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Code Block
% set global callRouting

% set global callRouting route
	callingNumber <Element Id 1> <Element Id 2>
		<standard | username> 
			<Destination National>
			<Destination Country>
			(see Tables 1 and 2 for additional options)
				<Time Range Profile>
				<Call Parameter Filter Profile>
				<Domain Name>
	carrier <Element Id 1> <Element Id 2>
		<standard | username> 
			<Destination National>
			<Destination Country>
			(see Tables 1 and 2 for additional options)
				<Time Range Profile>
				<Call Parameter Filter Profile>
				<Domain Name>
	none <Element Id 1> <Element Id 2>
		<standard | username>
			<Destination National>
			<Destination Country>
			(see Tables 1 and 2 for additional options)
				<Time Range Profile>
				<Call Parameter Filter Profile>
				<Domain Name>
	trunkGroup <Element Id 1> <Element Id 2>
		<standard | username>
			<Destination National>
			<Destination Country>
			(see Tables 1 and 2 for additional options)
				<Time Range Profile>
				<Call Parameter Filter Profile>
				<Domain Name>

% set global callRouting routingLabel <Id>
	action <routes | scripts>
	numRoutesPerCall <integer>
	overflowNOA (see Table 3 for list of parameters)
	overflowNPI <data | isdn | none | private | spare0Unknown | spare1...spare7 | telex>
	overflowNumber <string>
	routePrioritizationType <allProportionAllocation | leastCostRouting | proportionAllocation | roundRobin | sequence>
	routingLabelRoute <0-32000> 
		cost <#><1-1000000>
		inService <inService | outOfService>
		ipPeer <name>
		proportion <0-999>
		testing <nonTest | normal | test>
		trunkGroup <name>
   script <script>
% show global callRouting route 
% show global callRouting routingLabel

% delete global callRouting route 
% delete global callRouting routingLabel <id>


1Global Call Routing Parameters - Routing Label






<Id> – The Routing Label ID which identifies a set of up to 200 Routes (199 or fewer Routes if you want to include an Overflow Number) and/or a Script.



Type of action to be taken by the routing label. Options are:

  • routes – This routing label returns a set of routes.
  • script – Routing label returns a script. Enter script to select script type (see script parameter below)

The maximum number of routes per call for the specified routing label (default = 10).


Recommended range is 1-10 routes per call.



The overflow Nature Of Address (NOA). See Table 2 for list of options.



Overflow Numbering Plan Indicator (NPI). Options are:

  • data
  • isdn
  • none
  • private
  • spare0Unknown
  • spare1 - spare7
  • telex



If the overflow number is present, it is used to determine a routing label and additional routes that will be associated with the call.



Determines how the Embedded Routing Engine (ERE) allocates the routes contained within this routing label. Options are:

  • allProportionAllocation – The ERE uses proportions to determine the order of all of the the routes in the route list on a call-by-call basis (compared to proportionAllocation which determines first route only). For the first route, the ERE follows the process described below for the Proportion option by generating a random number. For the second route, the ERE recalculates the random number and determines the route, and then generates a new random number. The ERE continues this process to determine each of the remaining routes in the route list.
  • leastCostRouting– The ERE determines the routes by cost, the least (lowest) cost route being the first priority route selected. Each route can be configured with a cost value in the Route dialog box.
    • routePrioritizationTypeForEqualCostRoutes In the case of equal cost routes, the Route Prioritization Type for Equal Cost Routes parameter is used to select a secondary route prioritization type.
  • proportionAllocation – The ERE uses this option to to determine the first route (only) on a call-by-call basis. For example, a Route Label contains three routes with assigned proportions of 80, 50, and 30. The system generates a random number in this case between 0 and 159. If the number is between 0 and 79, the system assigns the route with the 80 proportion as the first route. If the random number is between 80 and 129, the system assigns the route with the 50 proportion as the first route. If the random number is between 130 and 159, the system assigns the route with the 30 proportion as the first route.
  • roundRobin – The ERE distributes the call traffic equally across the routes in a Routing Label. For each call, the routes are cyclically rotated by one position. For example, call 1 receives routes 1, 2, 3; call 2 receives routes 2, 3, 1; call 3 receives routes 3,1, 2, and so on.
  • sequence – The ERE allocates the routes in the order of the values provided in the route Sequence field.



Defines the data rows for Routing Label. Options are:

  • cost – A value indicating the relative cost of this route to the carrier. The cost value is used in least cost routing calculations; returned routes are ordered based on cost in ascending order (the least cost route will be the first one in the returned route list).  
    (range: 1-1000000 / default is 10001000000).
  • inService – Flag to indicate if route is available for routing.
    • inService (default)
    • outOfService
  • ipPeer – IP address assigned to the far end of the trunk group.
  • proportion – Indicates a value that specifies the proportion of calls whether this route should be the first route choice. If three routes are assigned to this Routing Label with proportions 80, 70, 50, the SBC returns the route assigned the proportion of 80 as the first route 40% of the time (80/ 200). The total can be any whole number. (range: 0-999 / default = 9).
  • testing – Mode for making test calls and verifying routes before using them.
    • nonTest – When selected, the ERE does not return the route when the Calling Party Category (CPC) value in a Policy Request is Test Call range of values. When the CPC range of values is not Test Call or is not present in the Policy Request, the ERE returns the route.
    • normal – When selected, the ERE returns the route regardless of the CPC value, or absence of a CPC value, received in the policy request. (Default setting). After testing and verifying a route, select this option to use the route for live calls.
    • test – When the CPC value in a Policy Request is Test Call, the ERE returns the route. When the CPC value is not Test Call or is not present in the policy request, the ERE does not return the route.
  • trunkGroup – The name of the trunk group for this route.



Defines script type. Default scripts include:

  • BLOCKING – Script for call termination based on blocking criteria that has been met.
  • DEFAULT_TERMINATING – Script with Release Cause Code set to 16 (Normal Call Clearing).
  • NONSUB_DENY – Non-subscriber call not allowed. Script for call termination because call is from a Calling Party which is not present in the ERE Subscriber table.
  • NO_ROUTES_FOUND – No routes found for the call. Script for calls that have traversed the ERE, but a valid call route match was not found.
  • SCREENING – Script for call termination based on screening criteria that has been met.
  • TANDEM – The default successful call routing script.



Use this optional parameter to display the number of levels to display from the results of the show commands.
