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Use this object to configure gateway trunk group parameters.


1Zone Gateway Trunk Group Parameters





The gateway trunk groups for this zone. Parameters include:


The percentage of calls to continue to send to a remote congested gateway in MC1 (default = 90).


Percentage of calls to continue to send to a remote congested gateway in MC2 (default = 70).


Automatic congestion control timer value, in seconds (default = 0).


Action when putting this gateway trunk group out of service. This object controls whether calls are forced off or allowed to dry up.

  • dryup – If dryupTimeout is not specified or its value is "0", then no new calls are accepted and all currently active calls are allowed an indefinite time period to finish. If dryupTimeout is non-zero, no new calls are accepted and all currently active calls are allowed <dryupTimeout> minutes to finish. After this duration, all remaining active calls are dropped.
  • force – When chosen, no new calls are accepted and all active calls are immediately dropped.
  • undefined – When chosen, all calls are dropped and the Gateway trunk group is immediately set to outOfService.

Parameters for reserving a portion of the resources for specific call direction or type for this gateway trunk group.

  • inbound – Percentage of callLimit reserved for handling inbound calls. This is the percentage of channels reserved for handling inbound calls. Default is 0%. Percentage selection allowed in 5% increments. Enter value in 5% increments (range: 0-100 percent).
  • incomingCallMinimum – Minimum number of incoming call allowed when reservations are enabled for this gateway trunk group. (range: 0-128 / default =1).
  • outgoingCallMinimum – Minimum percent of outgoing call allowed when reservations are enabled for this gateway trunk group. (range: 0-100 / default = 10).
  • priorityCallMinimum – Minimum number of priority calls allowed when reservations are enabled for this gateway trunk group. (range: 0-100 / default =1).
  • silc– The SILC traffic control configuration.
    • MC1Percent – Percentage of calls to accept when the machine congestion level is 1.
    • (range: 0-100 percent / default = 75).
    • MC2Percent – Percentage of calls to accept when the machine congestion level is 2.
    • (range: 0-100 percent / default = 25.
    • state– Administrative state to enable/disable the SILC traffic control.
      • disabled (default)
      • enabled
  • state – Administrative state of call reservation feature.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
dryUpTimeout  1-1440

Dryup timeout (in minutes) when this gateway trunk group is outOfService from the "dryup" action (default = 5).

ingressIpPrefix <ip address> <prefix length> IPv4 or IPv6

The ingress peers matching these ingress IP prefixes will be assigned to this gateway trunk group. Up to 128 ingressIpPrefix entries may be assigned to a SIP trunk group. Enter IPv4 or IPv6 address in the following format:

  • IPv4:The V4 IP address in dotted decimal form (for example
  • IPv6: The V6 IP address in hexadecimal/colon form (for example, 1280:1276:3350:2224:2222:3333:8888:1245 or fd00:21:445:128::7880).

<prefixLength>Number of bits of address which form the network part of the IP address. Remaining bits (128 – prefix length) specify the host part of the IP address. Must be 0-128.

media  N/A

Parameters associated with media features for this gateway trunk group.

  • directMediaAllowed – Enable to attempt to set up a direct-media path so that media flows directly between endpoints in the same direct-media group.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled
  • mediaIpAddress – The IPv4 or IPv6 media IP address assigned to this GW trunk group. Any IP address configured must belong to the ipInterfaceGroup configured as the mediaIpInterfaceGroup for the trunk group (default =
  • mediaIpInterfaceGroupName – The interface group to be used for media.
  • mediaPortRange – Use this media control to set the baseUdpPort and maxUdpPort RTP/RTCP ranges for the specified SIP trunk group.

    • baseUdpPort – The starting (base) port number for the range of UDP ports to use for RTP/RTCP media (inclusive). This value must be within the system-wide media port range. The baseUdpPort range is 1024-65534, or "none" (the default value which indicates SBC does not apply this SIP trunk group control, and instead uses the mediaPortRange specified by system-wide settings).
    • maxUdpPort – The maximum UDP port number for the range of UDP ports to use for RTP/RTCP media (inclusive). This value must be greater than the baseUdpPort and within the system-wide media port range. The maxUdpPort range is 1024-65534, or "none" (the default value which indicates SBC does not apply this SIP trunk group control, and instead uses the mediaPortRange specified by system-wide settings.

Multiexcerpt include
PageWithExcerptSIP over UDP

  • sourceAddressFiltering– Enable to filter out incoming media packets which do not match the expected source IP address and UDP port. The SG will only accept incoming media packets whose source address matches the destination address of outbound packets. When disabled, the filter does not act on the incoming media stream. The source address to filter on is supplied during call signaling.
    • disabled (default)
    • enabled

Specifies the operational mode of this gateway trunk group.

  • inService
  • outOfService (default)
packetOutage  N/A

The packet outage detection parameters for this gateway trunk group.

  • bandwidthLimitReduction – Amount to reduce the bandwidth limit (as a percentage of configured limit) when a packet outage is detected. (range: 0-100 percent / default = 50)
  • detectionInterval – Size of packet outage detection interval in minutes. (range: 5-1440 minutes / default = 15)
  • detectionState– Used to enable automatic bandwidth reduction when a packet outage is detected.
    • disabled – (default) Packet outages are not detected and maximum bandwidth limit is restored.
    • enabled – Automatic bandwidth reduction will occur when a packet outage is detected.
  • minimumCalls – Required number of calls with outages within current interval to declare a packet outage event. (range: 0-65535 / default = 1000).
  • minimumDuration – Minimum outage (in milliseconds) on a call for that call to be counted as part of the packet outage detection algorithm. (range: 0-65535 in milliseconds / default = 6000)


Administrative state to disable or enable a gateway trunk group.

  • enabled
  • disabled (default)