Versions Compared


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Comment: added info on table contents based on CLI Guide. Formatting

Use the Policy Server Status window to view status information for local (embedded) or remote policy servers. 

On the


This object displays the status of the policy server.

On SBC main screen, go to All > System >Policy Server > Policy Server Status. The Policy Server Status window is displayedopens.

1System - Policy Server - Policy Server Status

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Status Window

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The following output is displayed:

1Policy Server Status Parameters
NameName of policy server.
IndexIdentifies the softswitch entry.
Oper StateOperational state of the softswitch.
IP Address V4 or V6IP Address of the softswitch.
Server ReconnectsThe number of successful reconnections between the gateway and the softswitch.
Transaction CompletedThe number of successful transactions between the gateway and the softswitch.
Transaction Retry AttemptsThe number of transaction retries between the gateway and the softswitch.
Transaction Failed AttemptsThe number of unsuccessful transactions between the gateway and the softswitch.
VersionThe negotiated protocol version between the gateway and the softswitch.
Redirect RequestsThe cumulative number of redirect requests received from the softswitch.
Release RequestsThe cumulative number of release-call requests received from the softswitch.
Data RequestsThe cumulative number of data requests received from the softswitch.
Queries Skipped And ServicedThe cumulative number of policy requests serviced by the standby PSX while the active PSX experienced congestion.
Queries Skipped And RejectedThe cumulative number of rejected policy requests while the active PSX was congested and a standby PSX was either congested or not available.
Congestion LevelThe PSX congestion level.
Allowance PercentThe number of SBC policy requests allowed by PSX. For example, an allowance of 75%, means that the SBC is skipping one out of every four policy requests. This allowance is provisioned on the PSX and enforced on the SBC when PSX Congestion Control is enabled.
Negotiated VersionThe lowest negotiated protocol version between the gateway and all the active and alternate softswitches.
 By default only ten entries are displayed in a view. You can choose the number of entries to be displayed under the Show entries drop down box. Click Image Removed to expand the window to display more fields.