Document Overview
This document provides a configuration guide for the Sonus Session Border Controller (SBC) 5XX0 Series when connecting to Skype for Business 2015 (Skype 2015) and Pure IP SIP Trunk.
This configuration guide supports features described on the Microsoft Technet .
The interoperability compliance testing focuses on verifying inbound and outbound flows between Sonus SBC 5XX0, Skype 2015 and Pure IP SIP Trunk.
This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring both the Sonus SBC and the third-party product. Navigating the third-party as well as the Sonus SBC Command Line Interface (CLI) is required. Understanding the basic concepts of TCP/UDP, IP/Routing, and SIP/RTP are also necessary to complete the configuration and any troubleshooting
The following equipment and software were used for the sample configuration provided:
| Equipment | Software Version |
Sonus Networks | Sonus SBC 5200 BMC BIOS ConnexIP OS SonusDB EMA SBX | V05.00.04-R001 V02.14.00 V02.06.00 V03.00.04-R000 V05.00.04-R001 V05.00.04-R001 V05.00.04-R001 |
Tenor AFM200 | P108-09-26 |
Third-party Equipment | Microsoft Skype for Business 2015 (Skype 2015) Mediation Server | 6.0.9319.0 |
Polycom CX600 SIP Phone | 6.3037 |
VentaFax | 4.0.7577.44455 |
Reference Configuration
The following reference configuration shows connectivity between Pure IP SIP Trunk, Skype 2015 and Sonus SBC 5XX0.
Reference Configuration Topology
For any questions regarding this document or the content herein, please contact your maintenance and support provider.
Third-Party Product Features
The testing was executed with the Pure IP test plan. The following features were tested:
- SIP Options
- Initial Calls To/From PSTN
- Codec Negotiations
- Incomplete Call Attempts
- DTMF Tone Support
- PSTN Numbering Plans
- Calling Name / Number Blocking
- Supplementary Features – Call Hold, Forward, Transfer, Conference
- Fax Support
- Stability and Maintenance
Verify License
Sonus SBC 5xx0 Series Configuration
#DSP Resources
set system mediaProfile compression 90 tone 10
#Element Routing Priority
set profiles callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP entry internationalType 0 entityType trunkGroup
set profiles callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP entry nationalType 0 entityType trunkGroup
set profiles callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP entry localOperator 0 entityType trunkGroup
#IP signaling profiles
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile PUREIP_IPSP egressIpAttributes flags disable2806Compliance enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile PUREIP_IPSP egressIpAttributes privacy transparency disable privacyInformation pAssertedId
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeReasonHeader enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags minimizeRelayingOfMediaChangesFromOtherCallLegAll enable publishIPInHoldSDP enable routeUsingRecvdFqdn enable sendPtimeInSdp enable setAcceptHeaderToApplicationSdpOnly enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP ingressIpAttributes flags sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable enable sendSdpInSubsequent18x enable suppress183WithoutSdp enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes flags disable2806Compliance enable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes privacy flags includePrivacy enable privacyRequiredByProxy disable msLyncPrivacySupport enable includeEmbeddedPAIheaderInRedirectedInvite disable
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes privacy transparency disable privacyInformation pAssertedId
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tcp type2 none type3 none type4 none
#Feature Control Profile
set profiles featureControlProfile SKYPE_FCP processDestinationTgrp disable processDestinationTrunkContext disable processEnumdi disable
set profiles featureControlProfile SKYPE_FCP ipProtocolFlags useIpProtocol disable
#DM/PM criteria
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_0_UK criteriaType digit digitType calledNumber parameterPresenceCheck exists
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_0_UK digitCriteria digitMatch value startDigitPosition 0 numberOfDigits 1 matchValue 0
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_0_UK digitCriteria digitMatch operation equals
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_0_UK digitCriteria numberLength value 11 operation lessThanOrEquals
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_UK_NATIONAL criteriaType digit digitType calledNumber parameterPresenceCheck exists
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_UK_NATIONAL digitCriteria digitMatch value startDigitPosition 0 numberOfDigits 0
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_UK_NATIONAL digitCriteria digitMatch operation equals
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmCriteria SKYPE_MATCH_UK_NATIONAL digitCriteria numberLength value 10 operation equals
#DM/PM rule
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 0 criteria SKYPE_MATCH_0_UK ruleType digit
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 1 criteria SKYPE_MATCH_UK_NATIONAL ruleType digit
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 1 digitManipulation digitStringManipulation replacement type constant digitString calledNumber startDigitPosition 0 numberOfDigits 3 value +44
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 0 digitManipulation digitStringManipulation replacement type constant digitString calledNumber startDigitPosition 0 numberOfDigits 1 value +44
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 1 digitManipulation digitStringManipulation startDigitPosition 0 numberOfDigits 3 action none
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 0 digitManipulation digitStringManipulation startDigitPosition 0 numberOfDigits 1 action none
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 1 digitManipulation numberType calledNumber
set profiles digitParameterHandling dmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 subRule 0 digitManipulation numberType calledNumber
set profiles media codecEntry G711A-PUREIP codec g711 packetSize 20 law ALaw
set profiles media codecEntry G711A-PUREIP dtmf relay rfc2833 removeDigits enable
set profiles media codecEntry G711A-PUREIP fax failureHandling continue toneTreatment faxRelay
set profiles media codecEntry G711A-PUREIP modem failureHandling continue toneTreatment applyFaxTreatment
set profiles media codecEntry G711U-PUREIP codec g711 packetSize 20 law ULaw
set profiles media codecEntry G711U-PUREIP dtmf relay rfc2833 removeDigits enable
set profiles media codecEntry G711U-PUREIP fax failureHandling continue toneTreatment faxRelay
set profiles media codecEntry G711U-PUREIP modem failureHandling continue toneTreatment applyFaxTreatment
set profiles media codecEntry G729AB-PUREIP codec g729ab packetSize 20 preferredRtpPayloadType 128
set profiles media codecEntry G729AB-PUREIP dtmf relay rfc2833 removeDigits enable
set profiles media codecEntry G729AB-PUREIP fax failureHandling continue toneTreatment faxRelay
set profiles media codecEntry G729AB-PUREIP modem failureHandling continue toneTreatment applyFaxTreatment
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711A codec g711 packetSize 20 law ALaw
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711A dtmf relay rfc2833 removeDigits enable
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711A fax failureHandling continue toneTreatment none
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711A modem failureHandling continue toneTreatment none
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711U codec g711 packetSize 20 law ULaw
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711U dtmf relay rfc2833 removeDigits enable
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711U fax failureHandling continue toneTreatment none
set profiles media codecEntry SKYPE_G711U modem failureHandling continue toneTreatment none
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PUREIP_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711A-PUREIP codecEntry2 G711U-PUREIP codecEntry3 G729AB-PUREIP
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PUREIP_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711a g711u g729 t38 otherLeg g711a g711u g729 t38
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PUREIP_PSP packetToPacketControl conditionsInAdditionToNoCommonCodec applyFaxToneTreatment disable differentDtmfRelay enable differentPacketSize enable differentSilenceSuppression enable honorOfferPreference disable honorAnswerPreference disable different2833PayloadType enable
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PUREIP_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode conditional
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP codec codecEntry1 SKYPE_G711A codecEntry2 SKYPE_G711U
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711a g711u g729 otherLeg g711a g711u g729
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP packetToPacketControl conditionsInAdditionToNoCommonCodec applyFaxToneTreatment disable differentDtmfRelay enable differentPacketSize enable differentSilenceSuppression enable honorOfferPreference disable honorAnswerPreference disable different2833PayloadType enable
set profiles media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode conditional
#Pure IP pathcheck profile
set profiles services pathCheckProfile PureIP failureResponseCodes 503 protocol sipOptions sendInterval 60 replyTimeoutCount 6 recoveryCount 6
set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS localRecord uksipld5.pure-ip data 1 type a priority 0 ipAddress state enabled
set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS localRecord uksipld5.pure-ip hostName state enabled order priority
set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS type mgmt useConfiguredDnsServer disabled
#Internal Side Configuration
#IP Interface Group
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup TRUSTED ipInterface pkt0 ceName BARTONCE portName pkt0 ipAddress prefix 26 mode outOfService state disabled
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup TRUSTED ipInterface pkt0 mode inService state enabled
#IP Static Route
set addressContext default staticRoute 0 TRUSTED pkt0 preference 100
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED id 50 dnsGroup DNS
#SIP signaling port
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 25 ipInterfaceGroupName TRUSTED ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 mode outOfService state disabled siprec disabled transportProtocolsAllowed sip-udp sip-tcp
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipSigPort 25 mode inService state enabled
#Skype IP peer
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED ipPeer SKYPE2015 ipAddress ipPort 5068 defaultForIp false
#Fax IP peer
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED ipPeer FAX ipAddress ipPort 5084 defaultForIp false
#Skype IP trunk
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName TRUSTED
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 policy digitParameterHandling numberingPlan GENERIC_NUM_PLAN ingressDmPmRule SKYPE_ADD_+44 egressDmPmRule SIP_ADD_PLUS
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 policy media packetServiceProfile SKYPE_PSP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 policy signaling ipSignalingProfile SKYPE_IPSP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 policy carrier 0000 country 1 localizationVariant northAmerica tgIPVersionPreference both-ipv4-and-ipv6 featureControlProfile SKYPE_FCP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 state enabled mode inService
#Fax IP trunk
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName TRUSTED
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX signaling rel100Support enabled acceptHistoryInfo enabled
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX policy digitParameterHandling numberingPlan GENERIC_NUM_PLAN
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX policy media packetServiceProfile PUREIP_PSP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX policy signaling ipSignalingProfile PUREIP_IPSP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX policy carrier 0000 country 1 localizationVariant northAmerica tgIPVersionPreference both-ipv4-and-ipv6 featureControlProfile DEFAULT_IP
set addressContext default zone TRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX state enabled mode inService
#External Side SBC Configuration
#IP Interface Group
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface pkt2 ceName BARTONCE portName pkt2 ipAddress prefix 28 mode outOfService state disabled
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup UNTRUSTED ipInterface pkt2 mode inService state enabled
#IP static route
set addressContext default staticRoute 0 UNTRUSTED pkt2 preference 100
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED id 20 dnsGroup DNS
#SIP signaling port
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 229 ipInterfaceGroupName UNTRUSTED ipAddressV4 portNumber 5060 mode outOfService state disabled transportProtocolsAllowed sip-udp
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipSigPort 229 mode inService state enabled
#IP peer
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED ipPeer PUREIP ipAddress ipPort 5060
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED ipPeer PUREIP pathCheck profile PureIP hostPort 0 state enabled
#Pure IP trunk
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName UNTRUSTED
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP ingressIpPrefix 32
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP policy callRouting elementRoutingPriority TG_ERP
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP policy digitParameterHandling numberingPlan GENERIC_NUM_PLAN egressDmPmRule SIP_ADD_PLUS
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP policy media packetServiceProfile PUREIP_PSP
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP policy signaling ipSignalingProfile PUREIP_IPSP
set addressContext default zone UNTRUSTED sipTrunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP state enabled mode inService
#Global Configuration
#Route Labels
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_SKYPE routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 ipPeer SKYPE2015 proportion 0 cost 1000000 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PUREIP routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP ipPeer PUREIP proportion 0 cost 1000000 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_FAX routingLabelRoute 0 trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX ipPeer FAX proportion 100 cost 100 inService inService testing normal
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_SKYPE overflowNOA none overflowNPI none routePrioritizationType sequence action routes numRoutesPerCall 10
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PUREIP overflowNOA none overflowNPI none routePrioritizationType sequence action routes numRoutesPerCall 10
set global callRouting routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_FAX overflowNOA none overflowNPI none routePrioritizationType sequence action routes numRoutesPerCall 10
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-FAX BARTON standard Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PUREIP
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP BARTON standard Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_SKYPE
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-PUREIP BARTON standard 1263586413 44 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_FAX
set global callRouting route trunkGroup TWO-WAY-SIP-SKYPE2015 BARTON standard Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel TO_TWO_WAY_PUREIP
Test Results
S.No | Procedure | Observation | Result | Comment |
SIP Options |
1.1.1 | Validate OPTIONS messages sent | | Pass | |
1.1.2 | Validate OPTIONS messages received | | Pass | |
Initial Calls To/From PSTN |
1.2.1 | Inbound call from a PSTN phone to an extension. Hang-up at called party. Wait for calling party to disconnect. | | Pass | |
1.2.2 | Inbound call from a PSTN phone to an extension. Hang-up at calling party (PSTN phone). Wait for called party to disconnect. | | Pass | |
1.2.3 | Outbound call from an extension to a PSTN phone. Hang-up at called party (PSTN phone). Wait for calling party to disconnect. | | Pass | |
1.2.4 | Outbound call from an extension to a PSTN phone. Hang-up at calling party (extension). Wait for called party to disconnect. | | Pass | |
Codec Negotiations |
1.3.1 | Make 3 outbound test calls: - one offering G711A only, - one offering G711U only, - one offering G729 only. | | Pass | |
1.3.2 | Make 3 inbound test calls: - one offering G711A only, - one offering G711U only, - one offering G729 only. | | Pass | |
Incomplete Call Attempts |
1.4.1 | Inbound call from a PSTN phone to an extension. Hang-up before far-end answers. | | Pass | |
1.4.2 | Outbound call from an extension to a PSTN phone. Hang-up before far-end answers. | | Pass | |
1.4.3 | No Answer of inbound call from a PSTN phone to an extension. | | Pass | |
1.4.4 | No Answer of outbound call from an extension to a PSTN phone | | Pass | |
1.4.5 | Inbound call from a PSTN phone to an extension that is “Busy”. | | N/A | Skype for Business does not send 486 Busy |
1.4.6 | Outbound call from an extension to a PSTN phone that is “Busy”. | | Pass | |
1.4.7 | Outbound call from an extension to an invalid PSTN number. | | Pass | |
DTMF Tone Support |
1.5.1 | Outbound call to PSTN number that requires DTMF input | | Pass | |
1.5.2 | Inbound call to number that requires DTMF input | | Pass | |
PSTN Numbering Plans |
1.6.1 | Outbound Toll-Free Call | | Pass | |
1.6.2 | Outbound Local Call | | Pass | |
1.6.3 | Outbound International Calls | | Pass | |
1.6.4 | Local Directory Assistance Call or special number | | Pass | |
1.6.5 | Emergency Calls | | N/A | Upon agreement this test is skipped not to cause any issues with local PSP. |
Calling Name / Number Blocking |
1.7.1 | Inbound Calling Party Number (CPN) Block from PSTN phone | | Pass | |
1.7.2 | Outbound Calling Party Number (CPN) Block from phone | | Pass | |
Supplementary Features – Call Hold, Forward, Transfer, Conference |
1.8.1 | Inbound Call – PBX Hold and Resume – Short Duration | | Pass | |
1.8.2 | Outbound Call – PBX Hold and Resume – Short Duration | | Pass | |
1.8.3 | Inbound Call – PSTN Hold and Resume – Short Duration | | Pass | |
1.8.4 | Outbound Call – PSTN Hold and Resume – Short Duration | | Pass | |
1.8.5 | Call - PBX Hold and Resume – Long Duration that exceeds the SIP session timers (~10 min) | | Pass | |
1.8.6 | Call Forward – All of inbound call from PSTN to another extension | | Pass | |
1.8.7 | Call Forwarding – Busy / Don’t Answer of inbound call from PSTN to another extension | | Pass | |
1.8.8 | Call Forwarding Off Net over SIP Trunk - Inbound call from PSTN to extension is forwarded to another PSTN endpoint. | | Pass | |
1.8.9 | Blind Call Transfer (xfer before answer) of inbound PSTN call transferring to internal extension | | Pass | |
1.8.10 | Blind Call Transfer (xfer before answer) of inbound PSTN call transferring to another PSTN endpoint. | | Pass | |
1.8.11 | Consultative Call Transfer (xfer after answer) of inbound PSTN call transferring to internal extension | | Pass | |
1.8.12 | Consultative Call Transfer (xfer after answer) of inbound PSTN call transferring to another PSTN endpoint | | Pass | |
1.8.13 | Consultative Call Transfer (xfer after answer) of outbound PSTN call transferring to internal extension | | Pass | |
1.8.14 | Conference of inbound call | | Pass | |
1.8.15 | Conference outbound call (with internal users) | | Pass | |
Fax Support |
1.9.1 | Incoming fax using T.38 | | Pass | |
1.9.2 | Outbound fax using T.38 | | Pass | |
1.9.3 | Incoming fax using G711 | | Pass | |
1.9,4 | Outbound fax using G711 | | Pass | |
Stability and Maintenance |
1.10.1 | Long Duration Calls | | Pass | |
1.10.2 | Incoming & Outgoing Call – SIP Trunk Signaling Failure | | Pass | |
These Application Notes describe the configuration steps required for Sonus 5XX0 to successfully interoperate with Skype for Business 2015. All feature and serviceability test cases were completed and passed with the exceptions/observations noted in Test Results.