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About this Resource


Defines a Transformation Entry resource to describe a given Transformation Table.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
InputFieldYesNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - tfCalledNumber
  • 1 - tfCalledNumberType
  • 2 - tfCalledNumberPlan
  • 3 - tfCallingNumber
  • 4 - tfCallingNumberType
  • 5 - tfCallingNumberPlan
  • 6 - tfCallingNumberPresentation
  • 7 - tfCallingNumberScreening
  • 8 - tfCallingName
  • 9 - tfOriginalCalledNumber
  • 10 - tfRedirectingNumber
  • 11 - tfRedirectingNumberType
  • 12 - tfRedirectingNumberPlan
  • 13 - tfTransferCapability
  • 14 - tfUserValue1
  • 15 - tfUserValue2
  • 16 - tfUserValue3
  • 17 - tfUserValue4
  • 18 - tfUserValue5
  • 19 - tfCallingNumberUserSpecified
  • 20 - tfElinIdentifier
  • 21 - tfCalledExt
  • 22 - tfCallingExt
  • 23 - tfCalledPhoneContext
  • 24 - tfCallingPhoneContext
  • 25 - tfOriginalDestNumber
  • 26 - tfCallbackTable
  • 27 - tfSGUserValue1
  • 28 - tfSGUserValue2
  • 29 - tfSGUserValue3
  • 30 - tfSGUserValue4
  • 31 - tfSGUserValue5
  • 32 - tfCalledSubNumber
  • 33 - tfCallingSubNumber
  • 34 - tfDestinationTrunkGroup
  • 35 - tfConnectedName
  • 36 - tfCalledPresenceValue
  • 37 - tfCallingPresenceValue
  • 38 - tfCalledFreePhoneNumber
Specifies the type of field to match against. UserValue1 through UserValue5 are used to store modified values temporarily during normalization or translation. They are discarded once the operation is complete. SGUserValue1 through SGUserValue5 are also used for temporary value storage, in the case of SIP call flows these values may be shared with the SIP Protocol Repair functionality. The following TranslationField values are not valid for InputField: tfConnectedName (35), tfCalledPresenceValue (36) and tfCallingPresenceValue (37)
InputFieldValueYesNostringnone256 - Max Length Specifies what value to match against for the selected type. This allows control over whether or not to perform this operation. The type changes the InputField's Value, for Numbering Type and Plan this is a dropdown, for everything else this is a Regular Expression string. If this is a Regular Expression string, it can be blank to match nothing or empty strings,
^$ is implicit. An Active Directory match can be specified by entering the AD field name with a = character at the start and end of the field name. When transformation is done for Presence, format of InputFieldValue must be ==attributeName== if doing an AD match.
OutputFieldYesNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - tfCalledNumber
  • 1 - tfCalledNumberType
  • 2 - tfCalledNumberPlan
  • 3 - tfCallingNumber
  • 4 - tfCallingNumberType
  • 5 - tfCallingNumberPlan
  • 6 - tfCallingNumberPresentation
  • 7 - tfCallingNumberScreening
  • 8 - tfCallingName
  • 9 - tfOriginalCalledNumber
  • 10 - tfRedirectingNumber
  • 11 - tfRedirectingNumberType
  • 12 - tfRedirectingNumberPlan
  • 13 - tfTransferCapability
  • 14 - tfUserValue1
  • 15 - tfUserValue2
  • 16 - tfUserValue3
  • 17 - tfUserValue4
  • 18 - tfUserValue5
  • 19 - tfCallingNumberUserSpecified
  • 20 - tfElinIdentifier
  • 21 - tfCalledExt
  • 22 - tfCallingExt
  • 23 - tfCalledPhoneContext
  • 24 - tfCallingPhoneContext
  • 25 - tfOriginalDestNumber
  • 26 - tfCallbackTable
  • 27 - tfSGUserValue1
  • 28 - tfSGUserValue2
  • 29 - tfSGUserValue3
  • 30 - tfSGUserValue4
  • 31 - tfSGUserValue5
  • 32 - tfCalledSubNumber
  • 33 - tfCallingSubNumber
  • 34 - tfDestinationTrunkGroup
  • 35 - tfConnectedName
  • 36 - tfCalledPresenceValue
  • 37 - tfCallingPresenceValue
  • 38 - tfCalledFreePhoneNumber
Specifies the type of field to replace the value in. UserValue1 through UserValue5 are used to store modified values temporarily during translation. These values are discarded once translation is complete. SGUserValue1 through SGUserValue5 are also used for temporary value storage, in the case of SIP call flows these values may be shared with the SIP Protocol Repair functionality. The following TranslationField values are not valid for OutputField: tfCallingNumberUserSpecified (19), and tfElinIdentifier (20).
OutputFieldValueYesNostringnone256 - Max Length Specifies what value with which to replace the selected type. This allows control over the translation performed. The type changes the OutputField's Value, for Numbering Type and Plan this is a drop down, for everything else this is a Regular Expression string. An Active Directory replacement can be specified by entering the AD field name with a = character at the start and end of the field name. When transformation is done for Presence, format of OutputFieldValue must be =attributeName=, if InputFieldValue is an AD match..
MatchTypeYesNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - tmtMandatory
  • 1 - tmtOptional
Specifies if this Translation Table Entry must be matched or not. Mandatory entries must match, Optional entries must match at least one of that Input Field type.
DescriptionNoNostringnone64 - Max LengthDescribes the Transformation Table Entry so that it is easily identifiable when re-sequencing entries in the Transformation Table