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This document provides a configuration guide for Ribbon Solution (SBC/PSX) with ATOS LIOS PC2.0LI
This document provides the Ribbon Solution (SBC/PSX/EMS) Core configuration for performing PC2.0 LI with ATOS LIOS. This is a general reference document that requires user input during the configuration. For PSX/SBC configurations, the screen captures in this document are limited to only necessary provisioning areas.
This document does not provide the test cases details, the success criteria, processes and execution steps of testing that were performed. Also, this document does not focus on general EMA/PSX configurations and provisioning areas.
Lawful Intercept (LI) flavor PC2.0 Interop testing is performed between Ribbon’s Solution (EMS/SBC/PSX) and ATOS LIOS LIMA platform. This document outlines the SBC, PSX and EMS configurations required to achieve this purpose.
This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring the Ribbon Products(SBC/PSX/EMS).
To perform this interop, you need:
This configuration guide is offered as a convenience to Ribbon customers. The specifications and information regarding the product in this guide are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and are provided “AS IS”. Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this guide.
The configuration uses the following equipment and software:
Product | Equipment | Software Version |
Ribbon Communications | Ribbon SBC Ribbon PSX Ribbon EMS | V10.00.00-R000 V12.02.02-R000 V14.00.00-R000 |
The following figure illustrates connectivity between the ATOS LIMA platform and Ribbon via VPN tunnel.
High-Level Architecture For Ribbon - ATOS LIOS
The following lab topology diagram shows connectivity between Ribbon and ATOS LIMA via the IP Sec tunnel.
High-Level Architecture For Ribbon - ATOS LIOS
This section provides the SBC configurations specific to LI only.
It will not cover any configurations such as ipInterfaceGroup/zone/sipSigPort/sipTrunkGroup/staticRoute.
For all the above configurations, please refer to the standard SBC configuration guide in the SBC Core Documentation.
Create diameter node and specify the IP Interface Group name and IP address. The SBC uses this IP address to send the x2/x3 data towards ATOS LIOS after interception.
set addressContext default diamNode dNode originRealm sonus.com primaryOriginHost p1.sonus.com ipInterfaceGroupName UNTRUST state enabled dumpPdu enabled ipV4Address x.x.x.x commit
When the SBC is in HA mode, use the following diameter code.
set addressContext default diamNode dNode originRealm sonus.com primaryOriginHost p1.sonus.com ipInterfaceGroupName UNTRUST secondaryOriginHost p2.sonus.com state enabled dumpPdu enabled ipV4Address x.x.x.x commit
Through the admin login, create the calea user. Change your password after the first login.
set oam localAuth user calea group Calea commit
This step should be performed using a calea user.
admin@SBCNAME% ssh calea@0
Create a Call Data Channel based on the configurations provided by ATOS LIOS. These are the LIMA platform IP and FQDN's for the x2/x3 reception.
In this example,
The df group name is df21.
The realm name is lios1.com.
The peer fqdn is df21.lios1.com.
The x2 data is sent to the IP
The x3 data is sent to the IP and port number 61318.
set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC ipInterfaceGroupName UNTRUST mediaIpInterfaceGroupName UNTRUST set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC interceptStandard packetcableVTwo set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC vendorId atos set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC diamNode dNode set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling dfGroupName df21 set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling realmName lios1.com set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling mode inService set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling state enabled set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 media udp set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 media udp ipAddress set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 media udp portNumber 61318 set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC diameterPeer Peer1 fqdn df21.lios1.com ipAddress set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC diameterPeer Peer1 deviceWatchdogTimer 100000 set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC diameterPeer Peer1 state enabled set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC diameterRealmRoute Peer1 realm lios1.com diameterPeer Peer1 set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC diameterRealmRoute Peer1 appId x2 set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC diameterRealmRoute Peer1 state enabled commit
For this release, it is mandatory to enable the External PSX for Routing.
Use the following command to disable the local PSX server, and then enable the remote PSX server.
% set system policyServer localServer "PSX_LOCAL_SERVER" state "disabled" mode "outOfService" % commit % set system policyServer remoteServer "ATOSPSX" ipAddress "<PSX_MGMT_IP>" state "enabled" mode "active" % commit
There are no specific PSX configurations required for this feature to run. Please refer the standard Ribbon PSX guide for generic configurations on https://doc.rbbn.com/.
Please refer the page Lawful Intercept for the configurations related to EMS for this deployment.
For configurations related to ATOS LIOS products, please contact ATOS technical support team on https://atos.net/en/.
In order to generate a self-signed certificate to be used in X1 requests, log in to the EMS and perform the following steps:
Go to /opt/sonus/ems/weblogic/sonusEms/data/sys keytool -export -alias demo -keystore ems.keystore -rfc -file <filename>.crt (give the password as sonusems)
The following example provides the targets created on the EMS.
Created targets
The following section lists sample surveillances that are performed in this interop.
X1 Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://clicktime.symantec.com/39LLLiwRL9DgHq1VYdSV9xe6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fschemas.xmlsoap.org%2Fsoap%2Fenvelope%2F%26quot; xmlns:xsd="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UFwpPT2WYij6j5hktZLiZv6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%26quot; xmlns:xsi="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3GYLvhbfc3of1CQNNiBk8nQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema-instance%2522%253E <soapenv:Body> <editConfig xmlns="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UZ1FDi5JnuM22F33kTVxmQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fconfig%2522%253E <config> <ns1:credential xmlns:ns1="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3QGARvuwAZc6ZQekbZzmdHK6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fcommon%2522%253E <ns1:user>calea</ns1:user> <ns1:password>calea</ns1:password> </ns1:credential> <surveillanceConfig command="addSurveillance"> <Surveillance> <deviceName>atosems</deviceName> <pni>true</pni> <txCcDfName><name></name></txCcDfName> <txCcDfPort>61318</txCcDfPort> <rxCcDfName><name></name></rxCcDfName> <rxCcDfPort>61319</rxCcDfPort> <targetId><name>7774446100</name></targetId> <cdDfGroupName><name>df21</name></cdDfGroupName> <tapId><name>000010A7774446100</name></tapId> </Surveillance> </surveillanceConfig> </config> <ns2:errorOption xmlns:ns2="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3KF1zM1MekJH9rPh54egmmQ6H2u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fcommon%2522%253Eignore-error%253C%2Fns2%3AerrorOption%253E </editConfig> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> X1 Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://clicktime.symantec.com/39LLLiwRL9DgHq1VYdSV9xe6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fschemas.xmlsoap.org%2Fsoap%2Fenvelope%2F%26quot; xmlns:xsd="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UFwpPT2WYij6j5hktZLiZv6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%26quot; xmlns:xsi="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3GYLvhbfc3of1CQNNiBk8nQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema-instance%2522%253E <soapenv:Body> <reply xmlns="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UZ1FDi5JnuM22F33kTVxmQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fconfig%2522%253E <ok xmlns="">ok</ok> </reply> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
X1 Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://clicktime.symantec.com/39LLLiwRL9DgHq1VYdSV9xe6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fschemas.xmlsoap.org%2Fsoap%2Fenvelope%2F%26quot; xmlns:xsd="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UFwpPT2WYij6j5hktZLiZv6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%26quot; xmlns:xsi="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3GYLvhbfc3of1CQNNiBk8nQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema-instance%2522%253E <soapenv:Body> <editConfig xmlns="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UZ1FDi5JnuM22F33kTVxmQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fconfig%2522%253E <config> <ns1:credential xmlns:ns1="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3QGARvuwAZc6ZQekbZzmdHK6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fcommon%2522%253E <ns1:user>calea</ns1:user> <ns1:password>calea</ns1:password> </ns1:credential> <surveillanceConfig command="removeSurveillance"> <Surveillance> <deviceName>atosems</deviceName> <pni>false</pni> <txCcDfName xsi:nil="true"/> <txCcDfPort xsi:nil="true"/> <rxCcDfName xsi:nil="true"/> <rxCcDfPort xsi:nil="true"/> <targetId xsi:nil="true"/> <cdDfGroupName xsi:nil="true"/> <tapId><name>000010A5559995101</name></tapId> </Surveillance> </surveillanceConfig> </config> <ns2:errorOption xmlns:ns2="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3KF1zM1MekJH9rPh54egmmQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fcommon%2522%253Eignore-error%253C%2Fns2%3AerrorOption%253E </editConfig> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> X1 Response <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://clicktime.symantec.com/39LLLiwRL9DgHq1VYdSV9xe6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fschemas.xmlsoap.org%2Fsoap%2Fenvelope%2F%26quot; xmlns:xsd="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UFwpPT2WYij6j5hktZLiZv6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%26quot; xmlns:xsi="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3GYLvhbfc3of1CQNNiBk8nQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema-instance%2522%253E <soapenv:Body> <reply xmlns="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3UZ1FDi5JnuM22F33kTVxmQ6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fconfig%2522%253E <ok xmlns="">ok</ok> </reply> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
X1 Request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3RsdQHCP9fzTnT5edfCTDwL6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fschemas.xmlsoap.org%2Fsoap%2Fenvelope%2F%26quot; xmlns:xsd="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3AAGgus4JJwjAGQWhaxM4Mk6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%26quot; xmlns:xsi="https://clicktime.symantec.com/35YHYa7PMJzvHDU3QGz85876H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema-instance%2522%253E <soapenv:Body> <getConfig xmlns="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3Djh1N12YCxqCopsM5HdeWi6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fconfig%2522%253E <ns1:credential xmlns:ns1="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3U9HmdznLxQxwzZUDLdq9276H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fcommon%2522%253E <ns1:user>calea</ns1:user> <ns1:password>calea</ns1:password> </ns1:credential> <SurveillanceFilter sequenceNumber="0"> <deviceName>atosems</deviceName> <tapId><name>000010A7774446100</name></tapId> </SurveillanceFilter> </getConfig> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> X1 Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3RsdQHCP9fzTnT5edfCTDwL6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fschemas.xmlsoap.org%2Fsoap%2Fenvelope%2F%26quot; xmlns:xsd="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3AAGgus4JJwjAGQWhaxM4Mk6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema%26quot; xmlns:xsi="https://clicktime.symantec.com/35YHYa7PMJzvHDU3QGz85876H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2001%2FXMLSchema-instance%2522%253E <soapenv:Body> <reply xmlns="https://clicktime.symantec.com/3Djh1N12YCxqCopsM5HdeWi6H2?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nextone.com%2Fivms%2Fschema%2Fconfig%2522%253E <ok xmlns="">ok</ok> <SurveillanceConfig> <deviceName>atosems</deviceName> <pni>true</pni> <txCcDfName><name></name></txCcDfName> <txCcDfPort>61318</txCcDfPort> <rxCcDfName><name></name></rxCcDfName> <rxCcDfPort>61319</rxCcDfPort> <targetId><name>7774446100</name></targetId> <cdDfGroupName><name>df21</name></cdDfGroupName> <tapId><name>000010A7774446100</name></tapId> </SurveillanceConfig> </data> </reply> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
The following checklist depicts the set of services/features covered through the configuration defined in this Interop Guide.
Sr. No. | Supplementary Services/ Features | Coverage |
1 | Registration over UDP | |
2 | Basic Call Setup & Termination | |
3 | Cancel Call, No Answer, Busy and Call Rejection | |
4 | FAX | |
5 | DTMF | |
6 | Call Forward - Unconditional, Busy and No Answer | |
7 | Out of dialog messages (SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY/OPTIONS) | |
8 | Call Transfer (Refer-relay) | |
9 | Call Hold and Resume | |
10 | Attended Call Transfer | |
11 | Video Call |
Supported | |
Not Supported |
Note the following items in relation to this Interop:
For any support related queries about this guide, please contact your local Ribbon representative, or use the details below:
For detailed information about Ribbon products & solutions, please visit:
This document describes the configuration steps required for the Ribbon Solution to successfully test interop with ATOS LIOS. All feature and serviceability test cases were completed and passed.
All features and capabilities tested are detailed within this document - any limitations, notes or observations are also recorded in order to provide the reader with an accurate understanding of what has been covered, and what has not.
Configuration guidance is provided to enable the reader to replicate the same base setup - there maybe additional configuration changes required to suit the exact deployment environment.
© 2021 Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc. © 2021 ECI Telecom Ltd. All rights reserved.