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In this section:

Table of Contents


Excerpt Include
SBC Support of GETS and WPS
SBC Support of GETS and WPS

This section describes the CLI syntax and parameter descriptions of the HPC Call Profile.


The SBC must be configured to use the external PSX for this feature. The SBC supports configuring up to 256 HPC Call Profiles.


Command Syntax

Code Block
% set profiles services hpcCallProfile <hpcCallProfile name>
	dscp value <0-63>
		etsCpcPrecedence <cpc | ets | hpc>
		etsDefaultValue <0-4>
		includeAcceptIn417 <disabled | enabled>
		includeRequire <disabled | enabled> 
		rejectNotEtsDn <disabled | enabled>
		useIncomingEts <disabled | enabled>
		usePrecedence <disabled | enabled>
		useWpsPrecedence <disabled | enabled>
		wpsMlppPrecedence <mlpp | wps>
	state <disabled | enabled>

The HPC Call Profile parameters are defined below:

1HPC Call Profile Parameters
3HPC Call Profile Parameters



hpcCallProfile<profile name, up to 23 characters> – HPC Call Profile name.
dscpValue<0-63> – The DSCP code for the HPC Call.

Resource Priority Header (RPH) configuration options to specify how the RPH or ISUP-MIME affects call handling and building of the RPH for HPC calls.

  • etsCpcPrecedence – This parameter is used for deriving a call's CPC during ingress processing when a conflict exists between the CPC based on RPH and the ISUP-MIME (SIP-I) calling party category parameter.
    • cpc – The call's CPC parameter is derived from the ISUP-MIME CPC parameter.

    • ets – The call’s CPC parameter is derived based on the SIP RPH ETS value.

    • hpc (default) – The call’s CPC parameter is derived based on SIP RPH ETS, or else it is derived from ISUP-MIME CPC parameter.

  • etsDefaultValue <value> – Default priority value used for the ETS namespace. (range: 0-4 / default = 0)
  • includeAcceptIn417 – Enable this flag to include the Accept-Resource-Priority header when sending a 417 response.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  • includeRequire – Enable this flag for the SBC to include the Require header with the resource-priority option tag in an egress INVITE.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  • rejectNotEtsDn – Enable this flag for the SBC to reject a call when SBC classifies the call as HPC based on the received RPH and the PSX determines Directory Number (DN) to be a non-ETS DN.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  • useIncomingEts – Enable this flag for the SBC to use the received ETS value. If set to disabled, the SBC uses the provisioned etsDefaultValue.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  • usePrecedence – Specifies whether the ETS value in outgoing SIP messages for the call takes the priority/precedence value received in the ingress.
    • disabled (default) – The ETS priority value in outgoing SIP messages is derived from the etsDefaultValue, when either of the usePrecedence at the ingress trunk group’s HPC profile or useWpsPrecedence at the egress trunk group’s HPC profile fields are disabled, or when there is no incoming priority/precedence value.
    • enabled – When usePrecedence is enabled at the ingress trunk group’s HPC profile and useWpsPrecedence is enabled at the egress trunk group’s HPC profile, the ETS value in outgoing SIP messages is derived from the incoming Wireless Priority Service/Multilevel Precedence and Preemption (WPS/MLPP) priority/precedence value.
  • useWpsPrecedence – Enable this flag for the SBC to take the ETS priority value from WPS/ MLPP precedence, if available, when adding ETS. If set to disabled, the SBC uses the configured etsDefaultValue when adding ETS.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  • wpsMlppPrecedence – Use this parameter to determine how to handle the call when the WPS value in the SIP RPH and a MLPP parameter in the associated ISUP-MIME indicate different handling:
    • mlpp (default) – Handle the call as indicated by the ISUP-MIME MLPP parameter.
    • wps – Handle the call as indicated by the SIP RPH WPS value.

Administrative state of HPC Call Profile.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Command Examples

Code Block
set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile state enabled 
set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile rph tsCpcPrecedence hpc etsDefaultValue 1 
set profiles services hpcCallProfile testHpcProfile includeAcceptIn417 enabled includeRequire enabled rejectNotEtsDn enabled useIncomingEts enabled usePrecedence enabled useWpsPrecedence enabled wpsMlppPrecedence wps
show profiles services hpcCallProfile
hpcCallProfile HPCP {
    state enabled;
    rph {
        etsDefaultValue    1;
        useWpsPrecedence   enabled;
        useIncomingEts     enabled;
        usePrecedence      enabled;
        etsCpcPrecedence   hpc;
        wpsMlppPrecedence  wps;
        includeRequire     enabled;
        rejectNotEtsDn     enabled;
        includeAcceptIn417 enabled;
Code Block
set profiles services hpcCallProfile testProfile dscpValue 10
show profiles services hpcCallProfile testProfile
dscpValue 10;
