Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The window Digit Statistics appear, with the table Digit Statistics List.

1Digit Statistics window


The parameters (presented as columns) of the table Digit Statistics List are:

Np ID Network Processor ID for Digit Insertion Statistics.
Start Cnt Total start count.
Stop Cnt Total stop count.
Modify Cnt Total modify count.
Early Start Cnt Total early start (start before end) count.
Cancel Reschedule Cnt Total cancel and reschedule count.
Bad Stop Cnt Total bad stop count.
Media Not Enabled Cnt Total digit commands issued for disabled media flow.
Unknown State Cnt Total unknown state count.
Timer Cancel Fail Cnt Total failure count of cancelling timer bucket.
Timer Add Fail Cnt Total failure count of adding timer bucket.
Failed Get Work Unable to get work entry to send digit.
Failed Get Pkt Buf Unable to get packet buffer to send digit.