Normalizing Numbers
The first phase of the process is to normalize the incoming numbers and set the Exchange Subscriber's Access (EUM SA) phone number.
Create an Action for releasing calls using the Action Configuration menu (for Action: Release Call, for Q.850 Cause Code: 16: Normal Call Clearing). HTis is for calls that have completed processing, but are still not routed.
For details, refer to Creating and Modifying Action Configurations.
Create a Transformation Table for normalizing numbers (see field configuration examples below). For details, refer to Creating and Modifying Entries to Transformation Tables.
Caption |
0 | Table |
1 | Create Transformation Table |
InputField Type | Input Field Value | Output Field Type | Output Field Value | Match Type | Example Description | How the Call is Handled |
Called Address/Number | (.*) | User Value 2 | \1 | Mandatory | Store Original Called Number | Saves the originally called number in the User Value #2 IE | Calling Address/Number | (.*) | User Value 3 | \1 | Mandatory | Store Original Calling Number | Saves the original calling number in the User Value #3 IE | Called Address/Number | ^\d{1}(.*)$ | Called Address/Number | \1 | Mandatory | Strip X digits from Called Number (default 0) | Strips the number of digits noted in d{x} from the beginning of the called number. In the example, d{1} digits, or one digit, is stripped from the incoming called number. If the original called number was 15105551212, the output of this translation is 5105551212. | Calling Address/Number | ^\d{1}(.*)$ | Calling Address/Number | \1 | Mandatory | Strip X digits from Calling Number (default 0) | Strips the number of digits noted in d{x} from the beginning of the calling number. In the example, d{0} digits, or zero digits, are stripped from the incoming calling number. If the original calling number was 15105551212, the output of this translation is 5105551212. | Called Address/Number | (.*) | Called Address/Number | +1\1 | Mandatory | Normalize Called Number - DNIS | Prepends the digits in the Output Field to the called number. In the example, if the called number was 5105551212, +1 is added to the called number rendering +15105551212. | Calling Address/Number | (.*) | Calling Address/Number | +1\1 | Mandatory | Normalize Calling Number - ANI | Prepends the digits in the Output Field to the calling number. In the example, if the calling number was 5105551212, +1 is added to the calling number rendering +15105551212. | User Value 1 | (.*) | User Value 1 | +1408348539 | Mandatory | EUM Subscriber Access # | Defines the Exchange Subscriber's Access Number. Above, the EUM SA number is configured to +14083483539. | Calling Address/Number | (.*) | User Value 4 | \1 | Mandatory | Save Normalized Calling Number | Records the normalized calling number into the User Value 4 IE. |
Create the main Action Set Table (i.e, Incoming from PSTN). For details, refer to Managing Action Configurations.
Create an entry in the Action Set Table to include the Transformation Table created above.