Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.







Specifies the name of an entity consisting of a codec type along with the set of parameters to use with it. Select a default codec name or enter a custom name. Defaults are:

  • G711-DEFAULT
  • G723-DEFAULT
  • G726-DEFAULT



Select a supported codec. (see

TextAudio Codecs
URLAudio Codecs
for the codec list)

activeCodecSet  N/A

 The active code set is applicable to certain AMR narrow-band codecs. Multiple rates may be selected using comma (,). Valid values are:

  • AMR-0-4.75kbps
  • AMR-1-5.15kbps
  • AMR-2-5.90kbps
  • AMR-3-6.70kbps
  • AMR-4-7.40kbps
  • AMR-5-7.950kbps
  • AMR-6-10.20kbps
  • AMR-7-12.20kbps



The audio coding rate. See (see 

TextAudio Codecs
URLAudio Codecs
for details.)



Use this parameter to describe how to handle DTMF digits in the media stream.

  • relay – Type of DTMF relay. Select any one of the relay:
    • bothOobAnd2833 – Out-of-Band and RFC 2883 are equally received and both can be transmitted. This option would normally be used only in the case where the OOB DTMF signaling is absorbed and not regenerated. For example, the OOB DTMF might go to an application server that needs to detect the DTMF for control purposes but does not process RTP and the 2833 DTMF would go to the destination media address as part of the RTP stream.
    • eitherOobOrRfc2833 – Out-of-Band and RFC 2833 are equally received and only one is transmitted. The one transmitted is the one preferred by the peer or RFC 2833 as the default.
    • none – Leaves the DTMF tones in-band as encoded audio.
    • outOfBand – Carries DTMF in the signaling protocol.
    • rfc2833 – Encodes DTMF into RTP using format and payload type distinct from audio encoding.
  • removeDigits – Enables the removal of DTMF digits from the media stream. This applies only if DTMF relay is configured as outOfBand or rfc2833.
    • disable
    • enable (default)



The treatment taken when the fax tone is detected.

  • failureHandling The behavior when a fax tone is detected but treatment fails for any reason:
    • continue – (default) Continue to process the call.
    • disconnect – Release the call.
  • toneTreatment Treatment taken when the fax tone is detected. Configuration options are:
    • disconnect – Disconnect the call when the fax tone is detected.
    • fallbackToG711 – Fall back to G.711 when the fax tone is detected.
    • fallbackToG711AllowPeerToNegotiateFaxRelay – Upon detecting a fax tone, SBC transitions call to G.711 if current codec is not already G.711. After transiting to G.711, SBC accepts any T.38 reINVITE from the peer.
    • faxRelay – Switch to fax relay (T.38) when the fax tone is detected.
    • faxRelayOrFallbackToG711 – Switch to fax relay (T.38) if supported or fall back to G.711 when fax tone is detected.
    • ignoreDetectionAllowPeerToNegotiateFaxRelay – Accept a T.38 reINVITE (either from a calling party or a called party) and ignore own fax tone detection event..
    • none – (default) Do nothing when the fax tone is detected.
    • notifyPeer – For SIP signaling, notify the peer when the fax tone is detected and let the peer decide the next action.

For G.711 calls, Notify Peer, Disconnect, Fax Relay, and Fax Relay or Fallback to G.711 require allocation of a compression resource.

fecRedundancy 0, 1, 2

Sets the level for Forward-Error-Correction (FEC) Redundancy [AMR only].  The default value of "0" means FEC redundancy is disabled.



Specifies the G.711 law to use. Values are::

  • ALaw
  • ULaw
  • deriveFromOtherLeg (default)
maxAverageBitRate6000-510000Maximum Average Bit Rate For OPUS Codec in bits/second. Default = 20000

Use this parameter to specify the maximum interleave depth value to apply to an endpoint (default = 0).


This parameter only applies to EVRC and EVRCB calls.


maxInterleaveDepth is only visible under following conditions:

  • codec is set to "evrc" or "evrcb"
  • packetSize is set to "40" or "60"
modeChangeNeighbor N/A

Enable to force mode change to neighboring modes in active codec set as per RFC4867 (applies to AMR and AMRWB).

  • disable (default)
  • enable



Specifies the treatment taken when the modem tone is detected, which can be:

  • failureHandling – The behavior when a modem tone is detected but the treatment fails for any reason. The behavior can be:
    • continue (default) – Continue to process the call.
    • disconnect – Release the call.
  • toneTreatment – Treatment taken when the modem tone is detected, which can be:
    • applyFaxTreatment – Treat the modem tone as a fax tone, and apply the fax treatment for the selected codec.

    • disconnect – Disconnect the call when the modem tone is detected. 

    • fallbackToG711 – Fall back to G.711 when the modem tone is detected. 

    • none (default) – Do nothing when the modem tone is detected. 

    • notifyPeer – Notify the peer when the modem tone is detected and let the peer decide the next action.


applyFaxTreatment is not supported for Gateway Links.

modeSet  N/A

The AMR mode set is applicable to certain AMR wide-band codecs. The possible values are:

  • AMR-0-6.6 
  • AMR-1-8.85
  • AMR-2-12.65
  • AMR-3-14.25
  • AMR-4-15.85
  • AMR-5-18.25
  • AMR-6-19.85
  • AMR-7-23.05
  • AMR-8-23.85



The packet size in milliseconds (ms). Options are based on the type of codec chosen. (See Packet Sizes per Codec table below See 

TextAudio Codecs
URLAudio Codecs
for details)



Specifies the preferred Real Time Protocol (RTP) payload type to be included in the RTP header of the data packet. Enter a value in the range 0-128. Default is 128.



Enable or disable for sending SIDs.

silenceSuppression   N/A

Enable/disable Silence Suppression mode.

  • disable (default)
  • enable
useCbr0, 1

Use this flag to specify either Constant Bit Rate (CBR) or Variable Bit Rate (VBR) for OPUS codec (default = 0).

  • 0 – Variable Bit Rate
  • 1 – Constant Bit Rate
Configuring an Opus profile using a very low maxAverageBitRate with useCbr set to "1" may result in degraded voice quality.


 0, 1

Set flag to "1" to use Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) For OPUS codec (default = 0).

  • 0 – Do not use DTX
  • 1 – Use DTX


 0, 1

Set flag to "1" to use Forward Error Correction (FEC) for OPUS codec (default = 0).

  • 0 – Do not use FEC
  • 1 – Use FEC

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1Packet Sizes per Codec
3Packet Sizes per Codec


amr*, efr, evrc, evrc1, evrc1Fr, evrcb, evrcb1, evrcb1Fr


20, 40, 60




20, 40, 60, 80, 100


bv16, bv32, bv32Fec, dvc-2, g7221-32, g7291, gsm,
Isac, l16-16, msrta8, msrta16, silk8, silk12, silk16,
silk24, speex8, speex8Fec, speex16, speex16Fec, speex32


5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 80, 100


evrc0, evrcb0




g711, g711ss


10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60


g722 , g722ss, g726, g726ss


10, 20, 30, 40


g728, g728ss


10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150


g729a, g729ab, opus


10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60


g7221, g7221ss


20, 40, 60, 80


g7231, g7231a


30, 60, 90, 120, 150


Ilbc, ilbcss



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