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Table of Contents


The CALEA network solution design requires the CALEA Intercept Access Point (IAP) vendors to implement support for multiple (two instances) regionally deployed SS8 Delivery Function systems. SBC acts

 acts as I-SBC
) to provide peering between IMS network and other peering networks (CDMA, business, and other service providers). SBC interfaces The
 interfaces with two XCIPIO mediation servers. Any of these mediation servers can provision the network elements deployed in the network. Network elements expose provisioning, call data and/or call content interface towards these mediation servers for legal interception. This feature supports the following types of media which can be intercepted:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • MSRP
  • FECC

Lawful Interception solution has three interfaces between the network element and mediation server. These are used to provide provisioning, call data (signaling), and call content (media) information. These interfaces are created after the connection is established between the mediation server (DF – delivery function) and the network element (AF – access function). The interface from the mediation server to the lawful interception agency is standardized. The interfaces between AF and DF are defined as:

  • X1 or INI-1 interface for provisioning targets
  • X2 or INI-2 interface for providing signaling information for the subject
  • X3 or INI-3 interface for providing media or call content for the subject

Where, X interface is specified by 3GPP standard while INI is specified by ETSi standard.

P-Com.Session-Info (PCSI) LI solution requires Sonus network elements (EMS, PSX and SBC7000

) that provide Lawful Interception by supporting X1 and X3 interface only. In Sonus LI solution the X1 interface is supported by EMS and the storage of the target table is done by PSX. The X3 interface is supported by SBC7000 (hereby referred as SBC).

Supported Lawful Interception (LI) elements (SBC

, PSX and EMS) with SS8 as the mediation server are required to supported X1 and X3 interface only. X2 interface is not implemented by SBCthe

Call Flow

  1. Provision the intercept server X1 transport address and TLS certificate that EMS has to use to initiate a transport connection over the X1 interface. These are individually specified for the mediation servers in the network.
  2. Provision SBC using the
     using Sonus EMS X3 intercept transport address and required IPSec IPsec details. This address is used to send X3 messages. These are individually specified for the mediation servers in the network.
  3. The EMS establishes a connection with the SS8 intercept server and executes the necessary authentication procedures to bring up the transport connection.
  4. SS8 Intercept server, using the X1 interface, provisions the target URI which is sent to the PSX over the PIPE interface by EMS. This is fully specified SIP/SIPS or TEL URI. This completes the provisioning of a target using the X1 interface. Any call received by this target is intercepted.
  5. The IMS network sends a SIP INVITE/18x/200 OK or re-INVITE/200 OK that contains a P-Com-Session-Info header. This header contains a correlation ID and one of more prospective target URI, which is looked into the target table maintained in the PSX.
  6. The
     receives SBC receives a P-Com-Session-Info header in any of the above listed SIP messages and sends a policy request with the target URI to PSX. PSX uses this to perform a lookup in the target table created using the X1 provisioning interface. Assuming that a target URI matches, PSX provides the X3 transport address that is stored along with the target URI. This information is received by SBC in the policy response.
  7. The

     finds SBC finds the LI information in the policy response and understands that the call has to be intercepted. It uses the correlation ID received in SIP messages as well as X3 transport address received from the PSX to fork the media stream to the appropriate mediation server using the X3 interface. This interface forks the media stream over TCP that is established over a secured IPSec IPsec tunnel.
    1PCSI Call Flow

EMS Enhancement

The EMS supports:
  • Establishment of a TLS connection towards the mediation server. EMS establishes a transport connection with the mediation server only when the admin state is set to enabled.
  • X1 interface for provisioning to provide connectivity to the mediation server for provisioning the subjects.
  • Health monitoring of the transport connection using X1 interface defined application messages. EMS provides a show status command to indicate the health of the link status between the mediation server and the EMS.
  • Database operations on the target table.

The SS8 mediation server is represented as DF (Delivery Function). The EMS and PSX together are represented as AF (Access Function).The LI database operations are performed on the PSX and X1 provisioning interface is implemented on the EMS. For any X1 operation which has impact on PSX LI database operation, EMS uses PIPE interface with the PSX.

This transport connection is with or without TLS depending upon the configuration. The EMS sends the Authentication Request towards DF with the following IEs when the transport connection is successfully established:

  • Generic Message Header: This header uses an IE Access Function Identifier set to zero in Authentication Request.
  • Transaction Identity: EMS generates a unique transaction identifier and saves a copy of this.
  • Interface Type: Is set to 0x01 – INI1.
  • Serial Number: EMS maps it from system configuration.
  • MAC Address: EMS maps it from system configuration.
  • Model Number: EMS maps it from system configuration.
  • Software Revision: EMS maps it from system configuration.
  • Provisioning State:
    • Set to 0x00 when PSX LI DB is not initialized.
    • Set to 0xDC when PSX LI DB is initialized.
  • Hash: NA

The EMS accepts Global Info Set Request coming from DF with the following IE:

  • Link Polling Frequency
  • Link Inactivity Interval
  • AF Database Clean-up Interval

It checks that the Access Function Identifier IE of Generic Message Header in Global Info Set Request has non zero value. If Access Function Identifier is a non-zero value, EMS stores this value and uses it in subsequent EMS generated messages. EMS sends the Transaction Identifier that it receives in the Global Info Set Request message. It also accepts the Service Provider Identity.

Link Options IE is enumerated type with following sub fields, which EMS saves and uses during session maintenance and release procedures:

  • Link Polling Frequency
  • Link Inactivity Interval
  • AF Database Clean-up Interval

The EMS checks that data type for all these sub fields is integer and stores their respective values. Time Stamp data type for this IE is in time format. If AF (PSX) Provisioning State database is empty, it accepts the zero value of this IE.  Any IE received with incorrect data type is rejected with message Operation Result with IEs.

If Access Function Identifier is set to zero then the EMS rejects using Operation Result message with following IEs.

Operation Error MessageASCII string (optional)
Operation Result Code0x01 - Unknown error
Request Code0x48 - Global info set request

The EMS supports session maintenance, session release, and database clean up procedures using the timers mentioned below:

  • Link Polling Frequency (LPF) or Keepalive Interval
  • Link Inactivity Interval (LII)
  • AF Database Clean-up Interval (DCI)

For configuring the EMS for this feature, refer Managing Mediation Servers.

PSX Enhancement

The EMS configures the PSX LI DB over PIPE interface. It creates entry for Target Service List and other parameters. LI DB performs validation of data type for each parameter.

The PSX queries the LI DB based on key Target Service List received in Warrant Info Get Request and returns all parameters. If Target Service List is missing in Warrant Info Get Request, the query is based on key DF1 ID next Target Service List in LI DB.

PSX accepts the target URI copied from P-Com.Session-Info, in POL-REQ messages. If POL-REQ is carrying the target URI, PSX performs the LI DB lookup based on exact match of URI and does not check any other AVPs in POL-REQ. If the LI table lookup for the target URI is successful and Administrative status is enabled, PSX provides LI information in POL-RES message to SBCthe


The PSX provides the following LI information in POL-RES:

  • IP address type
  • IP address
  • Transport protocol type
  • Port
  • Encryption 

SBC Enhancement


 as I-
SBC as I-SBC accepts P-Com.Session-Info header received in the following messages received from S-CSCF:

  • Initial INVITE
  • 18x SIP response
  • 200 OK response to the initial INVITE
  • re-INVITE and the 200 OK response to the re-INVITE for scenarios such as call transfer.

Where P-Com.Session-Info format is:

Code Block
P-Com.Session-info = "P-Com.Session-Info" HCOLON= 
corrID *( SEMI involved-party )
corrID = "corrID" EQUAL word [ "@" word ]
involved-party = LAQUOT involved-uri RAQUOT
involved-uri = SIP-URI / TEL-URI / SIPS-URI

 SIP-URI / TEL-URI / SIPS-URI is specified and can be in a different format as mentioned in the following table:

ID Type

Subject ID format








sip:user@IP Address

sips:user@IP Address

Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.



sip:phone number@hostname

sips:phone number@hostname



sip:phone number@IP Address

sips:phone number@IP Address




 sends SBC sends URI received in P-Com.Session-Info to the PSX in a POL-REQ message. This header is received in any of the SIP message (Invite/re-INVITE . 200 OK, 18X) from IMS network. Presence of P-Com.Session-Info in SIP response messages like 18x/200OK or in SIP RE_INVITE request triggers a light weight policy dip. SBC truncates The
 truncates the Correlation ID (corrID), copied from P-Com.Session-Info, to 16 byte ASCII character (if it is more than 16 byte). If the correlation ID size is less than 16 bytes, the corrID is added with zero. SBC replies The
 replies with 4xx response when Correlation ID (corrID) validations fails.


 accepts SBC accepts the LI information from the PSX in POL-RES message. The absence of LI information in POL-RES from the PSX to SBC means the
 means interception is disabled for target URI.  The connection towards X3 connection is created when the mediation server state is enabled from the CLI. The checks listed here are to trigger interception of media. Apart from the checks listed here, the IP Address of the mediation server returned in POL-RSP is matched with the address of the mediation server address configured in the CDC configurations. Also, the matched mediation server is ensured to be admin enabled before an interception is triggered.

  • Transport Type = TCP
  • Encryption = None/IPsec
  • IP Address Type = IPv4 or IPv6

IP-Sec is an optional configuration over X3.

It The Mediation Server creates a connection with IPSec IPsec over TCP connection towards IP and Port received in LI information of POL-RES and meets the following IPSec IPsec requirements:

  • —Transport Transport mode and Authentication algorithm pre-shared key.
  •  —Hash Hash algorithm SHA1 with Encryption algorithm 3des-cbc

The Mediation Server IP, port and pre-shared keys for X3 connection are already configured on SBC. SBC verifies the

. The
 verifies that the configured X3 connection details (IP, type and port) are same under CDC as received in LI information of POL-RES message.

 If there is a change in mediation server through X1 interface for a target URI between Invite and Re-INVITE message, SBC the 

 forks media streams over X3 connection for new mediation server.