Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titlecommonIpAttributes flags (s)
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <profile_name> commonIpAttributes flags 
	sdpOlineOnlyCompares <disable | enable> 
	sendAllAllowedCodecsForLateMediaInviteOrReInvite <disable | enable> 
	sendDirectMediaInfoInSdpAttribute <disable | enable> 
	sendOnlyPreferredCodec <disable | enable>
	sendPtimeInSdp <disable | enable> 
	sendRTCPBandwidthInfo <disable | enable>
	sendRtcpPortInSdp <disable | enable> 
	sessionTimerRefreshUpdate <disable | enable> 
	setAcceptHeaderToApplicationSdpOnly <disable | enable> 
	setOlineDash <disable | enable> 
	setSessionVersionZero <disable | enable> 
	setSlineDash <disable | enable> 
	skipPsxQueryForRefer <disable | enable> 
	storePChargingFuncAddr <disable | enable> 
	storePChargingVector <disable | enable> 
	storePathHeader <disable | enable> 
	storeServiceRouteHeader <disable | enable>
	supportSCSCFRestorationProcedures <disable | enable>
	suppressMinSeIfNotReceived <disable | enable>


sdpOlineOnlyComparesWhen enabled, the SBC checks only the o-line when comparing SDPs. When disabled, the SBC checks the entire SDP body when comparing SDPs.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

Excerpt Include
SDP Support
SDP Support


See SDP Support for examples of the above behavior.

Configuration options:

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendDirectMediaInfoInSdpAttributeEnable flag to send direct media information in the SDP attribute X-DMI.
  • disable (default)

  • enable


The 'directMediaAllowed' flag must be disabled on the associated trunk group.


Enable this flag on Answer side to send a single preferred codec in an Answer for an Initial Offer or Re-Invite. Enable flag on Offer side to send the most preferred codec in a re-INVITE offer. When disabled, the SBC sends all possible pass-through codecs in the route Packet Service Profile when the call is answered.

This flag is used primarily in pass-through cases where more than one pass-through codec is possible. When generating an answer, the SBC chooses the most preferred codec based on the ordered list created by Send Route Preference (SRP)/Honor Remote Preference (HRP). Note that when this flag is disabled SBC sends all possible pass-through codecs in the answer or the Route Packet Service Profile when generating a re-INVITE offer. For offers generated by the SBC, especially in HOLD/RESUME cases, only the most preferred codec is sent in a re-INVITE offer when this flag is enabled.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendPtimeInSdpEnable flag to allow the SBC to send a=ptime in the SDP.
  • disable (default)
  • enable


Enable flag to send the RR and RS bandwidth information, as well as "b=RR:" and "b=RS:" in the SDP offer.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
sendRtcpPortInSdpWhen enabled, 
adds the attribute,a=rtcp:<rtcpPort> to the audio and video m lines in the outgoing SDP (Rtcp port mentioned will be SBC RTP port + 1).
  • disable (default)
  • enable
sessionTimerRefreshUpdateEnable flag to control session timer refresh method with SIP peers via UPDATE messages. When disabled, the 
sends INVITE messages.
  • disable (default)
  • enable


This flag is only accessible when the flag "minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll"  is set to "enable".

setAcceptHeaderToApplicationSdpOnlyUse flag to specify the Accept header format in SIP messages expected by the remote peer. When enabled, the remote peer receives a short Accept header format containing the application/SDP value only. When disabled, the remote peer receives the standard Accept header format containing all of the standard parameters.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
setOlineDashSpecifies the SDP O-Line format in the SDP of SIP messages expected by the remote peer. When enabled, the remote peer receives an O-Line format in which the username component is set to a "-" (dash). When disabled, the remote peer receives the standard O-Line format containing all of the O-Line parameters, including the username.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
setSessionVersionZeroEnable flag to set the session version to zero in the o-line of the outbound SDP. When disabled, the 
assigns a session version randomly.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
setSlineDashSpecifies the SDP S-Line format in the SDP of SIP messages expected by the remote peer.
  • disable (default) – Remote peer receives standard S-Line format containing all of the S-Line parameters.
  • enable – Remote peer receives a short S-Line format containing a dash only (s=-).
skipPsxQueryForReferSet flag to skip the ERE query for Refer flag.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
storePChargingFuncAddrSet this flag to store the values received in the PCFA header in a request or response. The stored value is added to a subsequent response or a request based on the flag addPChargingFuncAddr.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

When this flag is enabled, the SBC stores the P-Charging-Vector (PCV) received in requests. When the response is forwarded back, the stored PCV is inserted and sent. If the SBC receives the PCV when this flag is disabled, the SBC ignores the PCV and does not log the CDR.

  • disable (default)
  • enable


Example of SBC acting as IBCF:
           INVITE (PCV1) --> SBC --> INVITE
           200 OK (PCV1) <-- SBC <-- 200 OK

storePathHeaderSet this flag to locally store (cache) a Path header received in an incoming REGISTER request.
  • disable (default)
  • enable
storeServiceRouteHeaderSet this flag to locally store (cache) a Service-Route header received in an incoming 200 OK response to REGISTER.
  • disable (default)
  • enable

SBC acting as P-CSCF rejects a request with 504 (Server Time-out) response carrying MIME body of type application/3gpp-ims+xml, if SBC does not receive any response to the request from S-CSCF network or the next hop address is blacklisted as part of ARS (Address Reachability Service) service (see IMS Restoration Procedures for addtional details).

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Enable flag to add Min-SE header to re-INVITEs/UPDATEs only if it exists in the previous offer/answer. When this flag is disabled, Min-SE is always added to session refreshes.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
