Deprecated Alarms in 6.0.x Release
The following alarms are deprecated:
- sonusCpSoftwareUpgradeCommitRequiredNotification - MAJOR
- sonusCpSystemServiceRestartedNotification - CRITICAL
- sonusSbxSelCdrConfUpdateNotification - MINOR
- sonusSbxSelCdrConfigReqRspTimeoutNotification - MINOR
- sonusH248ScDisconnectedTxNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248ScHandoffTxNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248ScFailoverTxStatusNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248ScFailoverTxNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248ScHandoffRxNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248ScRestartRxNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248ScVerNotSupportedNotification - MINOR
- sonusH248ScVerNegotiatedNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248FeatureLicenseExpiryNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248FeatureLicenseLimitNotification - MAJOR
- sonusH248FeatureDisabledNotification - CRITICAL
- sonusH248FeatureEnableNotification - INFORMATIONAL
- sonusH248SigPortOpenNotification - MAJOR
- sonusH248SigPortCloseNotification - MAJOR
New Alarms in 6.0.x Release
Modified Alarms in 6.0.x Release
The description of the following alarms are modified:
The following deprecated alarms are in current state: