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Call Trace Filtering

The global Call Trace command allows you to create and configure Call Trace Filters using criteria to determine call events added to the system trace data event log (which uses the ".TRC" file extension). The first three Call Trace filters are logged unless the stopMatch flag in enabled (whereby the number of filters logged may be less than three). The stopMatch flag will halt filter profile matching once a match is found.


Use following CLI syntax to configure call trace filters:

Global Call Trace Syntax

Code Block
titleGlobal Call Trace Syntaxlanguagenone
% set global callTrace 
	callFilter <callFilter_name> 
	callTraceTimer <1-360>
	errorFilter errorType <any | earlyAttempt | none | outOfDialog | parseError>
	maxTriggerCount <0-64>
	signalingPacketCapture devices <mgmt0 | mgmt1 | pkt0 | pkt1 | pkt2 | pkt3> <VLAN tag>

Call Filter Syntax

Code Block
titleCall Filter Syntax
% set global callTrace callFilter <callFilter_name> 
	callDetailCapture <disable|enable>
	callDetailCapture <disable|enable>
   		key <called | calling | cddn | contractor | peerIpAddress | redirecting | transferCapability | trunkGroup>
		level <level1 | level2 | level3 | level4>
			called <string>
			calling <string>
			cddn <string>
			contractor <string>
			peerIpAddress <IP address>
			redirecting <string>
			transferCapability <audio31Khz | speech | unrestricted | unrestrictedWithTones | video>
			trunkGroup <trunkGroup_name>
		mediaPacketCapture <disable|enable>
		state <disabled|enabled>
  		stopMatch <supported | unsupported>
	callTraceTimer <1-360>
	errorFilter errorType <any | earlyAttempt | none | outOfDialog | parseError>
	maxTriggerCount <0-64>
		devices <mgmt0 | mgmt1 | pkt0 | pkt1 | pkt2 | pkt3> <VLAN tag>
The default value for vlanTag is "0". If you want to configure VLAN and capture the packets on a specific VLAN, you must provide the devices name and the vlanTag value.


Code Block
% set global callTrace signalingPacketCapture state <enable | disable> 

Command Parameters

Global Call Trace Parameters

1Global Call Trace Parameters






The name of a call trace filter to apply to the system trace data log file. This filter may be created, configured, and deleted. See Call Filter Parameters table below for details.


Duration in minutes that call trace is enabled.

(default = 180)



Call error trace for SIP Call Traces only.

  • errorType– Type of error to log:
    • any – Log all SIP PDUs that meet the requirement of the parseerror, outofdialog, and early attempt options below.
    • earlyattempt – Logs incoming SIP PDUs that result in early termination of the call (by either the pre-parser or SIP signaling).
    • none – (default) No SIP PDU logging, including validation/parsing errors.
    • outofdialog – Log incoming syntactically correct SIP PDUs (except INVITE) that do not belong to an existing dialog.
    • parsError – Log received SIP PDUs that fail parsing. If an error is detected by SIP signaling, the accompanying PDUs is not associated with any dialog, including an existing dialog. Hence all in dialog and out of dialog PDUs are assigned to this category. If an error is detected at the front end pre-parser, the PDU is logged and not forwarded to SIP signaling to prevent logging an offending PDU by both the pre-parser and SIP signaling.



Maximum number of calls that match the callFilter criteria and the errorFilter type that may be logged to the .TRC file, per slot. When this limit is reached on a module in a particular slot, this parameter value becomes 0 and matching events are no longer logged. To re-enable logging, you must issue a CLI command that configures this parameter to a nonzero value.

(default = 0)



Specifies the signaling packet capture devices and the admin state. These files are saved as .pkt files. The options are:

  • devices– List of devices for signaling packet capture. The options are:
    •  mgmt0
    • mgmt1
    • pkt0
    • pkt1
    • pkt2
    • pkt3
  • <VLAN tag> – Enter VLAN tag of the device used for signaling capture (or enter "0" for no VLAN).

Call Filter Parameters

1Call Filter Parameters
3Call Filter Parameters





Specifies whether the call details are captured or not.


The files


are saved as ".out" files.

  • disable (default)
  • enable


Choose one or more active key components for this filter



  • called


  • calling


  • cddn


  • contractor


  • peerIpAddress


  • redirecting


  • transferCapability


  • trunkGroup





 The trace level of this call trace entry.

  • level1 – Trace everything.
  • level2 (default) – Trace everything but raw hex dumps.
  • level3 – Trace only external message information (ISDN/ ISUP/CAS etc.) and errors.
  • level4Trace all SIP Protocol Data Unit (PDU) calls (without logging other trace messages) at the line-rate without any dropping any SIP PDUs.


Level 4 Call Trace Filter conditions/behavior:

  • Level 4 filters based ONLY on peerIpAddress. This call trace method does not trace/filter based on trunk group, called number, calling number, etc.
  • Configure a Level 4 filter with a wildcard peerIpAddress of to match ALL packets to/from any IP address.
  • Level 4 filters identify GCID when possible. However, some messages do not contain GCIDs and may have 0xfffffffff as the GCID (registration, notify, options ping, etc.).


Use this keyword to specify criteria to use to capture call data upon a match. Options are:

  • called – Called number being traced. (range: 0-30).
  • calling – Calling number being traced. (range: 0-30).
  • cddn – Called directory number being traced. (range: 0-30).
  • contractor – Contractor number being traced. (range: 0-30)


  • .

  • peerIpAddress – The peer IPv4 or IPv6 address for call tracing.
  • redirecting – The redirecting number being traced (default is "").
  • transferCapability – Transfer capability of the call trace filter. Options are:
    • audio31Khz – 3.1 kHz Audio – ITC 3.1 kHz audio calls are traced.
    • speech – ITC Speech based calls are traced.
    • unrestricted – (default) Calls with ITC Unrestricted are traced.
    • unrestrictedWithTones – Calls with ITC Unrestricted Digital Information With Tones Announcements are traced.
    • video – Calls with ITC Video are traced.
  • trunkGroup – Trunk group name to match against.
For called, calling, cddn, contractor parameters, use "X" or "x" wildcard character to match any single digit, and "%" symbol to match any digits from that point forward.
For example, using "978xxx1212" returns all calls between 9780001212 and 9789991212, and using "978%" returns all calls with a 978 prefix.



Specifies whether to enable or disable media packet capture settings. These files will be stored as ".pkt"files.

  • disable (default)
  • enable

Include Page



Administrative state of this filter:

  • disabled (default) – Call filter is off. In this state no calls will be traced by this filter. The filter must be in this state to change its configuration.
  • enabled – When enabled, all calls are processed by this filter for possible inclusion in the system trace data log file.



 Use this flag to stop matching filter profiles once a match is found:

  • unsupported (default) – Continue matching filter profiles even after a match is found (up to three profiles can be matched).
  • supported – Stop matching filter profiles once a match is made






Call error trace for SIP Call Traces only.

  • errorType– Type of error to log:
    • any – Log all SIP PDUs that meet the requirement of the parseerror, outofdialog, and early attempt options below.
    • earlyattempt – Logs incoming SIP PDUs that result in early termination of the call (by either the pre-parser or SIP signaling).
    • none – (default) No SIP PDU logging, including validation/parsing errors.
    • outofdialog – Log incoming syntactically correct SIP PDUs (except INVITE) that do not belong to an existing dialog.
    • parsError – Log received SIP PDUs that fail parsing. If an error is detected by SIP signaling, the accompanying PDUs is not associated with any dialog, including an existing dialog. Hence all in dialog and out of dialog PDUs are assigned to this category. If an error is detected at the front end pre-parser, the PDU is logged and not forwarded to SIP signaling to prevent logging an offending PDU by both the pre-parser and SIP signaling.






Maximum number of calls that match the callFilter criteria and the errorFilter type that may be logged to the .TRC file, per slot. When this limit is reached on a module in a particular slot, this parameter value becomes 0 and matching events are no longer logged. To re-enable logging, you must issue a CLI command that configures this parameter to a nonzero value (default = 0).





Specifies the signaling packet capture devices and the admin state. These files are saved as .pkt files. The options are:


  •  mgmt0
  • mgmt1
  • pkt0
  • pkt1
  • pkt2
  • pkt3


  • .

Command Examples

To enable call tracing based on the called number:
