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Table of Contents

Log The Logs Management window provides options to:


the ability to filter, download, and delete the SBC logs according to the log types.

On SBC main screen, go navigate to Troubleshooting > Call Trace/Logs/Monitors > Log Management. The Log Logs Management window is displayed.


  1. Click  displayed against the respective log.

    1Download Log File

    Depending on the browser settings, the file either opens in a text viewer automatically or a download confirmation window is displayed. You can view the log in a notepad or save it on local drive.

    1Save Log File


Once downloaded, open the log file with text editors like Notepad++. Any popular text editor program is capable of opening the log files. However, text editors used for programming displays the log files in a properly formatted manner.

The examples below shows content samples from random Platform Audit Log files and Event Audit Log files.

Platform Audit Log file - Sample Content

Code Block
type=DAEMON_START msg=audit(1498713982.579:6028): auditd start, ver=1.7.18 format=raw kernel=3.16.39 auid=0 pid=29874 res=success
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.679:2): audit_backlog_limit=400 old=64 auid=0 ses=3112 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.699:3): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="delete" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.727:4): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.739:5): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.755:6): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1498713982.767:7): auid=0 ses=3112 op="add rule" key="exclude" list=4 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714380.853:35): pid=32295 uid=0 old-auid=0 auid=3000 old-ses=95 ses=3113 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714382.993:36): pid=32437 uid=0 old-auid=0 auid=3000 old-ses=95 ses=3114 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714501.897:37): pid=878 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3115 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714563.885:38): pid=1185 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3116 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714632.126:39): pid=1551 uid=0 old-auid=0 auid=3000 old-ses=95 ses=3117 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498714634.518:40): pid=1757 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3118 res=1
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1498715463.941:53): arch=c000003e syscall=91 success=yes exit=0 a0=3 a1=180 a2=180 a3=0 items=1 ppid=7168 pid=7172 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3130 comm="logrotate" exe="/usr/sbin/logrotate" key="permission-change"
type=PATH msg=audit(1498715463.941:53): item=0 name=(null) inode=313909 dev=fe:00 mode=0100600 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL
type=UNKNOWN[1327] msg=audit(1498715463.941:53): proctitle=2F7573722F7362696E2F6C6F67726F74617465002F6574632F7362784C6F67726F746174652E636F6E66
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1498715463.941:54): arch=c000003e syscall=91 success=yes exit=0 a0=3 a1=1b0 a2=0 a3=0 items=1 ppid=7168 pid=7172 auid=0 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=(none) ses=3130 comm="logrotate" exe="/usr/sbin/logrotate" key="permission-change"
type=PATH msg=audit(1498715463.941:54): item=0 name=(null) inode=313909 dev=fe:00 mode=0100600 ouid=0 ogid=0 rdev=00:00 nametype=NORMAL
type=UNKNOWN[1327] msg=audit(1498715463.941:54): proctitle=2F7573722F7362696E2F6C6F67726F74617465002F6574632F7362784C6F67726F746174652E636F6E66
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498715701.725:55): pid=8550 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3131 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498716085.366:56): pid=10571 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3132 res=1
type=LOGIN msg=audit(1498716129.369:57): pid=11232 uid=0 old-auid=4294967295 auid=0 old-ses=4294967295 ses=3133 res=1


Event Audit Log file - Sample Content


The sample shown below is from a Event Log file with a .AUD extension. The possible extensions for a Event Log file are:

  • .SEC
  • .AUD
  • .DBG
  • .SYS
  • .ACT
  • .TRC
  • .PKT
Code Block
Sonus Networks, Inc.0000000001600000000000000000000128V05.01.02A018 0000000000000000000000000000AUD2017062101353200000000000000
117 06212017 013605.774579:   .CHM: audit user: admin/18 Logged out from maapi ctx=maapi (closed)
128 06212017 013609.134089:   .SBCINTF: audit user: callTraceGuest/0 logged in over ssh from ::1 through cli
131 06212017 013735.315029:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}: created 
144 06212017 013735.315271:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/name: set to emaTarget
139 06212017 013735.315552:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/port: set to 8162
143 06212017 013735.315804:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/state: set to enabled
150 06212017 013735.316048:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/targetUsername: set to admin
149 06212017 013735.316332:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/ipAddress: set to
158 06212017 013735.316556:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /snmp/trapTarget{emaTarget}/targetSecurityLevel: set to authPriv
203 06212017 013735.318434:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTagList: set to std_v2_trap
209 06212017 013735.318694:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTAddress: set to
205 06212017 013735.318944:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTDomain: set to
202 06212017 013735.319195:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrParams: set to std_v2_trap
196 06212017 013735.319450:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrTimeout: set to 1500
207 06212017 013735.319703:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrStorageType: set to nonVolatile
196 06212017 013735.319953:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrRetryCount: set to 3
192 06212017 013735.320232:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetAddrTable/snmpTargetAddrEntry{emaTarget}/snmpTargetAddrMMS: set to 2048
211 06212017 013735.320994:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsMPModel: set to 3
220 06212017 013735.321242:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsSecurityName: set to admin
217 06212017 013735.321490:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel: set to 3
225 06212017 013735.321740:   .CHM: audit user: admin/22 context: netconf /SNMP-TARGET-MIB/snmpTargetParamsTable/snmpTargetParamsEntry{std_v3_trap_emaTarget}/snmpTargetParamsStorageType: set to nonVolatile
177 06212017 015350.802472:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}/accountManagement/sessionIdleTimeout/state: set to disabled
177 06212017 015350.802749:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}/accountManagement/sessionIdleTimeout/idleTimeout: set to 10
128 06212017 015350.924047:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}: modified 
157 06212017 015350.924593:   .CHM: audit user: admin/35 context: netconf /system/admin{WFDSBC01}/accountManagement/maxSessions: set to 5
105 06212017 015415.138074:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 Logged out ssh <PAM> user
129 06212017 015419.485411:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 logged in over ssh from through netconf
129 06212017 015420.657710:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 logged in over ssh from through netconf
129 06212017 015421.825934:   .SBCINTF: audit user: admin/0 logged in over ssh from through netconf


To Delete Logs


Once a log file is deleted, it cannot be retrieved from any location.
