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The EMS uses the EMS CALEA user role for all LI configuration operations from and to the SBC Configurator, and the admin user role for communicating over netconf to the SBC. The EMS creates the SBC CALEA user credentials automatically when a SBC (including the SBC Configurator) registers to it. Cloud SBC instances are registered dynamically in the EMS.


A single CDC configuration is supported per cluster.


To configure CDC for cloud M-SBC instance:

  • Instantiate EMS SWe instance with LI interface support using the EMS_SA_HEAT_TEMPLATE_VERIZON Heat Template. For more information,




M-SBC Basic Configuration

To create basic configuration for M-SBC:

  1. Log on to EMS as admin user. 
  2. Under Network Mgmnt, click Cluster / VNF Management. The Cluster/VNF Management window is displayed. 

  3. Create M-SBC cluster. For more information,


  1. refer to Creating an SBC SWe Cluster.

  2. Click Configurations tab.

  3. Click New Configuration. The New Configuration pane is displayed.

    1New Configuration

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  4. Click Master Configurator tab.
  5. Select the version of the configuration from the Version drop-down.

  6. Select an SBC Configurator instance from the Master Configurator drop-down.
    This node is used to create the configuration. The SBC Configurator nodes are displayed based on the version selected. Only unlocked SBC Configurator nodes are listed.

  7. Enter a name for the configuration in the Configuration Name field. The SBC configuration name can contain only letters, numbers, dashes (-), apostrophes ('), underscores (_), colons (:) and spaces.


    The cluster ID is set as the default name for the first configuration. You can modify the name. The name must be unique.

    The subsequent configurations are named with a combination of cluster name and some unique identifying information. The default name varies based on how the configuration is created.

  8. Click Create. A circular progress bar is displayed against the Master Configurator node. It takes around six minutes to load master configuration.

    1Configurator Loading

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    When the Master Configurator node is loaded, the Open Editor button is displayed next to the Master Configurator node.

    1Open Editor

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  9. Click Open Editor. The SBC Configuration Manager window is displayed

    1SBC Configuration Manager

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  10. Create the basic M-SBC configuration on the SBC configurator. For information on M-SBC configuration, refer to Configuring M-SBC.
  11. Click Apply Saved Changes and Close. A circular progress bar is displayed.

    1Saving Configuration

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    The configuration is saved on EMS SWe and the following window is displayed:

    1Locked Configurator

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  12. Create CDC configuration


  1. (Proceed to Configuring CDC using EMS CALEA User Account).

Configuring CDC using EMS CALEA User Account


Configuring CDC using EMS CALEA User Account
Configuring CDC using EMS CALEA User Account

For LI, the CDC configuration is performed using the CDC Configuration Manager through EMS. You can Create CDC information only as EMS calea user from the EMS CDC configuration window.


Enable calea user. For information,


refer to Enabling Lawful Intercept on EMS Standalone.


  1. Log on to EMS as calea user.
  2. Under Network Mgmnt, click Lawful Intercept. The Lawful Intercept CDC Provisioning window is displayed.
  3. Click Cluster CDC tab. The Cluster CDC pane is displayed.

    1Cluster CDC Tab

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    The following parameters are displayed:
    1Cluster Configuration Parameters


  1.  ParameterDescription
    Locked ConfigurationSpecifies the configuration name.
    Configuration RoleSpecifies the type of the configuration role. The roles are Default and Alternate.
    ClusterSpecifies the name of the cluster.
    Master ConfiguratorSpecifies the name of the locked master configurator instance.

  2. Select the M-SBC cluster with locked configurator node.
  3. Click Launch CDC Configuration Manager. The SBC Configuration Manager window is displayed.

    1Launch CDC Configuration Manager

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  4. Create Call Data Channel for M-SBC


  1. (Proceed to Creating Call Data Channel for M-SBC).

Creating Call Data Channel for M-SBC


Creating Call Data Channel for M-SBC
Creating Call Data Channel for M-SBC


The SBC SWe provides the ability to configure the IP address, TCP port, and other parameters used for communication towards the mediation server.

To create a new Call Data Channel:

  1. In the SBC Configuration Manager window, navigate to ConfigurationIntercept > Call Data Channel. The Call Data Channel window is displayed.

    1Call Data Channel Window

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  2. Select default from Address Context drop-down menu.

    1Call Data Channel for M-SBC

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  3. Click New Call Data Channel. The Create New Call Data Channel window is displayed.


    You can configure the LI using the default Address Context only.

  4. Specify the following values:
    1. Name: Type the name of the call data channel.

    2. Intercept Standard: Select packetcable from the drop-down menu.

    3. Vendor ID: Select ss8 from the drop-down menu.

    4. RTCP Interception: Select Enabled.
    5. Media IP Interface Group Name: Select media IP interface group name from the drop-down menu.

      1Creating New Call Data Channel

      Image Modified

      1Creating New Call Data Channel Parameters



    1.  ParameterDescription
      NameSpecifies the name of the CDC.
      Intercept StandardSpecifies the intercept standard used.
      Vendor IdSpecifies the vendor of the LI server used.
      RTCP InterceptionSpecifies to intercept RTCP data. The values are
      • Disabled (default) 
      • Enabled
      Media IP interface Group NameSelect Media IP interface Group Name.

  1. Click Save. The object is created successfully.

  2. Click OK.

    1Call Data Channel List

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  3. Configure mediation server


  1. (Proceed to Creating Mediation Server).

Creating Mediation Server


Creating Mediation Server
Creating Mediation Server

After the Call Data Channel is created, you must create Mediation Server objects associated with the Call Data Channel. The CDC configuration supports configuring up to eight Mediation Servers.

To create mediation server:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel > Mediation Server. The Mediation Server window is displayed.

    1Mediation Server

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  2. Select default from Address Context drop-down menu.

  3. Select the Call Data Channel created for M-SBC from the drop-down menu.

    1New Mediation Server

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  4. Click New Mediation Server. The Create New Mediation Server window is displayed.

  5. Type the mediation server name in Msname.

    1Creating New Mediation Server

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  6. Click Save. The Object is created successfully.

  7. Click OK. The Mediation Server List window is displayed. You can create up to eight mediation servers for M-SBC.

    1Mediation Server List

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  8. Configure TCP


  1. (Proceed to Mediation Server - Media - TCP).

Mediation Server - Media




Mediation Server - Media - TCP
Mediation Server - Media - TCP



screen includes the LI Mediation Server TCP Media intercept parameters.

To view TCP parameters:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel > Mediation Server > Media > TCP. The TCP window is displayed.


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    1TCP Parameters
    Parameter Description
    IP Address V4 or V6IPV4/IPV6 address of the mediation server for media interception over TCP.
    Port NumberSpecifies the port number of the mediation server for media interception over TCP. Range is 0 - 65535.
    DSCP ValueSpecifies the DSCP value for intercepted media packets sent on TCP port. Default value is 16 and range is 0 - 63.

    Specifies the mode of the TCP connection towards the mediation server for media interception. The Options are:

    • In Service
    • Out of service (default)

    Specifies the state of the TCP connection towards the mediation server for media interception. The Options are:

    • Disabled (default) 
    • Enabled
    KA TimeSpecifies the duration between two keep alive transmissions in idle condition. The default value is 180.
    KA IntervalSpecifies the duration between two successive keep alive re-transmissions, if acknowledgement to the previous keep alive transmission is not received. The default value is 30.
    KA ProbeSpecifies the number of re-transmissions to be carried out before declaring that remote end is not available. The default value is 4.

  2. Select default from the Address Context drop-down menu.

  3. Select the Call Data Channel from the drop down menu.

  4. Select the Mediation Server from the drop-down menu.

  5. Configure the required details.


    The configurations can only be updated with State as Disabled and Mode as Out Of Service.

    1Editing TCP - Out of Service

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  6. Click Save. The object is Updated Successfully.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Enable the mediation server by changing the State as Enabled and Mode as In Service.

    1Editing TCP - In Service

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  9. Click Save to save the configuration.
  10. Click Apply Saved Changes and Close.

  11. Activate the CDC configuration



Activating CDC Configuration for M-SBC


Activating CDC Configuration for M-SBC
Activating CDC Configuration for M-SBC

To activate a cluster configuration for SBC SWe:

  1. Log on to EMS as admin user.
  2. Under Network Mgmnt, click Cluster / VNF Management. The Cluster/VNF Management window is displayed.
  3. Select the M-SBC cluster for which the CDC configuration is created.

  4. Click Configuration tab. The Configuration pane is displayed.

    1Configuration Pane
    3Configuration Pane

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  5. In Configuration Role column, select the configuration role to activate.
  6. Click Activate Configuration. The Activation in progress status is displayed. When the activation is completed, the nodes in the cluster are updated with the active configuration, the Configuration Status is displayed as Last update complete.

    1Activation Completed

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  7. Instantiate M-SBC


  1. (Proceed to Instantiating M-SBC Instance).

Instantiating M-SBC Instance


Instantiating M-SBC Instance
Instantiating M-SBC Instance

Instantiate M-SBC instance by changing SBC Personality Type as msbc for applying the LI configuration. For more information,



Activating Candidate Configuration After Update to Active Configuration

After activating the default configuration


and an update to the active configuration occurs, you must activate the candidate configuration


using the steps on the page Partial Configuration on M-SBC.

Viewing Statistics for M-SBC


Viewing Statistics for M-SBC
Viewing Statistics for M-



This object displays the mediation server media statistics.

To view the LI statistics:

  1. Logon to EMS as CALEA user.
  2. Under Network Mgmnt, click Lawful Intercept. The Lawful Intercept CDC Provisioning window is displayed.
  3. Click Cluster CDC tab. The Cluster CDC pane is displayed.

  4. Select the M-SBC cluster.
  5. Click View Nodes. The nodes list in the cluster is displayed.

    1View Nodes

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  6. Select the required node to view the mediation server media status.

    Click Launch Node LI Stats. The Mediation Server Media Status window is displayed. 

    1Mediation Server Media Status

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1Mediation Server Media Status Parameters



