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This section describes the status of the server module.

On the SBC main screen, go to All > System >Server Status. The Server Status window is displayed.

System - Server Status
1Server Status - 2x10 Gbps Packet Port Example

Image Added

1Server Status - 4x1 Gbps Packet Port Example

Image Modified


For 1:1 formation formations on AWS (supported by the in Centralized mode), the Server Status object of the in EMA display displays results for both active and standby volumes. This is because in Centralized mode, the active and standby volumes are always synchronized with each other. 

N:1 formations supported by the in Distributed mode is are not available on the AWS platform.

For more information on Centralized and Distributed modes, refer to System - Admin.

The following fields are displayed:

1System - Server Status parameters




Specifies unique name of the server.

Hw Type

Identifies the type of server module the indexed slot has been configured to accept. Server modules other than this type are rejected by the System Manager.

Serial Num

Identifies the serial number of the server module. This is the serial number assigned to the server module at manufacture.

Part Num

Identifies the part number of the module. This is the part number assigned to the module at manufacture.

Platform Version

Indicates the platform version currently running on server.

Application Version

Indicates the application version currently running on server.

Mgmt Redundancy Role

Indicates the redundancy role of the server (for management entities).

Up Time

Indicates the server module uptime in days/hours/minutes/sec.

Application Up Time

Indicates the application uptime on the server in days/hours/minutes/sec.

Last Restart Reason

Indicates the reason for last restart of the server.

Sync Status

Indicates the inter-CE data synchronization state.

Daughter Board Present

Indicates if the daughter board exists.

Current TimeIndicates the current system time.
Pkt Port SpeedPacket port speed setting.
Actual CE Name

Cloud platform: The CE Name provided in the user data.

Non-Cloud platform: The SBC name entered during the SBC application installation.

NOTE: If an instance name is not assigned, this field displays the default instance name.

Hw Subscription Type

This field stores the SBC SWe subscription type to distinguish between cloud and non-cloud environments.

  • Virtual – SBC SWe configured for a Virtual (non-Cloud) environment.
  • Virtual Cloud – SBC SWe configured for a Cloud environment.

NOTE:  For non-SWe systems, this field simply displays the hardware model number.

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