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About this Resource


Defines the Media System Configuration resource controlling the RTP/RTCP Port Range, Packet Latency settings on the Sonus SBC Edge system, NLP control, and MOH service configuration.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
RTPRTCP_PortStartYesYesint16384Possible values:
  • 1024 - Minimum
  • 32767 - Maximum
The starting number for the RTP and RTCP port range.
RTPRTCP_PortCountYesYesint600Possible values:
  • 1 - Minimum
  • 4800 - Maximum
The number of RTP and RTCP port pairs used by the Sonus SBC Edge system. For example, if the default values are used for starting port number and number of ports, the last port number would be 17583.
EchoCancel_NLPOptionNoNoEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - nlpDisabled
  • 1 - nlpMild
  • 2 - nlpStandard
  • 3 - nlpAggressive
This setting controls the Non-Linear Processing (NLP) option for echo cancellation. If NLP is enabled then the options, nlpMild, nlpStandard ("Strong" in the UI), and nlpAggressive represent increasing levels of attenuation.
EchoCancel_LECOptionNoNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - lecStandard
  • 1 - lecDualFilter
This setting controls the LEC type, standard or dual filter LEC. Switch between standard LEC and dual filter LEC is not recomemded when there is any active call.
MOHSourceNoNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - mohFile
  • 1 - mohFxs
Configures the source of the system's MOH
  • File
    - Music played from the uploaded file.
  • FXS
    - Music played from radio or CD player via an analog FXS port connected to a RJ-11 adapter.
FXSPortSelectionNoYesstringnone32 - Max LengthSpecifies the string name of the FXS port used for MOH audio in the format of "card:port", E.g. 2:1.
SendSTUNPacketsNoNoEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - btFalse
  • 1 - btTrue


Parameter Name Description Data Type Possible Values
rt_CurrentMohFilenameRead Current MOH file name with extentions of wav, pcm, pcma, and pcmu.string