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REST API Method: POST /rest/messagetranstable/{identifier}/messagetransentry/{identifier}

Modifies a Message Translation Table Entry given a specific Table Entry ID in a given Message Translation Table.


HTTP Method


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title[messagetransentry - REST API Methods|Resource - messagetransentry]

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Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
ConfigIEStateNoYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - esDISABLED
  • 1 - esENABLED
Specifies the Administrative State of the resource.
DescriptionNoNostringnone64 - Max LengthShort description of the translation.
InMsgTypeYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - imtProgress
  • 1 - imtAlert
  • 2 - imtConnect
  • 3 - imtProceeding
Specifies the incoming message type to be matched and translated.
  • Connect
    - For this option, the Incoming Message, IE Type must be Facility, and the Outgoing Message, IE must be Untranslated or Not Present.
  • Proceeding, Progress, Alert
    - For these options Incoming Message, IE Type must be Progress Indicator only.
InIETypeYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - iitPI
  • 1 - iitDontCare
  • 2 - iitFacility
Specifies the Information Element (IE) type to be matched and translated.
  • Progress Indicator
    - This option specifies that a progress indicator is present.
  • Don't Care - This option specifies that a Progress Indicator is present or not is not a concern.

    This option only applies to Progress message types.

  • Facility
    - This option disables all the following Progress Indicator related matching rules.

    This option only applies to Connect message types.

InPIPresentYesYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - btFalse
  • 1 - btTrue
Specifies if the Progress Indicator (PI) is present in the message.
  • Yes
    - Progress Indicator is present in the message.
  • No
    - Progress Indicator must not be present in the message.
InPISelectionYesYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - pstAny
  • 1 - pstFiltered
Specified if messages are filtered by Progress Indicator (PI) values.
  • Any
    - This option does not filter messages by their Progress Indicator value, so any PI value is matched.
  • Selected
    - This option filters messages by specific Progress Indicator values, selected in the following Progress Indicators field.
InPiValueYesYesint2Possible values:
  • 0 - Minimum
  • 127 - Maximum
Bitmask of one or more progress indicator values in the incoming message to match:
  • 0
    - If the PI is NOT present. InPIPresent is set to No.
  • 1
    - Not end to end ISDN
  • 2
    - Destination not ISDN
  • 4
    - Origination is not ISDN
  • 8
    - Call return to ISDN
  • 16
    - Interworking Encountered
  • 32
    - Inband information
  • 64
    - Delay Encountered
Example: If InPiValue is 7 the system will match message with 3 different PI: Not end to end ISDN (1) or Destination is not ISDN (2) or Origination is not ISDN (4)
EarlyMediaStatusYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - emsAny
  • 1 - emsNegotiated
  • 2 - emsNotNegotiated
Specifies how to handle early media status.
  • Any
    - Specifies that early media status is not considered.
  • Negotiated
    - Specifies that early media status is negotiated.
  • Not Negotiated
    - Specifies that early media status is not negotiated.

    This option is available when the Incoming Message, Message Type is Progress or Alert.

OutMsgTypeYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - omtProgress
  • 1 - omtAlert
  • 2 - omtConnect
  • 3 - omtProceeding
Specifies the type of the outgoing translated message.
OutIETypeYesYesEnum4Possible values:
  • 0 - oitUntranslated
  • 1 - oitNotPresent
  • 2 - oitPresent
  • 3 - oitNotEndtoEndISDN
  • 4 - oitDestinationNotISDN
  • 5 - oitOriginNotISDN
  • 6 - oitReturnToISDN
  • 7 - oitInterworkingEncountered
  • 8 - oitInbandInfo
  • 9 - oitDelayEncountered
Outgoing translated Information Element (IE). The outgoing IE type is the same as the incoming IE Type.
  • Present
    - This option means present with any value and is generally used for SIP with SDP.

    If Facility is selected for Incoming Message, IE Type, the Outgoing, IE can only be Untranslated or Not Present.

SendMessageYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - smtYes
  • 1 - smtNo
  • 2 - smtNoOnSubsequent
  • 3 - smtNoOnCutThrough
Specifies when an outgoing message is sent.
  • Yes
    - Send message
  • No
    - Ignore message (no message is sent)
  • No on Subsequent
    - Ignore message if same message has already been sent
  • No on Cut Through
    - Ignore message if early media being played

    When No is selected, all the following fields are disabled.

MediaCutthroughTypeYesYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - mctYesOnEarlyMedia
  • 1 - mctYes
  • 2 - mctNo
Specifies the use of cut through media. When SBC receives PROCEEDING message it cuts through media by default regardless of PI presence.

titleHelpful Tip

The POST can contain either only the attributes that are being updated, or the full set of attributes for the resource