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In the EMA, navigate to All > Profiles > Signaling > Atprofile > Access Transfer Policy Profile Type_.


The window Access Transfer Policy Profile Type_ appears.

1Access Transfer Policy Profile Type_ window

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From the dropdown menu Atprofile, select an Atprofile.

1Atprofile dropdown menu

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After selection of an Atprofile, the frame Edit Access Transfer Policy Profile Type_ appears.

1Edit window for Access Transfer Poilicy Profile Type_

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The fields in the Edit Access Transfer Policy Profile Type_ frame are:

FieldOptions/Possible ValuesDescription
Access Transfer Policy Profile TypeATCF | EATF

The Access Transfer Control Function (ATCF) in the serving (visited if roaming) network provides the proxy role as well as B2BUA functionality (based on the call flow being processed) as defined in the IMS specifications. When SRVCC is enhanced with ATCF, the ATCF is included in the session control plane for the duration of the call before and after Access Transfer. The ATCF may be co-located with one of the existing functional entities within the serving network (i.e. P-CSCF or IBCF).

Emergency Access Transfer Function (EATF) provides IMS-based mechanisms for enabling service continuity of IMS emergency sessions. It is a function in the serving (visited if roaming) IMS network, providing the procedures for IMS emergency session anchoring and PS to CS Access Transfer. The EATF acts as a routing B2BUA which invokes third party call control (3pcc) to enable Access Transfer.

Refer to ATCF and EATF Support for details.


Click Save to save the changes made. Click Undo Edits to undo all changes since the last saved configuration.

On saving the changes successfully, the Success message appears:

1Success message for edit

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