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1optionsPing Parameters



cmds optionsPing

The commands object used to ping a SIP peer using SIP OPTIONS method.

  • peerFQDN <string> – Use this parameter to activate a single options ping request to a particular FQDN peer (this command will be successful on the first responded OPTIONS request). The SBC sends the OPTIONS request to the highest priority FQDN-resolved IP. If required, the SBC retransmits the request eight additional times. If there is no response to any of these requests, SBC sends the OPTIONS request to the next FQDN resolved IP. 
  • peerIpAddress – The IPv4 or IPv6 Peer SIP Address to ping.
  • peerPort – The Peer SIP Port Number to ping. (Default = 5060)
  • sigPort – The Signaling Port number to use for the ping.
  • transport – The Transport protocol. Select any one of the following transport types:
    • tcp
    • tls
    • udp (default)


Use this command to perform manual actions against a specific DNS group.

Command Syntax

Command syntax to initiate action on DNS group object:


1dnsGroup request Parameters




clearCache  Clear the cache of the matching record.
dnsServerResetN/AResets Reset all the DNS server statistics.

Perform a DNS query to the server, with following additional configurations.

  • dnsServer  – <server name>DNS server to use to perform lookup.
  • fqdn <FQDN> – Domain to use for lookup.
  • recordType – Specify whether to use the DNS server for just A-record lookups, or for full NAPTR/SRV/A lookup as specified in RFC3263
    • a
    • aaaa
    • naptr
    • ns
    • srv

Updates the cache of the matching record with the new TTL value.

  • fqdn <FQDN> – FQDN to be updated from the Cache.
  • recordType – Specifies whether to use the DNS server for just A-record lookups, or for full NAPTR/SRV/A lookup as specified in RFC3263.
    • a
    • aaaa
    • naptr
    • ns
    • srv
  • ttl <value> – Enter new TTL value (time in seconds to cache a particular record).

Command Examples

To send the manual DNS query with server:

Code Block
> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> query dnsServer <dnsServerName> fqdn <fqdnValue> recordType <a | aaaa | srv | ns | naptr>

To send the manual DNS query without DNS server:

Code Block
> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> query fqdn <fqdnValue> recordType <a | aaaa | srv | ns | naptr>

To clear the particular DNS group cache (under Address Context):

Code Block
> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> clearCache

 To clear a particular Domain Name/FQDN under a DNS Group (under Address Context):

Code Block
> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> clearCache domainName <domainName>

To clear a particular record under Address Context:

Code Block
> request addressContext <addressContextName> dnsGroup <dnsGroupName> clearCache domainName <domainName> recordType <a | aaaa | srv |naptr>

To clear the full DNS Cache, use the command:

Code Block
> request global dnsClearCache



This object allows you to remove Dynamic Blacklist (DBL) entries for the specified IP address.
