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In this section:

Table of Contents

titleInternal Note

This page represents an umbrella for the changes in the UI/UX elements made in the EMA GUI for 6.2.0 release. It is not aimed to be comprehensive - there are separate pages in the EMA User Guide for detailed coverage of the changes.

For review/source of information for this page, you may refer to the following ICDs:

Image Library - _EMA_GUI_Enhancements_in_This_Release


This section describes the changes made in the EMA GUI from the UI/UX perspective. In addition to those enhancements, some new functionalities of the EMA are also highlighted here, as the UI enhancements and the functionalities complement each other.

Re-architecture of Top and Left Navigation Panel of the EMA Using Unity Explorer v2

The user interface of the EMA is enhanced to provide a rich and intuitive experience. Changes are made in the menu bar, the top navigation panel and the left navigation panel of the EMA.

For more information, refer to:

Multiple Concurrent EMA Sessions are Disabled

To enhance the security of the SBC, only one active EMA session per user is allowed.

For more information, refer to:

Concise View of SBC Configuration

The concise view of configuration provides the current configuration fields (subset of the configuration). It is accessible only to admin, operator and field services groups.

For more information, refer to System Administration - View Config Summary.

Basic Configuration Workflow or Template Content

The SBC EMA is enhanced with the latest workflows and templates for you to customize the configuration. A workflow is a set of screens that takes you through a step-by-step process. The new workflow combines the existing configuration wizards and configuration template import tool with the new functionality.

For more information, refer to Configuration Workflows and Templates.

Visual First Call Setup and Template Tool

The SBC is enhanced with an EMA based Visual First Call Setup tool that guides you through the procedure of configuring the SBC for processing calls in an experimental setup.

For more information, refer to Configuration Wizards - Visual First Call Setup.



This section helps you to understand all the enhancements made for EMA GUI in this release. These are only the look-n-feel enhancements made towards EMA GUI.


From 4.2 release onwards, SBC does not support EMA Navigator. All Navigator objects are now available in the All perspective.

Control Display of Table Columns

SBC EMA GUI is enhanced to display only the required columns for any object table. This enhancement is available for all the display tables. Also, the display table allows you to use the Show All or Hide All options.

This Show/Hide Column button is available below the filters in all the display tables.

1Show-Hide Column

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Click Show/Hide Column to view the complete list of available columns.

1Show-Hide Column Expanded

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Ordered Drop-Down List

All the drop-down lists are now sorted. The sorting is performed in the following order:

  • Special Characters
  • Numeric Characters
  • Uppercase Alphabetic Characters
  • Lowercase Alphabetic Characters


1Drop-Down List Example
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Keyword Search in Drop-Down List

You can now search the options available in the drop-down list using keywords. This option is very helpful when the list of options displayed in the drop-down list is very long. This feature helps you to choose the required option in short time (you should be aware of the keyword to search precisely). The drop-down list auto updates with the available options as you type.

1Keyword Search Drop Down

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Modal Dialog Boxes

Modal Dialog boxes display EMA related information and decision making options. These boxes are used to confirm an action which you would like to execute and to Enter/Exit an application. These boxes display text and interactive buttons in easily readable font and color.


1Modal Dialog Box 1

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1Modal Dialog Box 2

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1Modal Dialog Box 3

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Enhanced Field and Object Labeling

Object names and fields are modified for better understanding and readability.

For example: Sip Active Group Reg Status is now defined as SIP Active Group Register Status.

This enhancement is available for all the object names and field names in EMA GUI.

Earlier Naming Conventions:

1Earlier Labeling

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Current Naming Conventions:

1Current Labeling

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Navigate Between Related Objects Without Loosing the Context Functional Specifications

The SBC EMA GUI  is now enhanced to provide the ability to navigate to dependent objects with a single click and return to parent object again with a single click. A dependent object can be described as a field in the parent object which can be created, edited, and deleted.

For example: While creating a Static Route, the IP Interface Group and IP Interface are dependent objects.

1New Static Route Window

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If a IP Interface Name is not created yet, EMA provides you an option to create one while creating the New Static Route. Click the link, IP Interface Name on this page to navigate to the IP Interface object, where you can create a new one. Similarly, in IP Interface window, Port Name becomes a dependent object.

1Create New IP Interface

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Once you have the IP Interface created and selected, click << Back to Static Route on top of the Navigation pane to move back to Static Route screen with the selected IP Interface.

1Back to Static Route Option

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EMA retains the values of fields entered in the parent object after returning from the dependent object. For example, if you are creating a new Static Route and have several fields entered, and then navigate to create a dependent object and return to Static Route, EMA still retains the values entered for the fields in the static route.

1Static Route Window

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This enhancement applies to all the objects with new configurable fields.

Tables with Instance Counting and Sorting

As an enhancement, the total number of instances and the number currently display are shown in the bottom left of each instance table. In addition, at the bottom right of any instance/object table, additional pagination options are displayed to allow the user to navigate between pages.

You can:

  • navigate to first page of instances if there is more than one page and you are not on the first page.

  • navigate to previous page of instances if there is more than one page and you are not on the first page.

  • directly to a specific page of instances. If there are more than 5 pages of instances, this ability will be provided for 5 pages at a time.

  • navigate to the next page of instances if there is more than one page and you are not on the last page.

  • navigate to the last page of instance if there is more than one page and you are not on the last page.

By default, all tables with 100 or fewer instances will be sorted by the first column. For performance reasons, if the number of records is more than 100, then instances will be displayed in the order as they are stored in database.

For example: Here's the Address Context table with more than 10 records in it. The left bottom side of the table displays the total list of records available in the back-end along with the number of records available in each page. The right bottom side of the table displays the number of pages with records and with navigation buttons to each page in it.


This enhancement applies to all the instance tables in SBC EMA.

Example1 - Address Context

1Address Context with Navigation Pages

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Example2 - Zone

1Zone with Navigation Pages

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Refactored Application Management Workspace

The following changes are made to the Application Management workspace GUI to make it consistent with the EMA standard rendering UI:

  • Chiclets which were a part of earlier releases are removed in this release.
  • The Configure Sessions, Configure Accounts, Configure Login Banner, and Configure Password Rules options are visible with all the parameters at all times on this page.
1Application Management Workspace

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For more information, refer to Users and Application Management - Application Management.

Refactored User Management Workspace

The following changes are made to the User and Session Management workspace GUI to make it consistent with the EMA standard rendering UI:

  • Chiclets which were a part of the earlier releases are removed in this release.
  • The User Sessions and NETCONF Sessions are displayed in default rendered tables.
  • The Users list is displayed in default rendered tables.
  • An option to add the new user (New User button) is added to Users list panel which will launch the New User Tool.
  • The Edit User tool is launched when a user is selected in the Users list panel.
  • The New User and Edit User tools uses the default rendering method.
  • A Reset Password (button) is added to the Edit User panel.
1User and Session Management Workspace

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1Edit User

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For more information, refer to Users and Application Management - User and Session Management.

Refactored Configuration Import/Export Workspace

The following changes are made to the Configuration Import/Export workspace GUI to make it consistent with the EMA standard rendering UI:

  • Chiclets which were a part of earlier releases are removed in this release.
  • The Configuration list is displayed in the default rendered table.
  • The Install Configuration tool is launched when a configuration is selected in the list.
  • The Import Template, Upload Configuration, Download Configuration, and Save Current Configuration buttons are available on the Configuration panel.
1Configuration Import Export Workspace

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For more information, refer to System Administration - Configuration Template Import (EMA).

Refactored Profile Import/Export Workspace

The following changes are made to the Profile Import/Export workspace GUI to make it consistent with the EMA standard rendering UI:

  • Chiclets which were a part of earlier releases are removed in this release.
  • The Profile list is displayed as per the default rendered table.
  • The Install Profile tool gets launched when a configuration is selected in the Profile list.
  • The Upload Profile, Download Profiles, and the Save Profiles buttons/options are provided on the Profiles list panel.
1Profile Import Export Workspace

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For more information, refer to System Administration - Profile Import and Export.

Refactored Alarms Workspace

The following changes are made to the Alarms workspace GUI to make it consistent with the EMA standard rendering UI:

  • The Current and the Cleared Alarms have separate workspace now.
  • The Edit Alarm chiclet is removed now.
  • Select any alarm in list to view the Edit Alarm panel. This applies for both Cleared and Current Alarms.
  • Standard table filters are used instead of Custom table filters.
  • The details of the alarms severity are displayed along with the severity icons.
  • The option/button, Enable Live Feed is provided to Clear Alarms window and the options/buttons, Clear All Alarms Shown, Clear All Alarms in System, and Enable Live Feed are provided for Current Status window.

Cleared Alarm Workspace:

1Cleared Alarms Workspace

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Current Alarm Workspace:

1Current Alarms Workspace

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For more information, refer to Dashboard - Alarms.

Refactored SIP Adaptor Workspace

The following changes are made to the SIP Adaptor workspace GUI to make it consistent with the EMA standard rendering UI:

  • Chiclets which were a part of earlier releases are removed in this release.
  • SIP Adaptor profiles are listed in a default rendered table.
  • The Edit SIP Adaptor Profile tool gets launched when a profile is selected in the table.
  • The SIP Adaptor Profile List panel now has buttons to: Create SIP Adaptor Profile, Copy SIP Adaptor Profile, Assign SIP Adaptor Profile, Test SIP Adaptor Profile, Edit Rule Sequence, and View CLI.
1SIP Adaptor Profile Workspace

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For more information, refer to System Provisioning - SIP Adaptor (SMM) Profile.

Refactored Search Audit Logs Workspace

The Search Audit Logs tool is now available as a separate page under Troubleshooting Tools option (was under Logs page earlier).

1Search Audit Logs Workspace

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For more information, refer to Troubleshooting Tools - Search Audit Logs.

Improved File Management for the SBC in EMA

The SBC EMA is enhanced with a new object, File Upload, which is same as the Upload Files tab in EMA Platform Mode. The SBC files can now be uploaded via EMA GUI too.

The File Upload object has the following enhanced features:

  • Add files to SBC upload queue.
  • View the list of files in the upload queue.
  • Delete individual files from the upload queue.
  • Upload files in the upload queue to the SBC.
  • View the status of files being uploaded.
  • Delete individual files that are already uploaded to SBC.
  • View the size of the files that are in the upload queue and the files that are already uploaded.
  • View the Software packages on the SBC.
  • Delete the Software packages on the SBC.

Only administrators are allowed to access the File Management screen.

1File Upload

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For more information, refer to System Administration - File Upload.

Platform Manager Re-architecture and EMA Integration

The functionality of the Platform Manager product has been redesigned and integrated with EMA. There is no longer a separate Platform Manager product. Instead, EMA now has two modes:

  • EMA Mode - When the application is up, the SBC management UI is in EMA mode. Both the EMA functionality and the platform management functionality is available.
  • EMA Platform Mode - When the application is down, the SBC management UI is in Platform Mode. Only the platform management functionality is available. 

EMA Mode

The following Platform features are available in EMA GUI when the application is Up or Down: 

  • Blink Locator LED
  • Download Logs
  • File Upload
  • HA Pair Differences
  • Hardware Inventory
  • Manage Announcements
  • Network Tools
  • Platform Utilization and Statistics
  • Secure Link
  • Sensors
  • Software Install/Upgrade
  • System and Software Info
  • System Dump
  • System Event Log
  • User Activity Log Purge
  • Virtual Machine Management
  • Platform Management
  • Run TShark Trace  

The following Platform features are only available when the application is Down:

  • Change Name
  • Runtime Diagnostic Tests

If you attempt to access one of these features when the application is running, a note is displayed informing you to stop the application to access these feature.

Platform Mode

The user interface is re-designed to be consistent with EMA GUI. The SBC supports both standalone or HA Pair configuration.


Only Administrators can access Platform Manager functionality.

To access the SBC in EMA Platform Mode:

Enter the management IP address followed by ":444" (port) in the address bar of the browser, for example: if you are trying to access the SBC box which has the IP address as  "", enter ""

To access individual objects (which are listed above), refer to Monitoring - Dashboard, Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting Tools and Troubleshooting - Call Trace Logs and Monitors.

Call Trace Enhancements

The following are the enhancements of this feature:

  • Configure Call Trace, Call Filter, Match, and Error Filter options from a single screen.
  • View the status of a Call Trace.
  • Stop a Call Trace with a single command. Earlier, the only way to stop a call trace was to individually disable each call trace filter.
  • Run the Call Trace for unlimited duration. Earlier, the duration was set to a value between 1 to 360 minutes.
  • Restart the Call Trace with a single click when a call trace gets stopped once the call filters reaches the threshold limit.
  • The following Call Filters options are:
    • Filter Name
    • State
    • Capture Type (Trace only or Trace and Media)
    • Log Detail Level
    • A summary of filter values, if any
    • Stop match setting (Stop after match or Continue after match)
    • Call detail capture setting (Save CLI or Do not save CLI)
  • Delete any Call Filter.
  • Create and Edit Call Filter and Filter Match Criteria from a single tool.

Only the Administrators, Field Service, Guests and Operators have the ability to access the Call Trace Configuration screen.

For more information, refer to Call Trace and Packet Capture - Call Trace.