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VMware ESXi Getting Started link:

compatibility guide


Download and Install vSphere

If you need to access the ESXi server remotely, you need to download and install vSphere Client in your desktop. 

To download the vSphere, use Web browser to access the link  ( or )

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2.log in to ESXi Server

After running the installer, start the vSphere client; use your sonus user credential to login to the ESXi Server

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3. Reserve two IP address for your new SBC SWeLite

Before you create your SBC SWeLite, you need to reserve two static IP addresses for your SBC SWeLite. One for management port, and the other one for media port.

The managemet port is on the 10.56.230.x subnet and the media port is on the 10.56.227.x subnet; the x is between 100-254;

You can use this link to reserve your IP addresses: 

Children Display

Fremont Resource Management

4. Install SBC SWeLite to the ESXi Server

Once you log in to the ESXi server, you can install the SBC SWeLite OVA file to create your own SBC SWeLites;

The latest SBC SWeLite plateform build is alpha build 12 and located at this link \\\Software\VSBC-Platform-Releases\ESXi\SBC3000v6.1.0.Alpha.B12.ova

Click the File on the  top of the menu, in the pull down menu, select Deploy OVF Template, it will pop up an deploy window.

place the SBC SWeLite build link or ova files to the source window

The build link example:


(\\\builds\Chorus\Test\FLUTE\FLUTE build 40\esxi\SBCSWeLite-release-6.1.0.build40\esxi\SBCSWeLite-release-6.1.0.build40.ova)


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Hit next and next go to the Name and Location template, you should change the name of the SBC SWeLite. The reason is we sharing this ESXi server, ever one can see all the other person's SBC SWeLites. To avoid accidental duplicate or delete other person's SBC SWeLite. I suggest use this format: SBCSWeLitename.buildnumber_yourName_IPaddressLastNumber. For example SBCSWeLite.B12_nanyi_100; or SBC3000.B12_nanyi_100; which means I will use IP address as management port, and IP address as media port.

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Hit next go to Disk format

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Hit next goto Network Mapping

To change the media port network interface; select the network interface on the pull down menu from the Destination Networks:

Hit next will go to Ready to Complete page, and Hit finish you create your SBC SWeLite !!


5. Edit virtual machine settings

 The default SBC SWeLite comes with 512MB memory, 1 CPU and Five Network interfaces. You need to gather the MAC address information for each interface to further configure the SBC SWeLite interfaces from the console; therefore, you must edit he virtual machine setting by click the SBC SWeLite you created; on the Getting started tab, click the link Edit virtual machine settings

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5.1 Change the Memory setting

Change the memory setting by click the memory and change the memory size to 1G

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5.2 Gather network interface Mac Address and map the interface to network


To gather the network interface Mac address and map the interface to desired network, you need to at least power on once of the virtual machine, then power off the virtual machine to generate Mac address on each interface (refer to next session for power on virtual machine) click each of the network adapters and write down the Mac address and network mappings, later configuration need those information to further configure the network interfaces from the console.

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6. Power on the virtual machine

To start your SBC SWeLite, you need to power on the virtual machine by click the "Power on the virtual machine" link from the Getting started tab. 


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 6.1 Access console

In order to further configure the virtual machine, you need the console access. To access the console,  you need to click the console tab or from the Summary tab click the Open Console link.

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7. Network interface configuration

 To Access the SBC SWeLite virtual machine, you need to further configure the network interfaces from the virtual machine console.

7.1 Login to netconfig user

Log in as user 'netconfig' with password 'config'. This automatically runs the interface mapping shell script. Then the console will ask user to change the netconfig password. The password need to be at least 6 characters with upper, lower, number or other characters combination.

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 7.2 Configure the name and map the Mac address of interface to desired network

The interface mapping shell script will ask user to provide interface name to map the interface showing from the WebUI. in order to correctly map the interface you need to use the mac address gathered from above virtual machine editing session. To activate the interface you need to specify the name and Mac address mapping. If you just hit enter, the interface will not specified and it will not showing on the WebUI.

For example:  

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 After apply the configuration change in the first time, the system will be rebooted by itself.

7.3 Obtain Admin port IP address


The admin port should be connected to a network that the DHCP server enabled. If the network mapping and the connection is correct, the admin IP address should be showing on the console port. Otherwise, you need to check you connection and mappings.


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7.4 Login to root from the console

if you need to access the root of the console before the WebUI initial setup, you can login to root with default password chorus

After the WebUI initial setup, if you need to access root from the console you need to enable the ssh access following this link (SBC 1k/2k troubleshooting)

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8. Access your SBC SWeLite to complete the initial setup

From your web browser access the initial admin IP address of your SBC SWeLite, it will bring up the SBC SWeLite initial setup page.

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Complete the intial setup and configured the static Admin IP address and all the interfaces IP address. You need to powered cycle the virtual machine. After the virtual machine comes on line. your SBC SWeLite is ready to use!