Versions Compared


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The details of the existing header names whose filter settings are configurable by SIP Filter Profile, are as follows:

1SIP headers whose transparency is configurable by SIP Filter Profile


Default Value


Overload-ControlDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Overload-Control is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-K-CflDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-K-Cfl is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-K-CfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-K-Cfo is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
RAck  Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header RAck is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
RSeqDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header RSeq is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
WWW-AuthenticateDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header WWW-Authenticate is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Accept-ContactDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Accept-Contact is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Accept-LanguageDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Accept-Language is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Accept-Resource-PriorityDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Accept-Resource-Priority is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
AcceptDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Accept is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Alert-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Alert-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
AllowDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Allow is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
AlsoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Also is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
AnonymityDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Anonymity is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
AuthorizationDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Authorization is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Call-Connect-IdDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Call-Connect-Id is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Call-Info Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Call-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
ContactDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Contact is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Content-LengthDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Content-Length is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Content-TypeDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Content-Type is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Diversion  Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Diversion is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Error-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Error-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
EventDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Event is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
ExpiresDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Expires is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Feature-CapsDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Feature-Caps is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Geolocation-Error Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Geolocation-Error is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Geolocation-RoutingDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Geolocation-Routing is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
GeolocationDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Geolocation is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
History-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header History-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Info-PackageDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Info-Package is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Min-Expires Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Min-Expires is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Min-SEDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Min-SE is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Access-Network-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Access-Network-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Area-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Area-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Asserted-IdDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Asserted-Id is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Asserted-ServiceDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Asserted-Service is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Associated-URIDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Associated-URI is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Called-Party-IdentityDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Called-Party-Identity is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Carrier-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Carrier-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Cdr-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Cdr-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Charge-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Charge-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Charging-Function-AddressesDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Charging-Function-Addresses is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Charging-VectorDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Charging-Vector is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-ChgMsg-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-ChgMsg-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-DCS-Billing-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-DCS-Billing-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-DCS-LAESDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-DCS-LAES is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Early-MediaDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Early-Media is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Orig-CADisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Orig-CA is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Preferred-IdentityDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Preferred-Identity is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Profile-KeyDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Profile-Key is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Sig-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Sig-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Svc-Info Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Svc-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Term-CADisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Term-CA is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
P-Visited-Network-IDDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header P-Visited-Network-ID is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
PathDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Path is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
PrivacyDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Privacy is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Proxy-AuthenticateDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Proxy-Authenticate is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Proxy-AuthorizationDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Proxy-Authorization is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Proxy-RequireDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Proxy-Require is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
ReasonDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Reason is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Record-RouteDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Record-Route is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Recv-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Recv-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Refer-SubDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Refer-Sub is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Refer-ToDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Refer-To is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Referred-ByDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Referred-By is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Remote-Party-IdDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Remote-Party-Id is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
ReplaceDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Replace is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Reply-ToDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Reply-To is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Requested-ByDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Requested-By is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
RequireDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Require is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Resource-PriorityDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Resource-Priority is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Retry-AfterDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Retry-After is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
RouteDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Route is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Security-Client Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Security-Client is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Security-ServerDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Security-Server is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Security-VerifyDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Security-Verify is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
ServerDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Server is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Service-RouteDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Service-Route is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
SesssionSession-ExpiresDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header SesssionSession-Expires is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Sip-EtagDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Sip-Etag is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Sip-If-MatchDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Sip-If-Match is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Subscription-StateDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Subscription-State is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
SupportedDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Supported is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Suppress-If-MatchDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Suppress-If-Match is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Target-DialogDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Target-Dialog is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
TimeStampDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header TimeStamp is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
User-Agent Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header User-Agent is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
User-To-UserDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header User-To-User is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
Warning Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header Warning is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-ATPDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-ATP is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-AUTDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-AUT is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-BCIDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-BCI is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-CHGDelayDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-CHGDelay is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-CHGInfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-CHGInfo is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-Calling-NumDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-Calling-Num is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-Carrier-InfoDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-Carrier-Info is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-Contract-AddrDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-Contract-Addr is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-EMGDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-EMG is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-FCIDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-FCI is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-FWDORIG-NUMDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-FWDORIG-NUM is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-GENERIC-NUMDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-GENERIC-NUM is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-ISUPMtypeDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-ISUPMtype is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-ISUPEventDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-ISUPEvent is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-NOCI Disabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-NOCI is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-OBCIDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-OBCI is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-ORIGCLD-NUMDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-ORIGCLD-NUM is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-REDBWDINFDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-REDBWDINF is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-REDCAPDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-REDCAP is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-REDFWDINFDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-REDFWDINF is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-REDCNTDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-REDCNT is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-Service-IndicatorDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-Service-Indicator is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-Service-TypeDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-Service-Type is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-TMRDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-TMR is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.
X-USIDisabled/EnabledDisabledThe header X-USI is not parsed by the SBC when the transparency setting is set to Enabled.