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The dialogTransparencyflag is added under the Zone object to pass passes dialogs transparently for SIP messages processed in that specified zone. If dialog transparency is disabled, SBC translates the dialog identifiers in the Target-Dialog header received in INVITE and REFER messages and sends the Target-Dialog header with translated dialog identifiers on the other leg. If dialog transparency is enabled, Target-Dialog header translation is not performed. However, the header is transparently passed if configured in transparency profile.

If enabled, SBC sends "Call-ID", "From" tag, and "To" tag transparently in the outgoing message. The dialogTransparency flag must be enabled on both ingress and egress zones because of the flag is only enabled on one zone, all calls and messages are rejected. In this situation, the sonusSbxDialogTransparencyMisConfiguredNotification alarm is raised on the zone in which the flag is disabled.


The following features are not supported on SBC when Dialog Transparency is enabled:

  • Support of local handling of REFER (REFER relay is supported)
  • Late media support 
  • Dialog Transparency support in REGISTER
  • NICE recording call flows
  • GW-GW support
