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Channels and Routing - Field Definitions

TypeModified For

1Channels and Routing - Field Descriptions
3Channels and Routing - Field Descriptions
Channel Hunting

Method that Call Control uses to allocate ISDN channels. This is only valid for Outbound or Bidirectional Direction settings.

  • Standard: This option assigns the first available low numbered channel.
  • Reverse Standard: This option assigns the last available high numbered channel.
  • Round Robin: This option assigns channels based on next available from low numbered to high numbered.
  • Least Idle: This option chooses channels based on the least idle channel.
  • Most Idle: This option chooses channels based on the most idle channel.

Indicates the direction of calls supported

  • Inbound: Support only incoming calls from ISDN endpoints.
  • Outbound: Support only outgoing call to ISDN endpoints.
  • Bidirectional: Support both incoming or outgoing calls to ISDN endpoints.
 Tone TableSpecifies the Tone Table to use on this signaling group. This option is only available when Inbound or Bidirectional is the value for the Direction field.
 Action Set Table

Specifies the Action Set Table to use on this signaling group. This option is only available when Inbound or Bidirectional is the value for the Direction field.

Call Routing Table

Specifies the Call Route Table to use on the signaling group to route calls with. This option is only available when Inbound or Bidirectional is the value for the Direction field.

No Channel Available Override

Note: This field relates only to Inbound calls on the Signaling Group, where applied; the field applies for SBC 1000/2000 only.

In the event of a call release due to the No Channel/Circuit available release cause code, the specified cause code is sent to the relevant protocol module. For more information, refer to the list of Cause Codes.

For details refer to Example - No Channel Available Override.

Play Inband Message Post-Disconnect

Enables playing an inband message when a Progress Indicator is provided on the ISDN disconnect message. Valid entries: Yes (inband message is played post-disconnect) or No (inband message is not played).

Convert DISC PI=1.8 to Progress When a Disconnect message with PI=1,8 is received from the ISDN, this field enables the SBC to send a 183 with SDP.  Valid options: Yes (SBC sends 183 with SDP) or No (does not send 183 with SDP). Default value: No.

This field supports the following example scenario:Convert DISC PI=1.8 to Progress

Maximum Message Play Time

This parameter defines the timeout value for the inband message play time (when Play Inband Message post-disconnect is configured as Yes). Valid range: 0 - 300 seconds. Default value: 10 Seconds. This field is displayed only when Play Inband Message post-disconnect is set to Yes. When set to 0, the SBC does not monitor message play time and does not release the channel by itself.
Immediate Disconnect on CauseCodeSpecifies that the channel is immediately disconnected when a DISCONNECT message progress indicator is received and there is a Cause Code match. The Cause Code is specified in the Q.850 Cause Codes text box. This field is only visible when the Yes is selected in the Play Inband Message Post-Disconnect list box.
q.850 Cause Codes

A list of user specified Q.850 Cause Codes. If any of the specified Cause Codes appear in the DISCONNECT message, the channel is disconnected immediately. This field is only visible when the Yes is selected in the Immediate Disconnect On Causecode list box.

Call Setup Response Timer

Specifies the interval of time, in seconds, after an call is initiated that the

SBC 1000/2000 waits for a call to connect before terminating the incoming call.
