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Back to CLI Basics

The CLI Help feature is a fast and simple means to learn more about the available commands and correct command syntax.


  1. To see available System-level CLI commands, at the CLI prompt (for example, admin@server1>), type ?.
    A list of the possible System-level commands appears:

    Code Block
    change-password - Change your password
    commit          - Confirm a pending commit
    configure       - Manipulate software configuration information
    exit            - Exit the management session
    help            - Provide help information
    quit            - Exit the management session
    request         - Make system-level requests
    reset           - Reset the terminal
    set             - Set CLI properties
    set-path        - Set relative show path
    show            - Show information about the system
    source          - File to source
    top             - Exit to top level and optionally run command
    up              - Exit one level of configuration
  2. To see the possible entries that can come next in a System-level command sequence, enter the first part of the command, and then enter a space followed by ?.
    Example: To find the entries that can come next in a show command, enter show and then press the ?. The following displays:

    Code Block
    Possible completions:  
      addressContext - Objects scoped to a specific IP addressing domain.
      details        - Show details.
      displaylevel   - Depth to show.
      global         - Global objects that are applicable Node wide.
      oam            - Operations and Maintenance objects.
      profiles       - Profiles of configuration shared by multiple objects.
      system         - System-level configuration.
    Example: To find the entries that can come next in a configure command, enter configure and then enter a space followed by the ?. The following is displayed:
    Possible completions:
      exclusive  private 

    Example: To find the entries that can come next in a configure command, enter configure and then enter a space followed by the ?. The following is displayed:

    Code Block
    Possible completions:   
      exclusive  private

     If you are in the configuration mode (for example, you entered configure private and the prompt is followed by a %, such as admin@server1%), then  type ? to see the commands that are available. The following displays:

    Code Block
    Possible completions:
    commit - Commit current set of changes
    delete - Delete a data element
    edit - Edit a sub-element
    exit - Exit from this level
    help - Provide help information
    quit - Exit from this level
    request - Make system-level requests
    revert - Copy configuration from running
    rollback - Roll back database to last committed version
    set - Set a parameter
    show - Show a parameter
    status - Display users currently editing the configuration
    top - Exit to top level and optionally run command
    up - Exit one level of configuration


