Statistic | Description |
| General Fields: |
<GCID> | Unique global call identifier (GCID). |
mediaStreams | Type of media streams (audio, video) in the call. |
state | Current state of the call. |
callingNumber | Calling Party's E.164 telephone number. |
calledNumber | Valled Party's E.164 telephone number.
addressTransPerformed | Type of address translation (such as LNP, 800) performed on the called party number, if any. |
origCalledNum | Original Called Party number (if an address translation has been performed on the called party). |
scenarioType | Call scenario type for this call. |
callDuration | Call duration (in seconds) following an answer. |
mediaType | Media type for this active call. |
iceCallTypes | ICE call types for this call (for example ing-lcl-ICE-LITE, ing-rmt-FULL-ICE, eg-lcl-ICE-LITE, eg-rmt-FULL-ICE.) |
egressSessionBandwidthkbps | The current allocated session bandwidth, in Kbps, on the egress leg. If no session bandwidth is used, value is "0". |
ingressSessionBandwidthkbps | The current allocated session bandwidth, in Kbps, on the ingress leg. If no session bandwidth is used, value is "0". Note |
The IceState for each stream displays as "ST_ICE_COMPLETE" only when remote IP of all the streams in the call are learned. |
| Media Stream 1: |
associatedGcidLegId1 | Call leg ID corresponding to associatedGcid1 . |
associatedGcid1 | GCID of another call which is associated with this call. |
ingressDtlsSrtpStream1 | Identifies whether DTLS-SRTP negotiation is enabled or disabled for the corresponding stream of the ingress call.
ingressMediaStream1IceState | Ingress local ice mode for the ingress MediaStream1. |
ingressMediaStream1Bandwidth | Bandwidth allocated for the ingress MediaStream1.
ingressMediaStream1LocalIp | Local signaling IP address for ingress MediaStream1. |
ingressMediaStream1LocalPort | Local RTCP port for ingress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg). |
ingressMediaStream1RemoteIp | Remote signaling IP address for ingress MediaStream1. |
ingressMediaStream1RemotePort | Remote RTCP port for ingress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg).
ingressMediaStream1Security | Security Parameters parameters for the ingress MediaStream1. |
ingressRemoteIpSockAddr | IP address of the Ingress remote peer |
ingressTrunkName | Ingress trunk group name used for the call |
ingressZoneName | Ingress zone name for the call. |
egressDtlsSrtpStream1 | Identifies whether DTLS-SRTP negotiation is enabled or disabled for the corresponding stream of the egress call. |
egressMediaStream1IceState | Egress local ice mode for the egress MediaStream1. |
egressMediaStream1Bandwidth | Bandwidth allocated for the egress MediaStream1. |
egressMediaStream1LocalIp | Local signaling IP address for egress MediaStream1. |
egressMediaStream1LocalPort | Local RTCP port for egress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg). |
egressMediaStream1RemoteIp | Remote signaling IP address for egress MediaStream1. |
egressMediaStream1RemotePort | Remote RTCP port for egress MediaStream1 (If RTCP is enabled for this call leg).
egressMediaStream1Security | Security Parameters parameters for the egress MediaStream1. |
egressRemoteIpSockAddr | IP address of the Egress remote peer |
egressTrunkName | Egress trunk group name used for the call |
egressZoneName | Egress zone name for the call |
| Media Stream 2 - 6 (Stream 2 shown): |
associatedGcidLegId2 | Call leg ID corresponding to associatedGcid2 . |
associatedGcid2 | GCID of another call which is associated with this call. |
ingressDtlsSrtpStream2 | Identifies whether DTLS-SRTP negotiation is enabled or disabled for the corresponding stream of the ingress call.
ingressMediaStream2Bandwidth | Bandwidth allocated for the ingress MediaStream2.
ingressMediaStream2IceState | Ingress local ice mode for the ingress MediaStream2. |
ingressMediaStream2LocalIpSockAddr | Local signaling IP address for the ingress MediaStream2. |
ingressMediaStream2RemoteIpSockAddr | Remote signaling IP address for the ingress MediaStream2.
ingressMediaStream2Security | Security Parameters for the ingress MediaStream2. |
egressDtlsSrtpStream2 | Identifies whether DTLS-SRTP negotiation is enabled or disabled for the corresponding stream of the egress call. |
egressMediaStream2Bandwidth | Bandwidth allocated for the egress MediaStream2.
egressMediaStream2IceState | Egress local ice mode for the egress MediaStream2. |
egressMediaStream2LocalIpSockAddr | Local signaling IP address for the egress MediaStream2. |
egressMediaStream2RemoteIpSockAddr | Remote signaling IP address for the egress MediaStream2.
egressMediaStream2Security | Security Parameters for the egress MediaStream2. |