Versions Compared


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The following table lists sub-fields in the Japan ISUP-specific data field. This protocol specific field is a string delimited by "". The multiple sub-fields identify the protocol type and all information specific to the protocol, and are separated by a comma (,). An empty field is represented by either two consecutive commas (,,) or by comma-space-comma (, ,). For example:
"JAPAN,0,0, ,,,,...,0x04"

The Calling Party Category and Dialed Number fields are not present in these sub-fields. Instead, they are included as regular fields in the underlying Start, Stop, Attempt, or Intermediate Record.
1Japan ISUP-Specific Data Sub-Fields




Sub-field 1

Protocol Variant (always JAPAN)

Sub-field 2

UUI Sending Count (1-decimal character, 0-9)

Sub-Field 3

UUI Receiving Count (1-decimal character, 0-9)

Sub-Field 4

PSTN additional Calling party's category 1 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 5

Mobile additional Calling party's category 1 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 6

Mobile additional Calling party's category 2 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 7

Mobile additional Calling party's category 3 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 8

PSTN additional Called party's category 1 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 9

Mobile additional Called party's category 1 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 10

Mobile additional Called party's category 2 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 11

Mobile additional Called party's category 3 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 12

Called CA (5-decimal characters, 00000–99999)

Sub-Field 13

Calling CA (5-decimal characters, 00000–99999)

Sub-Field 14

Called IN Number (String up to 26-decimal characters)

Sub-Field 15

Called Terminal Type (1 binary character, 0-1)

Sub-Field 16

Calling Terminal Type (1 binary character, 0-1)

Sub-Field 17

Unit rate indicator (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 18

Initial lump-call rate (Max 2-decimal characters, 0-15)

Sub-Field 19

First charging period (Max 3-decimal digits, 0-999)

Sub-Field 20

Second charging period (Max 3-decimal digits, 0-999)

Sub-Field 21

Third charging period (Max 3-decimal digits, 0-999)

Sub-Field 22

Fourth charging period (Max 3-decimal digits, 0-999)

Sub-Field 23

Contractor Number (String up to 16-decimal characters)

Sub-Field 24

National/international call (1 binary character, 0-1)

Sub-Field 25

Original Called IN Number (Max 26 digits decimal)

Sub-Field 26

Redirecting Number (Max 26 digits decimal)

Sub-Field 27

Carrier Flag 1 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 28

Carrier Code 1 (4 decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 29

POI-CA Code 1 (5-decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 30

POI Level 1 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 31

Carrier Flag 2 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 32

Carrier Code 2 (4 decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 33

POI-CA Code 2 (5-decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 34

POI Level 2 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 35

Carrier Flag 3 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 36

Carrier Code 3 (4-decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 37

POI-CA Code 3 (5-decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 38

POI Level 3 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 39

Carrier Flag 4 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 40

Carrier Code 4 (4-decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 41

POI-CA Code 4 (5-decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 42

POI Level 4 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 43

Carrier Flag 5 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 44

Carrier Code 5 (4-decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 45

POI-CA Code 5 (5-decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 46:

POI Level 5 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 47

Carrier Flag 6 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 48

Carrier Code 6 (4 decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 49

POI-CA Code 6 (5 decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 50

POI Level 6 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 51

Carrier Flag 7 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 52

Carrier Code 7 (4 decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 53

POI-CA Code 7 (5 decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 54

POI Level 7 (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 55

SCP Carrier Code (4 decimal characters, 0000-9999)

Sub-Field 56

Additional POI-CA Code (5 decimal characters, 00000-99999)

Sub-Field 57

Transmission Medium Requirement (4 hex characters, 0x00-0xFF)

Sub-Field 58

Calling Party Subaddress (up to 24 Hex characters when Japan protocol variant string is used for ISDN call leg, and 40 Hex characters when used for ISUP to SIP-I call leg).

This field identifies a sub-address associated with the origin of a call, and is obtained from the Calling Party Subaddress Information Element (IE) in the SETUP or the Access Transport (AT) field in the ISUP IAM message. See ISDN specification Q.931, Section 4.5.11 for more information.

Sub-Field 59

Called Party Subaddress (up to 24 Hex characters when Japan protocol variant string is used for ISDN call leg, and 40 Hex characters when used for ISUP to SIP-I call leg).

This field identifies a sub-address associated with the called party of a call, and is obtained from the Called Party Subaddress Information Element (IE) in the SETUP or the Access Transport (AT) field in the ISUP IAM message. See ISDN specification Q.931, Section 4.5.9 for more information.

Sub-Field 60

Cause of No Identification (variable length string up to 3 decimal characters, or empty).

In the ingress variant string, this field contains the value from the parameter received in the ISUP IAM message. In egress variant string, this field contains the value sent in ISUP IAM message. The content details reason why caller number (or caller identification) was not provided and displayed.

Valid values are:

  • 1 – User Requested
  • 2 – Interaction with Other Service
  • 3 – Coin Phone

The Japan specification currently only defines values 1-3, but allows for future use of all 127 possible values in this parameter. The SBC will record whatever values are received in this parameter regardless of whether they have a defined meaning or not.

Sub-Field 61

Charge Indicator (one decimal character enumeration, or empty)

This field is presented in ISUP signaling messages received at gateway, such as ACM, ANM, CPG, etc. The content tracks the last indicator received in a backward message.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty - No Charge Indicator in the ISUP messages associated with this call

Sub-Field 62

Number of CHG Messages (decimal values, range 0-255 or empty)

This field is computed from the number of ISUP CHG signaling messages received at the gateway during the second phase of the call (after the ANM message).

Sub-Field 63

Location (1 or 2 decimal character enumeration or empty)

This field contains the location value from the cause parameter presented in the ISUP REL signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No location value in the cause parameter in the ISUP REL message associated with this call
  • 0-15 – The range of valid location values from the REL cause parameter

Sub-Field 64

Charge Rate Info Type (four hex characters or empty)

This field contains the two hex digits from the Charge Rate Info Type in the ISUP CHG, ACM, and CPG signaling messages received at the gateway for this call. Examples are "0x7C", "0x7E", etc.

Sub-Field 65

Emergency Call Indicator (one decimal character or empty)

This field indicates the setting of the Emergency Call Indicator (ECI) in the ISUP IAM signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No ECI value in the ISUP IAM message associated with this call
  • 0 – no ECI
  • 1 – ECI

Sub-Field 66

SCP Donor Carrier Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters or empty).

This field contains the SCP Donor Carrier Code from the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 67

SCP Recipient Carrier Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters or empty).

This field contains the SCP Recipient Carrier Code from the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 68

Transit Carrier Indicator of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (3 hex character enumeration or empty).

This field contains the Transit Carrier Indicator from the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM message. The Ingress Protocol Variant Specific Data field contains the value received in the IAM and the Egress Protocol Variant Specific Data field contains the value sent in the IAM message.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Transit Carrier Indicator in the ISUP messages associated with this call
  • 0x0 – SS7LIB_NO_TRANS
  • 0x3 – SS7LIB_BI_DIR

NOTE:  The Egress Protocol Variant Specific Data field will contain the TCI value returned from the PSX in the case when no CIT parameter is sent in the IAM.

Sub-Field 69

Carrier Flag 8 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains a a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the associated carrier code field of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 70

Carrier Code 8 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty).

This field contains carrier code of Carrier Information Transfer parameter of ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 71

POI-CA Code 8 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 72

POI-Level Code 8 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 73

Carrier Flag 9 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 74

Carrier Code 9 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty).

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 75

POI-CA Code 9 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 76

POI-Level Code 9 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 77

Carrier Flag 10 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 78

Carrier Code 10 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty).

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 79

POI-CA Code 10 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 80

POI-Level Code 10 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 81

Carrier Flag 11 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 82

Carrier Code 11 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty).

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 83

POI-CA Code 11 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 84

POI-Level Code 11 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 85

Carrier Flag 12 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 86

Carrier Code 12 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty).

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 87

POI-CA Code 12 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 88

POI-Level Code 12 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 89

Carrier Flag 13 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 90

Carrier Code 13 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty).

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 91

POI-CA Code 13 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 92

POI-Level Code 13 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 93

Carrier Flag 14 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 94

Carrier Code 14 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty).

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 95

POI-CA Code 14 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 96

POI-Level Code 14 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty).

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 97

Calling Party Number Screening Indicator (1 decimal character enumeration or empty). This field details the screening indicator of calling party number.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Calling Party Number Screening Indicator in the ISUP messages associated with this call

Sub-Field 98

Calling Party Number Incomplete Indicator (1 decimal character enumeration or empty). This field describes the number incomplete indicator of calling party number.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Calling Party Number Incomplete Indicator in the ISUP messages associated with this call

Sub-Field 99

Called Party Number Internal Network Routing Indicator (1 decimal character enumeration or empty). This field describes the internal network routing indicator of called party number.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Called Party Number Internal Network Routing Indicator in the ISUP messages associated with this call

Sub-Field 100

Contractor Number Nature of Address indicator sub-field (1-decimal character enumeration or empty) for the contractor number parameter.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Contractor Number Parameter Nature of Address Indicator in the ISUP messages associated with this call

Sub-Field 101

Contractor Number Numbering Plan Indicator (1 decimal character enumeration or empty). This field describes the numbering plan indicator sub-field for the contractor number parameter.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Contractor Number Parameter Numbering Plan Indicator in the ISUP messages associated with this call

Sub-Field 102

ACM or CPG message Cause Value (4 hex characters, 0x01-0x7F or empty). This field describes the cause value contained in the ISUP ACM or CPG message associated with this call.

Valid values for this field are shown below in the table Japan ISUP Cause Value in ACM or CPG.

Sub-Field 103

Pre-Subscription Indicator (1 Boolean digit or empty)

This field contains "1" if pre-subscription has occurred, otherwise "0". This is presented based on information from the PSX.

Sub-Field 104

ISUP Preference Indicator (1 decimal character enumeration or empty)

This field contains the value received (ingress CDR) or sent (egress CDR) in the ISUP Preference Indicator field in the Forward Call Indicators parameter of the IAM. This is presented based on information received or from the PSX.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – Not present
  • 0 – ISUP Preferred All The Way
  • 1 – ISUP Not Required All The Way
  • 2 – ISUP Required All The Way
  • 3 – Spare

Sub-Field 105

Charge Information Type (4 hex characters or empty)

This field contains the value received (egress CDR) or sent (ingress CDR) in the Charge Information Type (0xFA) parameter. The parameter may be received in the ACM, CPG, and CHG messages; the last one received is stored. This is presented based on information received or from the PSX.

Sub-Field 106

Visitor MA Parameter (5 or 6 decimal characters or empty)

When the IAM message contains the visitor MA parameter, the visitor MA code is stored in the ingress CDR. When the Visitor MA parameter is sent from the PSX, it is stored in the egress CDR. This field is populated only if it's present in the IAM message received or sent by the SBC.

Valid values for this field are 00000 through 999999.

Sub-Field 107

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 1 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 1, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table 'Carrier Code Message/Types'.

Sub-Field 108

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 2 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 2, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in table 'Carrier Code Message/Types'.

Sub-Field 109

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 3 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 3, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table 'Carrier Code Message/Types'.

Sub-Field 110

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 4 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 4, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table 'Carrier Code Message/Types'.

Sub-Field 111

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 5 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 5, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table 'Carrier Code Message/Types'.

Sub-Field 112

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 6 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 6, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 113

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 7 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 7, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table 'Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 114

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 8 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 8, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table 'Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 115

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 9 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 9, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 116

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 10 (1-2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 10, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 117

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 11 (1-2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 11, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 118

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 12 (1-2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 12, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 119

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 13 (1-2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 13, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 120

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 14 (1-2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 14, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 121

SCP Carrier Code Message and Type (1-2 decimal characters or empty)

This field shows which message the SCP Carrier Code was in and whether it was received or generated. This occupies the single SCP Carrier Code slot in the CDR.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 122

Originating CPTT Received (1 Boolean digit)

This field is set to '1' if the IAM contains the trunk type parameter with value 11 (indicating NTTGC) or if the ingress PSX trunk group has a trunk type setting of "GC1". Otherwise this field is set to '0'.

Sub-Field 123

Terminating CPTT Received (1 Boolean digit)

This field is set to '1' if the ACM or CPG contains the trunk type parameter with value 11 (indicating NTTGC) or if the egress PSX trunk group has a trunk type setting of "GC1". Otherwise this field is set to '0'.

Sub-Field 124

User Specific Called Party Sub-Address (variable length string of up to 40 hex characters or empty)

This field contains Called Party sub address parameter of type user_specific when received as part of the Access Transport parameter (ATP). This field is only present when "Called Party sub address" of type user_specific is received in the ATP. This field is different from existing Called Party sub address of type NSAP.

An example string is "31323a3b".

Sub-Field 125

User Specific Calling Party Sub-Address (variable length string up to 40 hex characters or empty)

This field contains a user specific type Calling Party sub address parameter when received as part of the Access Transport parameter. This field is only present when "Calling Party sub address" of type user_specific received in the ATP. It's different from existing Calling Party sub address of type NSAP.

An example string is "31323a3b".

Sub-Field 126

Originating Trunk Group Charge Area (variable length string up to 5 chars. or empty)

This field contains the Charge Area (CA) specified on the PSX trunk group for the ingress side of the call. This field is empty if the CA information is not available at the PSX. This field is only present if the PSX has the CA populated on the trunk group used for the ingress side of the call.

An example string is "12345".

Sub-Field 127

Terminating Trunk Group Charge Area (variable length string up to 5 chars. or empty)

This field contains the Charge Area (CA) specified on the PSX trunk group for the egress side of the call. This field is empty if the CA information is not available at the PSX. This field is only present if the PSX has the CA populated on the trunk group used for the egress side of the call.

An example string is "12345".

Sub-Field 128

Called Directory Number Nature of Address (2-decimal character enumeration or empty)

This field contains the enumeration describing the Nature of Address of the Called Directory Number parameter.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Information Available
  • 0 – Spare
  • 1 – Subscriber Number (National Use)
  • 2 – Unknown (National Use)
  • 3 – National (significant) Number (National Use)
  • 4 – Reserved
  • 5 – Network-specific Number (National Use)
  • 6 – Reserved
  • 7 – Reserved
  • 8 – Reserved
  • 9 through 111 – Spare
  • 112 through 125 – Reserved for National Use
  • 126 – Network Specific Number
  • 127 – Spare

Sub-Field 129

Called Directory Number Numbering Plan (2-decimal character enumeration or empty)

This field contains the enumeration describing the Numbering Plan Indicator of the Called Directory Number parameter.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Information Available
  • 8 – CPC_ADDR_NUMBERING_PLAN_SPARE0 (ISUP Unknown Numbering Plan)
  • 10 – CPC_ADDR_NUMBERING_PLAN_SPARE2 (a.k.a. ISUP Spare 2)
  • 14 – CPC_ADDR_NUMBERING_PLAN_SPARE6 (a.k.a. ISUP Spare 6)
  • 15 – CPC_ADDR_NUMBERING_PLAN_SPARE7 (a.k.a. ISUP Spare 7)

Sub-Field 130

Called Directory Number Internal Network Number (1-decimal character enumeration or empty)

This field contains the enumeration describing the Internal Network Number of the Called Directory Number parameter.

Valid values for this field are:

  • empty – No Information Available

Sub-Field 131

Called Directory Number (String of up to 30 digits or empty)

This field contains the digits from the Called Directory Number parameter.

An example string is "01793601014".

Sub-Field 132

Raw Charge Information (String of up to 128 hexadecimal characters or empty)

This field contains the contents of the ISUP Charge Information parameter.

An example string is "fc7d0e3030303330303630303930313238."

Sub-Field 133

Forward Call Indicator (FCI) ISUP - Interworking Indicator (two 1-decimal character enumerations separated by a dash)

This field contains the ISUP Indicator and the Interworking Indicator from the Forward Call Indicators parameter in the IAM.

  • Valid values for ISUP Indicator:

    0 – ISDN not used all the way
    1 – ISDN used all the way.
  • Valid values for Interworking Indicator:

    0 – interworking not encountered
    1 – interworking encountered

An example string is: "0-0." (The FCI will always be present, so field is never empty)

Sub-Field 134

Backward Call Indicator (BCI) ISUP -Interworking Indicator (two 1-decimal character enumerations separated by a dash or empty)

This field contains the ISUP Indicator and the Interworking Indicator from the Backward Call Indicators for all backward messages.

  • Valid values for ISUP Indicator:

    0 – ISDN not used all the way
    1 – ISDN used all the way.
  • Valid values for Interworking Indicator:

    0 – interworking not encountered
    1 – interworking encountered

An example string is: "0-0."

Sub-Field 135

User-to-User Indicator (UUI) 1 Message and Direction - Octet Count - Delivery Status Indicator (1 or 2 decimal character enumeration, 3 decimal character, and 1 decimal character separated by a dash, or empty)

This field contains of an enumeration value indicating the type and direction of received message that contained UUI 1, a decimal value showing the number of octets in the UUI, and a value showing the delivery status of the UUI (this is only valid for the UUI in the IAM and is 0 for other messages).

  • Valid values for the Message Type and Direction are shown in the table UUI Message Types and Direction.
  • Octet count can be up to three decimal characters.
  • Valid values for Delivery Status Indicator are:

    0 – Delivery Status Unknown
    1 – UUI Undelivered
    2 – UUI Delivered

An example string is "1-29-0."

Sub-Field 136

User-to-User Indicator (UUI) 2 Message and Direction - Octet Count - Delivery Status Indicator (1 or 2 decimal character enumeration, 3 decimal character, and 1 decimal character separated by a dash, or empty)

This field contains of an enumeration value indicating the type and direction of received message that contained UUI 2, a decimal value showing the number of octets in the UUI, and a value showing the delivery status of the UUI (this is only valid for the UUI in the IAM and is 0 for other messages).

  • Valid values for the Message Type and Direction are shown in the table UUI Message Types and Direction.
  • Octet count can be up to three decimal characters.
  • Valid values for Delivery Status Indicator are:

    0 – Delivery Status Unknown
    1 – UUI Undelivered
    2 – UUI Delivered

An example string is "1-29-0."

Sub-Field 137

User-to-User Indicator (UUI) 3 Message and Direction - Octet Count - Delivery Status Indicator (1 or 2 decimal character enumeration, 3 decimal character, and 1 decimal character separated by a dash, or empty)

This field contains of an enumeration value indicating the type and direction of received message that contained UUI 3, a decimal value showing the number of octets in the UUI, and a value showing the delivery status of the UUI (this is only valid for the UUI in the IAM and is 0 for other messages).

  • Valid values for the Message Type and Direction are shown in the table UUI Message Types and Direction.
  • Octet count can be up to three decimal characters.
  • Valid values for Delivery Status Indicator are:

    0 – Delivery Status Unknown
    1 – UUI Undelivered
    2 – UUI Delivered

An example string is "1-29-0."

Sub-Field 138

User-to-User Indicator (UUI) 4 Message and Direction - Octet Count - Delivery Status Indicator (1 or 2 decimal character enumeration, 3 decimal character, and 1 decimal character separated by a dash, or empty)

This field contains of an enumeration value indicating the type and direction of received message that contained UUI 4, a decimal value showing the number of octets in the UUI, and a value showing the delivery status of the UUI (this is only valid for the UUI in the IAM and is 0 for other messages).

  • Valid values for the Message Type and Direction are shown in the table UUI Message Types and Direction.
  • Octet count can be up to three decimal characters.
  • Valid values for Delivery Status Indicator are:

    0 – Delivery Status Unknown
    1 – UUI Undelivered
    2 – UUI Delivered

An example string is "1-29-0."

Sub-Field 139

User-to-User Indicator (UUI) 5 Message and Direction - Octet Count - Delivery Status Indicator (1 or 2 decimal character enumeration, 3 decimal character, and 1 decimal character separated by a dash, or empty).

This field contains of an enumeration value indicating the type and direction of received message that contained UUI 5, a decimal value showing the number of octets in the UUI, and a value showing the delivery status of the UUI (this is only valid for the UUI in the IAM and is 0 for other messages).

  • Valid values for the Message Type and Direction are shown in the table UUI Message Types and Direction.
  • Octet count can be up to three decimal characters.
  • Valid values for Delivery Status Indicator are:

    0 – Delivery Status Unknown
    1 – UUI Undelivered
    2 – UUI Delivered

An example string is "1-29-0."

Sub-Field 140

User-to-User Indicator (UUI) 6 Message and Direction - Octet Count - Delivery Status Indicator (1 or 2 decimal character enumeration, 3 decimal character, and 1 decimal character separated by a dash, or empty)

This field contains of an enumeration value indicating the type and direction of received message that contained UUI 6, a decimal value showing the number of octets in the UUI, and a value showing the delivery status of the UUI (this is only valid for the UUI in the IAM and is 0 for other messages).

  • Valid values for the Message Type and Direction are shown in the table UUI Message Types and Direction.
  • Octet count can be up to three decimal characters.
  • Valid values for Delivery Status Indicator are:

    0 – Delivery Status Unknown
    1 – UUI Undelivered
    2 – UUI Delivered

An example string is "1-29-0."

Sub-Field 141

DPC Code 1 - Code 2 - Calling Member status - Calling Member Status Indicator - Originating IGS/GC - 0088 Prefix - Originating Bypass

This field contains the following information from the DPC information parameter, separated by dashes:

  • The DPC code 1 (up to 5 decimal characters or empty)
  • The DPC code 2 (up to 5 decimal characters or empty)
  • The Calling Member Status Information in the IAM either received or set after screening is done on PSX (1 decimal character, 0-8, or empty). Valid values are:

    0 – Pseudo Subscriber
    1 – Member
    2 – Member (stop service)
    3 – Pseudo subscriber (stop service)
    4 – Pseudo subscriber (out of service)
    5 – Non member
    6 – (No definition)
    7 – Member1
    8 – Member1 (stop service)
  • The Calling Member Status Indication which indicates if screening was performed (1 binary character, 0-1, or empty). This is set to 1 if screening is performed.
  • An indication if the ingress trunk group is GC (gate control) (1 binary character, 0-1, or empty). This is set to 1 if the ingress TG is GC.
  • An indication if the original Called Party Number contained a 0088 prefix (1 binary character, 0-1, or empty). This is set to 1 if the original received Called Party Number contains a 0088 Prefix.

  • An indication if the ingress trunk group is Bypass (1 binary character, 0-1, or empty). This is set to 1 if the ingress trunk group is a ByPass carrier.

An example string is: "60166-27290-8-1-0-0-0" or "--8-1---" or empty

NOTE:  Some fields may not be populated, as the Calling Member status information and indication may be populated if the information is available and the screening performed, but the rest of the parameter is not present. If there is no screening information and screening indication populated, it is assumed that the screening was not performed.

Sub-Field 142

JTI Calling LS Subscriber Indication - Called LS Subscriber Indication - Terminating ByPass Indication - Terminating IGS/GC Indication - Called Member Status Information - Called Member Status Indication

This field contains the following information from the JTI parameter information parameter, or if no JTI was received, then generated and sent in the JTI parameter in the forwards direction, separated by dashes:

  • The Calling Party LS subscriber indication (1 binary character, 0-1 or empty). This is set to 1 if the ingress trunk group is an LS subscriber.
  • The Called Party LS Subscriber indication (1 binary character, 0-1 or empty). This is set to 1 if the egress trunk group is an LS subscriber.
  • An indication if the ingress trunk group is Bypass (1 binary character, 0-1, or empty). This is set to 1 if the egress trunk group is a ByPass connection.
  • An indication if the terminating trunk group is IGS/GC (1 binary character, 0-1 or empty). This is set to 1 if the egress trunk group is a IGS/GC connection point.
  • The Called Member Status Information after called member screening is performed (1 decimal character, 0-8, or empty). The valid values are:

    0 – Pseudo Subscriber
    1 – Member
    2 – Member (stop service)
    3 – Pseudo subscriber (stop service)
    4 – Pseudo subscriber (out of service)
    5 – Non member
    6 – (No definition)
    7 – Member1
    8 – Member1 (stop service)

Called Member Status Indication used to indicate if screening has been performed (which all go in the JTI in backwards direction). (1 binary character, 0-1 or empty).

An example string is "0-0-0-0-8-1" or "-0-0-0-8-1" or "----8-1" or empty.

NOTE:  Some fields may not be populated, as the Called Member status information and indication may be populated if the information is available and screening was performed, but the rest of the parameter is not present and the JTI may not be present in both the forwards and backwards directions. If the screening information and indication is not populated, it is assumed that the screening was not performed

Sub-Field 143

Carrier information Transfer Message and Type 15 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 15, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 144

Carrier Flag 15 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00 - 0xFF or empty)

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 145

Carrier Code 15 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty)

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 146

POI-CA Code 15 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 147

POI-Level Code 15 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 148

Carrier Information Transfer Message and Type 16 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 16, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 149

Carrier Flag 16 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00 - 0xFF or empty)

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 150

Carrier Code 16 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty)

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 151

POI-CA Code 16 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 152

POI-Level Code 16 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 153

Carrier information Transfer Message and Type 17 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 17, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 154

Carrier Flag 17 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00 - 0xFF or empty)

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 155

Carrier Code 17 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty)

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 156

POI-CA Code 17 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 157

POI-Level Code 17 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 158

Carrier information Transfer Message and Type 18 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 18, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 159

Carrier Flag 18 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00 - 0xFF or empty)

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 160

Carrier Code 18 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty)

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 161

POI-CA Code 18 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 162

POI-Level Code 18 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 163

Carrier information Transfer Message and Type 19 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 19, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 164

Carrier Flag 19 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00 - 0xFF or empty)

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 165

Carrier Code 19 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty)

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 166

POI-CA Code 19 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 167

POI-Level Code 19 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 168

Carrier information Transfer Message and Type 20 (1 or 2 decimal characters or empty)

Of the 20 Carrier Information Transfer (CIT) parameter slots in the CDR, this field shows which type of message contained the CIT in slot 20, and whether it was received or generated.

Valid values for this field are shown in the table Carrier Code Message/Types.

Sub-Field 169

Carrier Flag 20 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00 - 0xFF or empty)

This field contains a carrier flag that indicates the type of carrier in the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 170

Carrier Code 20 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 decimal characters in the range 0000-9999 or empty)

This field contains the carrier code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 171

POI-CA Code 20 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (5 decimal characters in the range 00000-99999 or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Charge Area Code of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 172

POI-Level Code 20 of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter (4 hex characters in the range 0x00-0xFF or empty)

This field contains the Point of Interface Level of the Carrier Information Transfer parameter of the ISUP IAM, ACM, or CPG signaling message received by or generated at the gateway for this call.

Sub-Field 173

Own Carrier Code matches received in IAM (1 decimal character or empty)

The field indicates if the own carrier code of the ingress trunk group matches any carrier code (OLEC/Chosen IXC/Transit/SCP/SCP Donor/SCP Recipient) received in the IAM message. This field is set to 1 if a match exists.

Sub-Field 174

ACM/CPG Cause Coding standard - Location (1 character and 1 or 2 decimal characters separated by a dash or empty)

This field contains the Coding Standard and Location (or generation source) as listed in ITU Q850 of the Cause Indicator parameter from the ACM or CPG message.

Sub-Field 175

Cause Value in REL - Coding standard (1 character or empty)

This field contains the Coding Standard field as listed in ITU Q850 of the Cause Indicator parameter from the REL message.

Sub-Field 176

ACM/CPG Message Received (Boolean value, 1 or empty)

This field indicates whether a valid backwards message (ACM or CPG) was received). Valid values are:

  • empty – no ACM or backwards CPG was received
  • 1 – an ACM or backwards CPG message was received.

Sub-Field 177

Calling Party Subaddress AFI code (2 hex characters in the range 00-FF or empty)

This field contains the AFI code field of the calling party sub-address IE. The Calling party sub-address IE is included in the ISUP access transport parameter of the IAM message.

Sub-Field 178

Called Party Subaddress AFI code (2 hex characters in the range 00-FF or empty)

This field contains the AFI code field of the called party sub-address IE. The Called party sub-address IE is included in the ISUP access transport parameter of the IAM message.

Sub-Field 179

Unrecognized Calling Subaddress Type - Information (1 character and up to 40 hex characters separated by a dash or empty)

The field contains the Calling Party sub-address information with an unrecognized sub-address type. The Calling party sub-address IE is included in the ISUP access transport parameter.

An example string is "3-12345."

Sub-Field 180

Unrecognized Called Subaddress Type - Information (1 character and up to 40 hex characters separated by a dash or empty)

The field contains the Called Party sub-address information with an unrecognized sub-address type. The Calling party sub-address IE is included in the ISUP access transport parameter.

An example string is "3-123456"

Sub-Field 181

ANM to CPG conversion applied (1 character or empty)

The SBC indicates if ANM to CPG conversion has been performed in a new subfield (181) in the "Ingresss isup mime Protocol Variant Specific data field" for Japan protocol variant string in START, STOP and INTERMEDIATE CAM records.

ANM to CPG conversion indicator:

  • Empty: No ANM to CPG conversion for the call
  • 1: ANM to CPG  conversion applied for the call

NOTE: The "Egress ISUP Protocol Variant Specific data field" for Japan protocol variant string contains an empty value for the ANM to CPG conversion applied field. This is applicable for GW-GW call flows where the egress GW is a GSX running Japan ISUP. The Egress MIME protocol variant string will always have this field empty whether the egress GW is SBC or GSX.



1Japan ISUP Cause Value in ACM or CPG

CDR Value



No cause value in the ACM message associated with this call















































































































































The following table lists the Carrier Code Message/Type enumerations.

1Carrier Code Message/Types

CDR Value



Not present


Received IAM


Generated IAM


Received ACM


Generated ACM


Received CPG


Generated CPG


Received REL (forward)


Generated REL (forward)


Received REL (backward)


Generated REL (backward)


Generated Generic backward message

The following table lists the UUI Message Types and Direction enumerations.

1UUI Message Types and Direction

CDR Value



J7_IAM_SEND (An IAM was sent by the SBC)


J7_ACM_SEND (An ACM was sent by the SBC)


J7_CHG_SEND (A CHG was sent by the SBC)


J7_CPG_SEND (A CPG was sent by the SBC)


J7_ANM_SEND (An ANM was sent by the SBC)


J7_IAM_RCV (An IAM was received by the SBC)


J7_ACM_RCV (An ACM was received by the SBC)


J7_CHG_RCV (A CHG was received by the SBC)


J7_CPG_RCV (A CPG was received by the SBC)


J7_ANM_RCV (An ANM was received by the SBC)


J7_REL_SEND (A REL was sent by the SBC)


J7_REL_RCV (A REL was received by the SBC)
