Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

AUTH2UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cd5909df, userName='null'}
AUTH1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26c85b00e8, userName='null'}
REV5UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cca00892, userName='null'}
REV6UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26c749000c, userName='null'}
REV3UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cc5007d5, userName='null'}
REV1UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a02355cd1c2f0155cd26cd5909dd, userName='null'}
REV2UserResourceIdentifier{userKey=8a00a0c8562eb4a4015644e46ec10005, userName='null'}


In this section:

Table of Contents



acts as SIP-I Back-to-Back User Agent (B2B UA) for packet-to-packet calls supporting SIP-I Embedded Integrated Service Digital Network User Part (ISUP) interworking which is explained in the following section. The
supports to populate the encapsulated ISUP calling party even when it is not mapped to P-Asserted-Identity in the INPUT DATA that is sent to the PSX.

SIP to SIP-I Interworking


supports the ability to take the tef-callref parameter received in the R-URI header of an INVITE message and convert it into the ISUP network call reference parameter with the parameter code 0xf4. The parameter is stored in the CDR and mapped into the SIP-I signaling on the egress side. The length of the added field is fixed at seven bytes (including type/length).

Example message:

Code Block
INVITE sip:+457912345678;tgrp=garps;;tef-callref=7AF0731E04@srsbc1sip.maqueta;user=phone SIP/2.0 

SIP-I Embedded ISUP Interworking



 supports interworking between standard versions and country variants of the ISUP MIME body embedded within SIP-I. The  following main SIP-I variants are supported:

  • ITU 
  • ANSI
  • TTC
  • ETSI
  • UK ISUP. Scenario:
  • ISUP (Country variant) — GSX9000 — GW-GW —
     — SIP(I) — Peer switch


SIP-I implementation supports the ISUP base values defined in RFC 3204. All the other ISUP variants supported by Sonus can be supported as Specific Content Type versions.

ISUP Super Generic Digits


supports processing Super Generic Digits (SGD) received in 'sgd' parameter of P-Sig-Info header of SIP INVITE message, and mapping them to Generic Digits parameter of Number Type 25 in SIP mime, and vice-versa. This applies to both SIP-SIP and GW-GW call flows.

The maximum length of SGD digits supported in P-Sig-Info header is 160 characters (0-9, a-f, A-F) which maps to 80 octets in SIP-I mime with a Binary encoding scheme, and vice-versa.

The PSX IPSP flag “Map SGD in P-Sig-Info Header”  controls sending the “sgd” parameter in P-Sig-Info header in the outgoing SIP message. The CLI syntax to configure ISUP Signaling Profile to allow Super Generic Digits in the egress mime is shown below:


The interworking of SGD parameter and SIP P-Sig-Info header is not applicable when the 

is configured for ERE mode.

Code Block
% set profiles signaling isupSignalingProfile <profile name> allowSGDinGenericDigits <supported | unSupported>


Bit H of Backward Call Indicator


is configurable to allow the insertion of the BIT H parameter in the outgoing Address Complete Message (ACM) MIME of the 18x response using the ingress IP attributes flag, set-cut-through-indication-in-OBCI, for IP Signaling Profile attached to the ingress trunk group.

The ACM message sends Backward Call Indicators (BCI) to signal information about the call setup. Most of the fields contained in the Backward Call Indicators are the same as those in the Forward Call Indicators (FCI), which are contained in the IAM. While the FCI signals the call indicators in the forward direction to provide information on the call setup to the terminating access (and intermediate nodes), the BCI signals similar information in the backward direction to the originator.

Bit H of the Backward Call Indicator (in ANSI) allows a network node to temporarily halt call set-up and play tones or announcements, or both, and collect additional in-band information from the calling user before routing the call further.


Code Block
% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile MyProfile ingressIpAttributes flags set-cut-through-indication-in-OBCI enable

ISUP Mime Enhancements


SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) allows for direct manipulation of the ISUP parameters within the ISUP MIME message body of a SIP message. Currently, this enhancement applies to Japan and ITU ISUP variants.

These rules are only intended to be used by someone who is familiar with the ISUP message/parameter formats. If in doubt on how to write the syntax for a specific operation, please contact Sonus TAC for more assistance.

 Three different ISUP parameter formatting types exist as depicted in the table below.

1ISUP Parameter Formatting Types
ISUP Formatting TypeDescriptionExample
Mandatory fixed

This type has a fixed size. It must be present in the message, and can only appear once in the message.

Nature of connection parameter in IAM
Mandatory variableThis type has a variable size. It must be present in the message, and can only appear once in the message.Called party number in IAM
OptionalThis type can be of a fixed or variable size, and can appear one or more times in the message. 

Three different ISUP parameters types exist within the SMM rules as described in the table below:

1ISUP Parameter Types Within SMM Rules
ISUP Parameter Type Within SMM RulesDescriptionExamples
Single instance

Parameters that can only appear once in an ISUP message. These are identified by a parameter code.

called party number
Repeatable parametersParameters that can appear in an ISUP message multiple times. Each of these parameters contains a parameter field (subtype) to identify a specific instance of the parameter. These are identified by a parameter code and parameter sub type.generic digits = type of digits

generic number = number qualifier

generic notification = notification indicator
Embedded parametersThe access transport parameter can contain a list of other parameters. These are identified by a parameter code and embedded ISUP parameter code.called / calling sub-address information


SMM Operations/Actions

The SMM provides the capabilities to perform the following operations:

1SMM Operations/Actions
3SMM Operations/Actions

This operation allows for the operator to check whether a parameter is present based on message code, parameter code, subtype or embedded parameter code. It is also possible to provide a pattern of bytes to match on the parameter, the length of the pattern needs to be less than or equal to the length of the parameter in the message. The parameter code is mandatory in this operation.

AddThis operation allows for a parameter to be added into the message, in this case the parameter or embedded parameter needs to be created in an SMM variable. In the case of embedded parameters if the access transport parameter does not already exist within the message then it is automatically created in order to populate the embedded parameter.
Add digits

This operation only applies to parameters calling party number, called party number, called IN number, location number, redirection number, original called number, redirecting number, connected number of generic number. This operation can be used to either add or replace the digits within these parameters. The operator needs to create a variable containing the ASCII string of characters; this can either be hardcoded or populated based on the contents of a SIP header, e.g. R-URI.

As part of this operation, the ASCII string of digits are converted into Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) format so the odd/even indicator field within the ISUP parameter is set correctly. If the parameter already contains digits, they are replaced with the new information.

These parameters can be created in two step:

  1. use the add action to create the fixed part of the parameter
  2. use the addDigits action to add in the digits.

If the addDigits operation is attempted and the associated parameter does not already exist in the message then it will fail. If the ASCII string contains a + then this will be dropped as part of the conversion as there is no mapping into the ISUP parameter.

DeleteThis operation allows for a parameter to be deleted based on the message code, parameter code, subtype or embedded parameter code. It is also possible to provide a pattern of bytes to match on the parameter, the length of the pattern needs to be less than or equal to the length of the parameter in the message. The parameter code is mandatory in this operation. In the case of embedded parameters within the access transport, when the last embedded sub parameter within the access transport is deleted then the access transport parameter is also deleted from the message.  Only optional parameters can be deleted.
Get Digits

This operation only applies to parameters calling party number, called party number, called IN number, location number, redirection number, original called number, redirecting number, and connected number of generic number. The operation is used to convert ISUP BCD format to regular number format (i.e., can be used to retrieve the digits in ASCII string format for the specified parameter to a variable).


This operation allows the contents of an existing parameter to be swapped with new information. The operator needs to read the whole parameter into an SMM variable they can then edit the contents of the variable using bitwise operators e.g. AND, OR to update the contents of the specific bits in the specific bytes of the ISUP parameter. The updated parameter contents can then be swapped into the ISUP message again.


Clicking on an operation in the above table which includes a hyperlink takes you to an example later in this section.


bitOR – Bitwise OR operation

bitAND – Bitwise AND operation

bitXOR – Bitwise eXclusive OR operation

bitNOT – Bitwise NOT operation that is, inverts the bit from its current value.

binaryToAsciiStore – This operation converts hexadecimal binary data into the equivalent ASCII string for example, the number "0x12, 0x34" into the string “1234”.

binaryToAsciiAppend – This operation converts hexadecimal binary data into the equivalent ASCII string for example, the number "0x12, 0x34" into the string “1234” and appends it to the end of an existing ASCII variable.

asciiToBinaryStore – This operation converts an ASCII string of hexadecimal digits into an array of hexadecimal binary bytes for example, “1234” is converted to "0x12, 0x34".

asciiToBinaryAppend – This operation converts an ASCII string  of hexadecimal digits into an array of hexadecimal binary bytes and appends them to an existing binary variable.

Parameter Descriptions

Possible Completion/
Default Value

Hex value representing 16-bit ISUP message code. For example, 0x01 for Initial Address Message (IAM), 0x02 for Subsequent Address Message (SAM), and 0x06 for Address Complete (ACM).

paramCode00-ff00Primary parameter hex code of ISUP parameter.
paramSubType00-ffffSecondary parameter hex code of repeatable ISUP parameter.
paramEmbeddedCode00-ff00Secondary parameter hex code of embedded ISUP parameter.

The number of bytes from selected offset byte for binary manipulation.

offsetwhole/0-254wholeThe position of first byte for binary manipulation.


Example ISUP MIME Capabilities

Table of Contents

Example ISUP MIME capabilities, based on the syntax above, including the SMM rules to facilitate them, are provided in this section. For each example, the ISUP MIME data is shown before and after the rules are applied.


Change the value of the end to end information element in the FCI parameter
Code Block
#check if isup message exist

set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 criterion 1 type message message methodType invite messageTypes request

set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 criterion 2 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup isupMessageType 01 condition exist

#save fci  param
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 1 type isupParameter operation store
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 1 type isupParameter from type isupParameter paramCode 07
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 1 to type variable variableValue var1

#create the bitmask
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 2 type variable operation asciiToBinaryStore
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 2 from type value value "10"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 2 to type variable variableValue var2

#enable end-to-end bit
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 3 type variable operation bitOR
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 3 from type variable variableValue var2 offset 0
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 3 to type variable variableValue var1 offset 0

#update the fci
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 4 type isupParameter
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 4 from type variable variableValue var1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 4 to type isupParameter paramCode 07
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile fci rule 1 action 4 operation modify
Code Block
ISUP-Before-SMM: 01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 05 03 03 90 f1 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 00
ISUP-After-SMM:  01 10 70 00 0a 03 02 05 03 03 90 f1 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 00 


Create the network call reference parameter based on the contents of tef-callref parameter in SIP header
Code Block
#check if tef-callref and isup present in the request
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 criterion 1 type message message methodType invite messageTypes request
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 criterion 2 type header header condition exist name "request-line"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter paramType userinfo  name "tef-callref" condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 criterion 4 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 criterion 4 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup isupMessageType 01

#store the tef-callref parameter in to variable var1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 1 type parameter
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 1 paramType userinfo
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 1 operation store
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 1 from type parameter value "tef-callref"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 1 to type variable variableValue var1

#convert value to binary and store into variable var2
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 2 type variable operation asciiToBinaryStore
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 2 from type variable variableValue var1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 2 to type variable variableValue var2

#now reshuffle. so use regular store/append
#store var2[2] -> var3[0]
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 3 type variable operation store
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 3 from type variable variableValue var2 offset 2 length 1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 3 to type variable variableValue var3

#store var2[1] -> var3[1]
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 4 type variable operation append
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 4 from type variable variableValue var2 offset 1 length 1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 4 to type variable variableValue var3

set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 5 type variable operation append
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 5 from type variable variableValue var2 offset 0 length 1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 5 to type variable variableValue var3

set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 6 type variable operation append
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 6 from type variable variableValue var2 offset 4 length 1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 6 to type variable variableValue var3
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 7 type variable operation append
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 7 from type variable variableValue var2 offset 3 length 1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 7 to type variable variableValue var3 

#add to isup
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 8 type isupParameter from type variable variableValue var3
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 8 to type isupParameter paramCode F4
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile callref rule 1 action 8 operation add
Code Block
ISUP-Before-SMM: 01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 05 03 03 90 f1 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 00
ISUP-After-SMM:  01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 05 03 03 90 f1 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 f4 05 73 f0 7a 04 1e 00 


Delete the parameter with parameter codeF3 from the message
Code Block
#check if parameter f3 present
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile deleteparam rule 1 criterion 1 type message message methodType invite messageTypes request
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile deleteparam rule 1 criterion 2 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup isupMessageType 01 condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile deleteparam rule 1 criterion 3 type isupParameter isupParameter paramCode f3 condition exist

#delete parameter
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile deleteparam rule 1 action 1 type isupParameter operation delete
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile deleteparam rule 1 action 1 type isupParameter to type isupParameter paramCode f3 
Code Block
ISUP-Before-SMM: 01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 05 03 03 90 f1 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 f3 05 73 f0 7a 04 1e 00
ISUP-After-SMM:  01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 05 03 03 90 f1 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 00 


Update the called party address digits based on the contents of SIP header
Code Block
#check the message
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 criterion 1 type message message methodType invite messageTypes request
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 criterion 2 type header header condition exist name "request-line"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 criterion 3 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 criterion 3 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup isupMessageType 01
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 criterion 4 type isupParameter isupParameter paramCode 04 condition exist 
Code Block
#save called digit into var1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 1 type token operation store
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 1 from type token tokenValue uriusername
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 1 to type variable variableValue var1

#create fixed part in called party parameter
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 2 type variable operation asciiToBinaryStore
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 2 from type value value "0390"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 2 to type variable variableValue var2
#modify the ISUP param
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 3 type isupParameter from type variable variableValue var2
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 3 to type isupParameter paramCode 04
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 3 operation modify
#add digits to ISUP param
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 4 type isupParameter from type variable variableValue var1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 4 to type isupParameter paramCode 04
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile modifyCalled rule 1 action 4 operation addDigits 
Code Block
ISUP-Before-SMM: 01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 05 03 03 90 f1 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 f3 05 73 f0 7a 04 1e 00
ISUP-After-SMM:  01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 0a 08 83 90 37 42 41 44 05 01 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 f3 05 73 f0 7a 04 1e 00 


Associate the Adaptor Profile to SIP Trunk Group
Code Block
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <sipAdaptorProfile name> state enabled
delete addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile
set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile <sipAdaptorProfile name>


Get the Digits From ISUP Parameter and Add Them to "Called-Party-Number" Header

In this example, SMM obtains the digits from ISUP parameter with code 0x04 (73241444501) and adds them to "Called-Party-Number" header.

Code Block
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 criterion 1 type message message methodType invite messageTypes request
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 criterion 2 type header header condition exist name "request-line"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 criterion 3 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 criterion 3 type messageBody messageBody messageBodyType isup isupMessageType 01
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 criterion 4 type isupParameter isupParameter paramCode 04 condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 action 1 type isupParameter to type variable variableValue var1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 action 1 from type isupParameter paramCode 04
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 action 1 operation getDigits
#add to sip 
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 action 2 type header operation add
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 action 2 from type variable variableValue var1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 action 2 to type header value "Called-Party-Number"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile getDigits rule 1 action 2 headerPosition last


Code Block
INVITE sip:73241444501;tef-callref=7AF0731E04@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK0dB0002147a6a9d1186
From: <sip:73241444501@>;xxx=rrr;ddd;pstm=rrrr
To: <sip:73241444501@>
Call-ID: _call_test_cadse_80
Contact: <sip:73241444501@>
Accept: application/sdp
Session-Expires: 190; refresher=uac
P-Preferred-Identity: Sonus Networks <sip:9803456789@>
P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:12345@>
P-Sig-Info: uui=0001020304
X-AUT: fd01fc06
Privacy: id
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary=sonus-content-delim
MIME-Version: 1.0
l: 456

Content-Disposition: session; handling = required
Content-Type: application/sdp
o=GBL-calling 5129 10 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 90 RTP/AVP 0 90
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:90 CLEARMODE/8000
Content-Disposition: signal; handling = required
Content-Type: application/isup; version=itu-t92+; base=itu-t92+
<ISUP part: 01 10 60 00 0a 03 02 0a 08 83 90 37 42 41 44 05 01 0a 07 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 1d 03 90 90 a3 31 02 00 18 c0 08 06 03 13 07 89 70 52 86 39 04 31 90 c0 84 f3 05 73 f0 7a 04 1e 00>

Code Block
                         Nature of Connection Indicators - Parameter Code [0x06]
- - - - - - 0 0    0x0 | Satellite indicator                        0x0  - No Satellite Circuit
- - - - 0 0 - -    0x0 | Continuity Check Indicator                 0x0  - Continuity Check Not Required
- - - 1 - - - -    0x1 | Echo Control Device Indicator              0x1  - Outgoing Echo Control Device Included
0 0 0 - - - - -    0x0 | Spare
                         Forward Call Indicators - Parameter Code [0x07]
- - - - - - - 0    0x0 | National/International CallIndicator       0x0  - Call Treated As National Call
- - - - - 0 0 -    0x0 | End To End Method Indicator                0x0  - No End To End Method Available
- - - - 0 - - -    0x0 | Interworking Indicator                     0x0  - No Interworking Encountered
- - - 0 - - - -    0x0 | End To End Information Indicator           0x0  - No end-to-end information available
- - 1 - - - - -    0x1 | ISUP Indicator                             0x1  - ISUP Used All The Way
0 1 - - - - - -    0x1 | ISUP Preference Indicator                  0x1  - ISUP Not Required All The Way
- - - - - - - 0    0x0 | ISDN Access Indicator                      0x0  - Originating Access Non ISDN
- - - - - 0 0 -    0x0 | SCCP Method Indicator                      0x0  - No indication
- - - - 0 - - -    0x0 | Spare
0 0 0 0 - - - -    0x0 | Reserved For National Use
                         Calling Party's Category - Parameter Code [0x09]
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0    0xA | Calling party's Category                   0xA  - Ordinary Calling Subscriber
                         Transmission Medium requirement - Parameter Code [0x02]
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1    0x3 | Transmission Medium Requirement            0x3  - 3.1 kHZ Radio
                         Called Party Number - Parameter Code [0x04]
- 0 0 0 0 0 1 1    0x3 | Nature Of Address                          0x3  - Subscriber National
1 - - - - - - -    0x1 | Odd/Even Indicator                         0x1  - Odd Number Of Address Signals 
- - - - x x x x          Spare
- 0 0 1 - - - -    0x1 | Numbering Plan Indicator                   0x1  - ISDN Numbering Plan
1 - - - - - - -    0x1 | Internal Network number Indicator          0x1  - Routing To Internal Network Number Not Allowed
                         Address Signals                             [ 73241444501 ]
                         Calling Party Number - Parameter Code [0x0A]
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0    0xA | Calling Party Number Type
- 0 0 0 0 0 1 1    0x3 | Nature Of Address                          0x3  - Unique National
0 - - - - - - -    0x0 | Odd/Even Indicator                         0x0  - Even Number Of Address Signals 
- - - - - - 1 1    0x3 | Screening Indicator                        0x3  - Network Provided
- - - - 0 0 - -    0x0 | Address Presentation Restriced Indicator   0x0  - Presentation Allowed
- 0 0 1 - - - -    0x1 | Numbering Plan Indicator                   0x1  - ISDN Numbering Plan
0 - - - - - - -    0x0 | Number Incomplete Indicator                0x0  - Complete
                         Address Signals                             [ 7098072568 ]
                         User Service Information - Parameter Code [0x1D]
- - - 1 0 0 0 0    0x10| Information Transfer Capability            0x10 - 3.1KHZ Audio
- 0 0 - - - - -    0x0 | Coding Standard                            0x0  - ITU-T Standardized Coding
x - - - - - - -          Extension
- - - 1 0 0 0 0    0x10| Information Transfer Rate                  0x10 - 64 Kbits
- 0 0 - - - - -    0x0 | Transfer Mode                              0x0  - Transfer Mode Circuit
x - - - - - - -          Extension
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1    0x3 | User Info Layer 1                          0x3  - ALAW Speech 
                         Propagation Delay Counter - Parameter Code [0x31]
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0    0x2 | Propogation Delay Counter Length
                         Propogation Delay Value
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    0x0 | 
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0    0x18| 
                         Generic Address - Parameter Code [0xC0]
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0    0x6 | Number Qualifier Indicator                 0x6  - Additional Calling Party Number
- 0 0 0 0 0 1 1    0x3 | Nature Of Address                          0x3  - Subscriber National
0 - - - - - - -    0x0 | Odd/Even Indicator                         0x0  - Even Number Of Address Signals 
- - - - - - 1 1    0x3 | Screening Indicator                        0x3  - Network Provided
- - - - 0 0 - -    0x0 | Address Presentation Restriced Indicator   0x0  - Presentation Allowed
- 0 0 1 - - - -    0x1 | Numbering Plan Indicator                   0x1  - ISDN Numbering Plan
0 - - - - - - -    0x0 | Number Incomplete Indicator                0x0  - Complete
                         Address Signals                             [ 7098072568 ]
                         Unrecognised Parameter
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1    0xF3| Unrecognized Parameter Code
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1    0x5 | Unrecognized Parameter Length
                         Unrecognized Parameter Data
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1    0x73| 
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0    0xF0| 
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0    0x7A| 
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0    0x4 | 
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0    0x1E| 
                         Parameter Compatibility Ind - Parameter Code [0x39]
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0    0x4 | Parameter Compatibility Length
                         Parameter Compatibility Info
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1    0x31| Upgraded Parameter
                         Instruction Indicators 1
- - - - - - - 0    0x0 | Transit At Intermediate Exch Ind           0x0  - transit interpretation
- - - - - - 0 -    0x0 | Release Call Indicator                     0x0  - do not release call
- - - - - 0 - -    0x0 | Send Notification Indicator                0x0  - do not send notification
- - - - 0 - - -    0x0 | Discard Message Indicator                  0x0  - do not discard message(pass on)
- - - 1 - - - -    0x1 | Discard Parameter Indicator                0x1  - discard parameter
- 0 0 - - - - -    0x0 | Pass On Not Possible Indicator             0x0  - release call
1 - - - - - - -    0x1 | Extension
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0    0xC0| Upgraded Parameter
                         Instruction Indicators 1
- - - - - - - 0    0x0 | Transit At Intermediate Exch Ind           0x0  - transit interpretation
- - - - - - 0 -    0x0 | Release Call Indicator                     0x0  - do not release call
- - - - - 1 - -    0x1 | Send Notification Indicator                0x1  - send notification
- - - - 0 - - -    0x0 | Discard Message Indicator                  0x0  - do not discard message(pass on)
- - - 0 - - - -    0x0 | Discard Parameter Indicator                0x0  - do not discard parameter(pass on)
- 0 0 - - - - -    0x0 | Pass On Not Possible Indicator             0x0  - release call
1 - - - - - - -    0x1 | Extension

Mapping From Header to ISUP GAP Parameter

MultiExcerptNameMapping From Header


 supports mapping the From header to ISUP Generic Address Parameter (GAP) using the SIP Trunk Group Calling Party flag Map From Header To ISUP GAP

The following scenarios are supported:

  • SIP - SBC - SIP-I
  • SIP-I - SBC - SIP-I
  • SIP - SBC - GWGW - SBC - SIP-I
  • SIP-I - SBC - GWGW - SBC - SIP-I


 maps the From header to ISUP under the following conditions:

  • The From header user part is mapped to GAP address digits with E.164 format.
  • The GAP numbering plan is set to "Isdn Numbering Plan".
  • The GAP screening indicator is set to "user provided not screened".
  • The GAP presentation indicator is set as per existing SBC procedure. 


generates the GAP parameters only if the parameter, mapFromHeaderToIsupGap is enabled. The parameter mapFromHeaderToIsupGap takes precedence over the other flags while generating the GAP parameters.


 adds or modifies the GAP parameter in the ISUP message if it receives a SIP or SIP-I INVITE request under the following conditions:

  • The parameter mapFromHeaderToIsupGap is enabled.
  • The received SIP message has a valid From header value which is mapped to GAP parameter.
  • The received SIP message has ISUP GAP parameter which is not the same as From header value.
1Call Flow - Mapping From Header to ISUP GAP Parameter

Mapping ISUP Calling Party Number to SIP From and PAI Headers

MultiExcerptNameMapping ISUP Calling Party Number


 supports mapping the ISUP Calling Party Number to SIP From and PAI headers using the SIP Trunk Group Calling Party flag Map ISUP Cgpn To PAI. The 
 sends the ISUP calling party to the PSX in the policy request and uses the PSX returned Calling Party Number to create the PAI Header and process it to the Egress side. It sends the PRIVACY header on the egress side using the presentation indicator.


 supports only the following scenarios:

  • SIP-I - SBC - SIP
  • SIP-I - SBC - SIP-I
  • SIP-I - SBC - GWGW - SBC - SIP
  • SIP-I - SBC - GW GW - SBC - SIP-I


maps the ISUP Calling Party Number to SIP From and PAI headers under the following conditions:

  • The 
     receives SIP-I INVITE message.
  • The parameter, mapIsupCgpnToPAI is enabled on the ingress side.
  • The SIP PAI/PPI/RPID headers are not received.

  • The ISUP MIME contains the Calling Party Number.

  • The SIP variant used on Ingress side is either sonus or Q1912.


When the

receives the privacy information as "restricted", the PSX omits the Calling Party Number in the output data. To include the Calling Party Number, enable the PSX parameter: Don't Strip Calling Number For Restricted Presentation.


 sends the Calling Party Number in the ISUP, if it receives SIP-I INVITE under the following conditions:

  • The parameter, mapIsupCgpnToPAI is enabled.
  • The Privacy headers ( PAI, PPI, and RPID) are not received.
  • The received message has a valid Calling Party Number in the ISUP.
1Call Flow - Mapping ISUP Calling Party Number to SIP From and PAI Headers
