/ 5060";

    To View the Call Detail Status on EMA

    1. Log on to EMA as admin user.

    2. Click ALL.

    3. On the navigation pane, click Global > CAC > Call Detail Status.

    Image Removed


    The following CLI can be used to get the call resource stats for an MRF call.

    show status global callResourceDetailStatus


    Value dresMrf indicates MRF is used for transcoding the call.

    Parameter: resType
    Value: dresMrf

    Code Block
    show status global callResourceDetailStatus 
        callResourceDetailStatus 67108888 0 {
        resId 0-17-A4-BF-81-0;
        egressMacHeader                             0-17-A4-BF-81-0;
        ingressBearerType                           116voice;
        egressBearerType resType           xresUser;
        callId            67108888voice;
        ingressCfgAudioType  legId              0;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
    callResourceDetailStatus 67108888 1 {     AMR/BWE;
        resIdegressCfgAudioType             117;
        resType           xresUserG723A;
        ingressActAudioType callId            67108888;
        legId        amrBwEfficient;
        egressActAudioType 0;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
    callResourceDetailStatus 67108888 2 {
        resId             24g723a53;
        resTypeingressRemPacketsLost           dresMrf;
        callId        0;
        ingressRFactorInbound 67108888;
        legId             1;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d30::7f);
    callResourceDetailStatus 67108888 3 {
        ingressRFactorOutbound      resId             119;
     resType   egressRemPacketsLost        xresUser;
        callId            671088880;
        egressRFactorInbound legId             1;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);
    callResourceDetailStatus 67108888 4 {
      resId     egressRFactorOutbound        118;
        resType           xresUser74;
        callId  mediaStream1Label          67108888;
        legId             1audio;
        nodeGcidAndIpAddr 67108894(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::3);

    show table global callResourceDetailStatus          

    Code Block
    mediaStream1Codec                           AMR/BWE;
     RES   ingressMediaStream1PacketsSent RES             57;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketsReceived          488;
        ingressMediaStream1OctetsSent LEG
    GCID         INDEX  ID   RES TYPE399;
        ingressMediaStream1OctetsReceived           13664;
        ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent         CALL ID0;
       ID ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived  NODE GCID AND IP ADDR
    67108894     0      116  xresUser            67108894  0    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)
    67108894     10;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketsLost              0;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded         0;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketLatency            0;
        ingressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter       4019;
       bresLe2LeRtcprelay ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived 67108894 0;
     0    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)
    67108894ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded 0;
         2ingressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure      117  xresUser  0;
        ingressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure      67108894  0    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)
        egressMediaStream1PacketsSent 3      119  xresUser      305;
        egressMediaStream1PacketsReceived   67108894  1    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)
    67108894  2;
       4 egressMediaStream1OctetsSent     41   bresLe2LeRtcprelay  67108894  1    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)
        egressMediaStream1OctetsReceived 5      118  xresUser   48;
        egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent     67108894  1    67108888(fd00:10:6b50:4d50::e)


    The following CLI can be used to get the call media leg information for an MRF call.

    show status global callMediaStatus

    Code Block
    show status global callMediaStatus 
    callMediaStatus 67108888 {0;
        egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived       0;
        mediaStreamsInCallegressMediaStream1PacketsLost               0;
        egressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded       audio;
     ingressMacHeader   egressMediaStream1PacketLatency             0;
        egressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter        0-17-A4-BF-81-0;
        egressMacHeaderegressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived   0;
        egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded  0;
        ingressBearerType                           voice;
        egressBearerType                            voice;
        ingressCfgAudioType                         AMR/BWE;
        egressCfgAudioType                          G723A;
        ingressActAudioType                         amrBwEfficient;
        egressActAudioType                          g723a53;
        ingressRemPacketsLost                       0;
        ingressRFactorInbound                       93;
        ingressRFactorOutbound                      93;
        egressRemPacketsLost                        0;
        egressRFactorInbound                        74;
        egressRFactorOutbound                       74;
        mediaStream1Label                           audio;
        mediaStream1Codec                           AMR/BWE;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketsSent              57;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketsReceived          488;
        ingressMediaStream1OctetsSent               399;
        ingressMediaStream1OctetsReceived           13664;
        ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent          0;
        ingressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived      0;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketsLost              0;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded         0;
        ingressMediaStream1PacketLatency            0;
        ingressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter       19;
        ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived  0;
        ingressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded 0;
        ingressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure          0;
        ingressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure        0;
        egressMediaStream1PacketsSent               305;
        egressMediaStream1PacketsReceived           2;
        egressMediaStream1OctetsSent                1220;
        egressMediaStream1OctetsReceived            48;
        egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsSent           0;
        egressMediaStream1RtcpPacketsReceived       0;
        egressMediaStream1PacketsLost               0;
        egressMediaStream1PacketsDiscarded          0;
        egressMediaStream1PacketLatency             0;
        egressMediaStream1InterarrivalJitter        0;
        egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsReceived   0;
        egressMediaStream1StunDtlsPacketsDiscarded  0;
        egressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure           0;
        egressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure         0;

    To View the Call Media Status on EMA

    1. Log on to EMA as admin user.

    2. Click ALL.

    3. On the navigation pane, click Global > CAC > Call Media Status.

    Image Removed


    EMA Changes

    Creating MRF Cluster Type

    To establish connection between SBC and MRF, create an MRF Cluster Type.

  • Log on to the EMA Configurator as admin.
  • Click All tab.
  • On the navigation pane, click System > DSBC > Cluster > Type.
    1Cluster Type
    Image Removed
    Click +New Type. By default, Create New Type window for Policer is displayed. To create MRF Type, select the Name as MRF.
    1Create New Type - Policer


    Image Removed


    To create MRF with Routing Type as FQDN:
  • In Name drop-down menu, choose MRF.
  • Select the State.
  • Select the MRF Routing Type as FQDN.
    1Create New Type - MRF with Routing Type as FQDN


    Image Removed
  • In MRF TG Name drop-down menu, choose MRF_TG.
  • Type MRF Request URI.
  • Type MRF Port.
  • In MRF Transport Type drop-down menu, choose the appropriate transport type.
  • Type MRFFQDN.
    To create MRF with Routing Type as IP Address V4 or V6:
    egressMediaStream1SrtpAuthFailure           0;
        egressMediaStream1SrtpReplayFailure         0;



  • In Name drop-down menu, choose MRF.
  • Type MRF IP Address.
  • Select the State.
  • Select the MRF Routing Type as IP Address V4 or V6.
    1Create New Type - MRF with Routing Type as IP Address V4 or V6


    Image Removed
  • In MRF TG Name drop-down menu, choose MRF_TG.
  • Type MRF Request URI.
  • Type MRF Port.
  • In MRF Transport Type drop-down menu, choose the appropriate transport type.
  • Click Save.
  • Modify MRF Cluster Type

  • Log on to the EMA Configurator as admin.
  • Click All tab.
  • On the navigation pane, click System > DSBC > Cluster > Type.
    1Type List


    Image Removed
     Select the radio button adjacent to the MRF name. The Edit Selected Type window is displayed.
    1Edit Selected Type - IP Address


    Image Removed
    1Edit Selected Type - FQDN


    Image Removed
  • To modify the Type, you must first select the State as Disabled, and click Save.

  • Select the radio button adjacent to the MRF name.

  • Make the relevant modifications, and select State as Enabled.

  • Click Save.

  • Deleting MRF Cluster Type

  • Log on to the EMA Configurator as admin.
  • Click All tab.
  • On the navigation pane, click System > DSBC > Cluster > Type.

  • To delete the Type, you must first select the MRF cluster profile State as Disabled, and click Save.

  • Once the Type is listed, click Delete this element button adjacent to MRFFQDN column.
    1Type List


    Image Removed

    Creating Policer Cluster Type

    To establish connection between SBC and MRF, create an Policer Cluster Type.

  • Log on to the EMA Configurator as admin.
  • Click All tab.
  • On the navigation pane, click System > DSBC > Cluster > Type.
    1Type List


     Image Removed
    Click +New Type. By default, Create New Type window for Policer is displayed.
    1Create New Type - Policer


    Image Removed


    1. In Name drop-down menu, choose Policer.
    2. Select the State.
    3. Type FQDN.
    4. In DNS Group drop-down menu, choose the DNS Group.
    5. Click Save.

    Modifying Policer Cluster Type

  • Log on to the EMA Configurator as admin.
  • Click All tab.
  • On the navigation pane, click System > DSBC > Cluster > Type.
    1Type List


    Image Removed
    Select the radio button adjacent to the Policer name. The Edit Selected Type window is displayed.
    1Edit Selected Type


    Image Removed


  • To modify the Type, you must first select the State as Disabled, and click Save.

  • Select the radio button adjacent to the Policer name.

  • Make the relevant modifications, and select State as Enabled.

  • Click Save.

  • Deleting Policer Cluster Type

  • Log on to the EMA Configurator as admin.
  • Click All tab.
  • On the navigation pane, click System > DSBC > Cluster > Type.

  • Once the Type is listed, click Delete this element button adjacent to MRFFQDN column.
    1Type List



    Image Removed

    CAM Changes

    Four new fields indicating the Ingress and the Egress Leg media connection details towards MRF is added as sub-fields to existing CDR field, Media Stream Data (field#230) 

    1CDR Fields and Descriptions


    CDR FieldsLength/RangeDescriptionsSample Value
    Ingress Private Leg Local EP157Contains the Ingress Leg local media IP and port offered by DSBC in the INVITE message to MRF.
    Ingress Private Leg Remote EP157Contains the Ingress Leg remote media IP and port present in the answer SDP received from MRF.
    Egress Private Leg Local EP157Contains the Egress Leg local media IP and port offered by DSBC in the INVITE message to MRF.
    Egress Private Leg Remote EP157Contains the Egress Leg remote media IP and port present in the answer SDP received from MRF.
    Transcode Resource Type4Indicates the type of transcoder used for the call.TSBC/MRF

    Stores MRF related information.


    • Signaling IP
    • Signaling PORT


    Port: 1099

    New Standards

    Sonus S-SBC invokes the MRF using a 3PCC call model as per RFC-4117.

    SBC Platforms Supporting this Feature

    1Supported Platform


    Virtualization/Cloud Platforms

    For Cloud:

    SWe on OpenStack (D-SBC)