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Code Block
% set profiles media toneAndAnnouncementProfile <profile name> 
		signalingTonePackageState <disable | enable> 
			dynamicLRBT <disable | enable>
			forceLRBT <disable | enable>
			useThisLrbtForEgress <disable | enable> 
			useThisLrbtForIngress <disable | enable> 
		makeInbandToneAvailable <disable | enable> 
		precedence <higher | lower> 
		signalingTonePackage <name> 
		announcementPackageState <disable | enable> 
		announcementPackage <name> 
		override <disable | enable> 
		sigTonePackage <name> 


1Tone and Announcement Profile Parameters

NOTE: To support dynamic LRBT for forking behavior of the last provisional response till 180 is received, both this flag and the SIP Trunk Group flag "firstRtp" must be enabled. If firstRtp is enabled, but dynamicLRBT is disabled, forking behavior defaults to the last provisional response. 

  • forceLRBT – Enable this flag to force the SBC to use the signaling tone package specified in this Tone and Announcement Profile, overriding any ringback tone generated/indicated by the egress end.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • useThisLrbtForEgress – Enable flag to use LRBT for egress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • useThisLrbtForIngress – Enable flag to use LRBT for ingress trunk group.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • makeInbandToneAvailable – Enable flag to insert an in-band tone indicator (OBCI in the case of ISUP) in a backward message (for example, ACM) when playing local ring back.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • precedence – Set this parameter when both the ingress and egress trunk groups have a LRBT associated with them and you want to specify which one has priority over the other.
    • higher
    • lower (default)
  • signalingTonePackage – Enter the signaling tone package to use for calls associated with the specified ingress and/or egress trunk group(s).
  • signalingTonePackageState – Enable flag to configure a signaling tone package.
    • disable (default)
    • enable
  • To configure localRingBackTone options, the signalingTonePackageState must first be enabled.






    Use this object to configure the Tone and Announcement Profile.


    NOTE: To configure localRingBackTone options, first enable the signalingTonePackageState flag.

    This parameter configures the LRBT settings.

    • flags – Flags to enable/disable LRBT for egress and ingress trunk groups.
      • dynamicLRBT – Enable flag to determine selection of provisional response for cut-through based on the arrival of media packets.
        • disable (default)
        • enable



    This parameter configures the Tone and Announcement package.

    • announcementPackageState– Enable flag to configure the announcement package.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • announcementPackage – Enter the announcement package to use for calls associated with the specified ingress and/or egress trunk group(s).
    • override – When profiles are assigned to both ingress and egress trunk groups, enable this flag to override settings and use this specific announcement profile for both call legs.
      • disable (default)
      • enable
    • sigTonePackage – Enter the signaling tone package to use for calls associated with the specified ingress and/or egress trunk group(s).
