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This document outlines the configuration best practices for the Ribbon SBC Core (SBC 5K, 7K, SWe) when deployed with Google Voice SIP Link for Multi-tenant.
The SBC Core (SBC 5K, 7K, SWe) addresses the next-generation needs of SIP communications by delivering embedded media transcoding, robust security and advanced call routing in a high-performance, small form-factor device enabling service providers and enterprises to quickly and securely enhance their network by implementing services like SIP Trunking, secure Unified Communications and Voice over IP (VoIP).
The SBC Core provides a reliable, scalable platform for IP interconnect to deliver security, session control, bandwidth management, advanced media services and integrated billing/reporting tools in an SBC appliance. This versatile series of SBCs can be deployed as peering SBCs, access SBCs or enterprise SBCs (eSBCs). The SBC product family is tested for interoperability and performance against a variety of third-party products and call flow configurations in the customer networks.
SBC 5x10, 5400, 7000 and SWe are represented as SBC Core in the subsequent sections.
Google Voice is a telephone service that provides a U.S. phone number to Google Account customers in the U.S. and Google Works customers in Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Calls are forwarded to the phone number that each user must configure in the account web portal. Users can answer and receive calls on any of the phones configured to ring in the web portal. While answering a call, the user can switch between the configured phones. Subscribers in the U.S. can make outgoing calls to domestic and international destinations. The service is configured and maintained by users in a web-based application, similar in style to Google's email service Gmail, or Android and iOS applications on smartphones or tablets.
In a multitenancy environment, multiple customers share the same application, running on the same operating system, on the same hardware, with the same data-storage mechanism. The distinction between the customers is achieved during application design, thus customers do not share or see each other's data.
This document provides configuration best practices for deploying Ribbon's SBC Core for Google Voice SIP Link interop. Note that these are configuration best practices and each customer may have unique needs and networks. Ribbon recommends that customers work with network design and deployment engineers to establish the network design which best meets their requirements.
It is not the goal of this guide to provide detailed configurations that meet the requirements of every customer. Use this guide as a starting point, and build the SBC configurations in consultation with network design and deployment engineers.
This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring the Ribbon SBC.
To perform this interop, you need to:
This configuration guide is offered as a convenience to Ribbon customers. The specifications and information regarding the product in this guide are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and are provided “AS IS”. Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this guide.
The following aspects are required before proceeding with the interop:
Please refer to Managing Certificates.
The configuration uses the following equipment and software:
Product | Appliance/ Application/ Tool | Software Version |
Ribbon SBC | Ribbon SBC Core | 9.2.0 |
Google Voice | Telephony Service | NA |
Third-party Equipment | Cisco Unified Communications Manager | |
Poly VVX 411 | | |
Administration and Debugging Tools | Wireshark | 3.4.9 |
The Ribbon SBC Core portfolio includes SBC 5x10, SBC 5400, SBC 7000 (appliance based), and SBC SWe (virtualized platform). The software version is applicable to Ribbon SBC Core portfolio, and hence, this configuration guide is valid for all of these devices.
The sections in this document follow the sequence below. The reader is advised to complete each section for the successful configuration.
To deploy Ribbon SBC Core standalone instance, refer to SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation.
To deploy Ribbon SBC Core in HA mode on different platforms, refer to SBC Core Software Installation and Upgrade Guide.
During this interop, SBC Core HA was installed on VMware platform by following the procedure described in .
Codecs define the audio encoding methods and their associated attributes. You can add custom codec entries which are then available to include when configuring codecs in a Packet Service Profile. When you add a codec entry, the parameters available change, depending on the base codec you select. You can also configure options for a selected Codec Entry that specify how to handle DTMF digits in the media stream.
set profiles media codecEntry G711-U codec g711 set profiles media codecEntry G711-U packetSize 20 set profiles media codecEntry G711-U fax failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry G711-U fax toneTreatment faxRelayOrFallbackToG711 set profiles media codecEntry G711-U fax honorToneDetection disable set profiles media codecEntry G711-U modem failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry G711-U modem toneTreatment fallbackToG711 set profiles media codecEntry G711-U modem honorToneDetection disable set profiles media codecEntry G711-U law ULaw set profiles media codecEntry G711-U dtmf relay rfc2833 set profiles media codecEntry G711-U dtmf removeDigits enable commit set profiles media codecEntry G711-A codec g711 set profiles media codecEntry G711-A packetSize 20 set profiles media codecEntry G711-A fax failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry G711-A fax toneTreatment faxRelayOrFallbackToG711 set profiles media codecEntry G711-A fax honorToneDetection disable set profiles media codecEntry G711-A modem failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry G711-A modem toneTreatment fallbackToG711 set profiles media codecEntry G711-A modem honorToneDetection disable set profiles media codecEntry G711-A law ALaw set profiles media codecEntry G711-A dtmf relay rfc2833 set profiles media codecEntry G711-A dtmf removeDigits enable commit set profiles media codecEntry OPUS codec opus set profiles media codecEntry OPUS packetSize 20 set profiles media codecEntry OPUS preferredRtpPayloadType 111 set profiles media codecEntry OPUS fax failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry OPUS fax toneTreatment none set profiles media codecEntry OPUS modem failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry OPUS modem toneTreatment none set profiles media codecEntry OPUS dtmf relay rfc2833 set profiles media codecEntry OPUS dtmf removeDigits enable set profiles media codecEntry OPUS maxAverageBitRate 20000 commit set profiles media codecEntry G722 codec g722 set profiles media codecEntry G722 codingRate 64 set profiles media codecEntry G722 packetSize 20 set profiles media codecEntry G722 preferredRtpPayloadType 128 set profiles media codecEntry G722 fax failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry G722 fax toneTreatment none set profiles media codecEntry G722 modem failureHandling continue set profiles media codecEntry G722 modem toneTreatment none set profiles media codecEntry G722 dtmf relay rfc2833 set profiles media codecEntry G722 dtmf removeDigits enable commit
The configuration is to establish an end-to-end connectivity between PSTN carriers and Google Voice SIP Link. Here, Carrier-1 is connected to Tenant-1 and Carrier-2 to Tenant-2.
The SIP Adaptor Profile object is the main construct for SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) functionality. A SIP Adaptor Profile is associated with a SIP Trunk Group or Zone in order to act upon SIP messages passing into or out of that group. A SIP Trunk Group can have two SIP Adaptor Profiles, an input adaptor profile for manipulation of inbound messages, and an output adaptor profile for manipulation of outbound messages. Similarly, a Zone can have two SIP Adaptor Profiles.
SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) allows you to modify SIP messages as they are processed by the SBC Core in both inbound and outbound directions. Using SMM criteria and actions, you define SMM rules within a SIP adaptor profile, which the SBC applies to SIP messages in order to modify their headers and/or parameters. When a message comes into or out of the SBC and a SIP adaptor profile applies, the message is evaluated based on the set of criteria in the profile. If the message meets the criteria, it is modified according to actions defined in the profile.
Since a=inactive is not supported on Google Voice, the SMM PSTN_sendonly is used to modify the parameter to a=sendonly.
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly state enabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly advancedSMM disabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ invite ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 criterion 2 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 criterion 2 messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 criterion 2 messageBody condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 from value a=sendonly set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 to type messageBody set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 to messageBodyValue all set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 regexp string a=inactive set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile PSTN_sendonly rule 1 action 1 regexp matchInstance all commit
An IP Interface Group is a named object containing one or more IP interfaces (IP addresses). The IP Interface Group is Address Context-specific (e.g. permanently bound to a particular Address Context), and is the primary tool to manage disjointed networks (separate networks that are not designed to communicate directly). An IP Interface Group is the local manifestation of a segregated network domain. The service section of an IP trunk group and a Signaling Port typically reference an IP Interface Group in order to restrict signaling and/or media activity to that IP Interface Group.
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0 ceName GOOGLEVOICE set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0 portName pkt0 set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0 ipAddress x.x.x.x set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0 prefix x set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF1 ipInterface PKT0 mode inService state enabled commit
This object specifies the gateway to which you wish to direct traffic from your Packet, Management, or Link Interface. In effect, this object allows you to add, change, and delete gateways (next Hops) to these interfaces. Interface and static routes combine to form the IP routing table for your network.
An IP Static Route provides a route to each potential call destination IP address. The static route is used to add static IP routes for the IP interfaces. A static route indicates the next Hop gateway and IP interface to use for a particular peer network IP prefix.
set addressContext default staticRoute x.x.x.x x x.x.x.x LIF1 PKT0 preference 100 commit
Each Packet Service Profile is configured for a pair of gateways, and includes entries for up to four audio/video encoding methods. The pair of gateways can be originating for destination gateways in the same gateway group, or can be originating for destination gateways in an inter-gateway group.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711-U set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP codec codecEntry2 G711-A set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP codec codecEntry4 G722 set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode conditional set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711a,g711u,g722 set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding otherLeg g711a,g711u,g722,opus set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 127 commit
A zone is used to group a set of objects unique in a particular customer environment.
set addressContext default zone PSTN id 2 commit
A SIP Signaling Port is a logical address permanently bound to a specific zone, and is used to send and receive SIP call signaling packets. A SIP Signaling Port is capable of multiple transports such as UDP, TCP and TLS/TCP.
set addressContext default zone PSTN sipSigPort 2 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF1 ipAddressV4 x.x.x.x portNumber <port_number> transportProtocolsAllowed sip-udp,sip-tcp set addressContext default zone PSTN sipSigPort 2 mode inService state enabled commit
SIP Trunk Groups are used to apply a wide-ranging set of call management functions to a group of peer devices (endpoints) within the network. SIP Trunk Groups are created within a specific address context and zone.
All SBC signaling and routing (both Trunking and Access) are based upon Trunk Group configurations defined within zones. A zone can contain multiple Trunk Groups.
set addressContext default zone PSTN sipTrunkGroup PSTN_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF1 set addressContext default zone PSTN sipTrunkGroup PSTN_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 600 set addressContext default zone PSTN sipTrunkGroup PSTN_TG signaling timers sessionMinSE 90 set addressContext default zone PSTN sipTrunkGroup PSTN_TG ingressIpPrefix x.x.x.x x set addressContext default zone PSTN sipTrunkGroup PSTN_TG policy media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP set addressContext default zone PSTN sipTrunkGroup PSTN_TG signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile PSTN_sendonly set addressContext default zone PSTN sipTrunkGroup PSTN_TG mode inService state enabled commit
IP Peer is an entity of Session Border Controller, which is configured inside the Zone. It acts as a destination endpoint for the call to be routed. An IP Peer constitutes an IPv4/IPv6 address or a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) with a port number.
set addressContext default zone PSTN ipPeer PSTN_IPP ipAddress x.x.x.x ipPort <ip_peer_port> commit
set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_Multitenant_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711-U set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_Multitenant_PSP codec codecEntry2 G711-A set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_Multitenant_PSP codec codecEntry4 G722 set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_Multitenant_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode conditional set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_Multitenant_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711a,g711u,g722 set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_Multitenant_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding otherLeg g711a,g711u,g722,opus set profiles media packetServiceProfile PSTN_Multitenant_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 127 commit
set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant id 4 commit
set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipSigPort 4 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF1 ipAddressV4 x.x.x.x portNumber <port_number> transportProtocolsAllowed sip-udp,sip-tcp set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipSigPort 4 mode inService state enabled commit
set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF1 set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 600 set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG signaling timers sessionMinSE 90 set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG ingressIpPrefix x.x.x.x x set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG policy media packetServiceProfile PSTN_PSP set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG signaling messageManipulation inputAdapterProfile PSTN_sendonly set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG mode inService state enabled commit
set addressContext default zone PSTN_Multitenant ipPeer PSTN_Multitenant_IPP ipAddress x.x.x.x ipPort <ip_peer_port> commit
The Path Check Profile specifies the conditions that constitute a connectivity failure, and in the event of such a failure, the conditions that constitute a connectivity recovery. This profile specifies the configuration for OPTIONS PING.
set profiles services pathCheckProfile GOOGLE protocol sipOptions set profiles services pathCheckProfile GOOGLE sendInterval 30 set profiles services pathCheckProfile GOOGLE replyTimeoutCount 1 set profiles services pathCheckProfile GOOGLE recoveryCount 1 set profiles services pathCheckProfile GOOGLE transportPreference preference1 tls-tcp set profiles services pathCheckProfile GOOGLE transportPreference preference2 tcp commit
The SMM SIP_OPTIONS is used to modify the FQDN in request URI and To header of OPTIONS to Google specified FQDN, trunk.sip.voice.google.com.
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS state enabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS advancedSMM disabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ options ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 regexp string siplink.telephony.goog set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 1 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ options ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 2 header name To set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 headerInfo fieldValue set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 to type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 to value To set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 regexp string siplink.telephony.goog set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SIP_OPTIONS rule 2 action 1 regexp matchInstance one commit
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1 ceName GOOGLEVOICE set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1 portName pkt1 set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1 ipAddress x.x.x.x set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1 prefix x set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIF2 ipInterface PKT1 mode inService state enabled commit
The Domain Name System (DNS) group object contains a list of DNS servers used to resolve SIP NAPTR, SRV, and A-record lookups. The DNS server group is contained in an Address Context and is referenced by Zones and SIP Trunk Groups in that Address Context.
set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS type ip set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS interface LIF2 set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS server PRIMARY_DNS state enabled set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS server PRIMARY_DNS ipAddress set addressContext default dnsGroup DNS server PRIMARY_DNS priority 1 commit
set addressContext default staticRoute x.x.x.x x x.x.x.x LIF2 PKT1 preference 100 commit
Refer to Google Voice SIP Link documentation for other compatible CAs.
Create the certificate for Ribbon SBC with the CN containing SBC's FQDN for Tenant-1.
set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV type local-internal commit Command to generate CSR on SBC request system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV generateCSR csrSub /C=IN/ST=KA/L=Bangalore/O=Sonus/CN=<common_name_for_tenant1> keySize keySize2K After generating the CSR for tenant-1 on Ribbon SBC, provide it to the Certificate Authority. CA would generally provide the following certificates: SBC Certificate CA's Root Certificate Intermediate Certificate Upload the certificates to Ribbon SBC at /opt/sonus/external and convert them into SBC readable format using openssl i.e. SBC certificate must be in .pem or .p12 format and root certificate in .cer or .der format Converting .crt to .pem using openssl for SBC Certificate. openssl x509 -in sbc_cert.crt -out sbc_cert.der -outform DER openssl x509 -in sbc_cert.der -inform DER -out sbc_cert.pem -outform PEM After generating sbc_cert.pem file, convert it to .p12 format using below command and provide the location of the certificate key openssl pkcs12 -export -out sbc1_cert.p12 -in sbc_cert.pem -inkey /opt/sonus/company_san.key.temp Converting .crt to .cer using openssl for CA's Root and Intermediate Certificates. openssl x509 -in root_cert.crt -out root_cert.cer -outform DER After converting all these certificates, upload them to Ribbon SBC at /opt/sonus/external location.
Add all the required certificates on SBC.
set system security pki certificate gtsr1 state enabled set system security pki certificate gtsr1 fileName gtsr1.der set system security pki certificate gtsr1 type remote set system security pki certificate GoDaddy state enabled set system security pki certificate GoDaddy fileName gd_bundle.der set system security pki certificate GoDaddy type remote set system security pki certificate GlobalSign state enabled set system security pki certificate GlobalSign fileName globalsign.der set system security pki certificate GlobalSign type remote set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV state enabled set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV fileName b43ffd9ad0d7a03.pem set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV type local-internal set system security pki certificate global_root state enabled set system security pki certificate global_root fileName roots.der set system security pki certificate global_root type remote commit
This object creates and configures a profile for implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to use with SIP over TLS. TLS is an IETF protocol for securing communications across an untrusted network. Normally, SIP packets travel in plain text over TCP or UDP connections. Secure SIP is a security measure that uses TLS, the successor to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.
To add a TLS protection-level policy, create a TLS PROFILE and configure each of the parameters. The TLS profile is specified on the SIP Signaling Port and controls behavior of all TLS connections established on that signaling port.
set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF appAuthTimer 5 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF handshakeTimer 5 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF sessionResumpTimer 3600 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF cipherSuite1 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF cipherSuite2 tls_ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF cipherSuite3 tls_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF allowedRoles clientandserver set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF authClient true set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF clientCertName SBC_CERT_GV set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF serverCertName SBC_CERT_GV set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF acceptableCertValidationErrors none set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF v1_0 enabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF v1_1 enabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF v1_2 enabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF suppressEmptyFragments disabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF peerNameVerify disabled commit
This object specifies parameters associated with H.323, SIP, SIP-I communication that are sent as part of the outgoing signaling message after standard protocol rules are applied.
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags customizedSessionTimerBehavior enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeTransportTypeInContactHeader enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sessionTimerRefreshUpdate enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags fromHeader disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags requestURI disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags toHeader disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP egressIpAttributes privacy privacyInformation pAssertedId set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters sessionExpiresRefresher notSend set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tlsOverTcp commit
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP rtcpOptions rtcpMux enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711-U set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP codec codecEntry2 G711-A set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP codec codecEntry3 OPUS set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP codec codecEntry4 G722 set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode conditional set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711a,g711u,g722,opus set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding otherLeg g711a,g711u,g722,opus set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 127 set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp cryptoSuiteProfile DEFAULT set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags allowFallback disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags resetROCOnKeyChange disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags resetEncDecROCOnDecKeyChange disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags updateCryptoKeysOnModify disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags allowPassthru disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile DEFAULT set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags allowDtlsFallback disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags enableDtlsSrtp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSrtpRelay disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSctpRelay disable commit
The SMM GOOGLE_ADP is used for the following purposes:
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP state enabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP advancedSMM disabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 operation add set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 headerPosition last set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 from type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 from value <trunk_secret_key_for_tenant1> set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 to type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 1 action 1 to value X-Google-Pbx-Trunk-Secret-Key set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ cancel invite ack ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 regexp string "^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\.(?!$)|$)){4}$" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 2 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ cancel invite ack ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header name To set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 headerInfo fieldValue set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 to type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 to value To set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 regexp string siplink.telephony.goog set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 3 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ cancel invite ack ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 regexp string siplink.telephony.goog set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_ADP rule 4 action 1 regexp matchInstance one commit
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE id 3 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile SIP_OPTIONS set addressContext default zone GOOGLE dnsGroup DNS commit
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipSigPort 3 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF2 ipAddressV4 x.x.x.x portNumber <tls_port1> transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tls-tcp set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipSigPort 3 tlsProfileName TLS_PROF set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipSigPort 3 tcpKeepaliveTime 100 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipSigPort 3 tcpKeepaliveInterval 60 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipSigPort 3 tcpKeepaliveProbes 2 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipSigPort 3 mode inService state enabled commit
IngressIpPrefix must be entered with Google Voice SIP Link's Signaling IP address.
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 1800 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG signaling timers sessionMinSE 90 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG ingressIpPrefix x.x.x.x x set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG policy media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_IPSP set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG services natTraversal tcpKeepaliveTimer 240 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile GOOGLE_ADP set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG mode inService state enabled commit
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP policy description "" set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP policy sip fqdn siplink.telephony.goog set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP policy sip fqdnPort 5671 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP pathCheck profile GOOGLE set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP pathCheck hostName siplink.telephony.goog set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP pathCheck hostPort 5671 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP pathCheck state enabled set addressContext default zone GOOGLE ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP pathCheck statusUpdateSupport enabled commit
Create the certificate for Ribbon SBC with the CN containing SBC's FQDN for Tenant-2.
set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV_2 type local-internal commit Command to generate CSR on SBC request system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV_2 generateCSR csrSub /C=IN/ST=KA/L=Bangalore/O=Sonus/CN=<common_name_tenant2> keySize keySize2K After generating the CSR for tenant-2 on Ribbon SBC, provide it to the Certificate Authority and get the required certificates. After converting the certificates(SBC Certificate, Root Certificate and Intermediate Certificate) to suitable formats, upload them to Ribbon SBC at /opt/sonus/external location.
Add all the required certificates on SBC.
set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV_2 state enabled set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV_2 fileName <sbc_cert_tenant_2.pem> set system security pki certificate SBC_CERT_GV_2 type local-internal commit
set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 appAuthTimer 5 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 handshakeTimer 5 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 sessionResumpTimer 3600 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 cipherSuite1 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 cipherSuite2 tls_ecdhe_rsa_with_aes_128_gcm_sha256 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 cipherSuite3 tls_rsa_with_aes_256_gcm_sha384 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 allowedRoles clientandserver set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 authClient true set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 clientCertName SBC_CERT_GV_2 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 serverCertName SBC_CERT_GV_2 set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 acceptableCertValidationErrors none set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 v1_0 enabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 v1_1 enabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 v1_2 enabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 suppressEmptyFragments disabled set profiles security tlsProfile TLS_PROF_2 peerNameVerify disabled commit
This object specifies parameters associated with H.323, SIP, SIP-I communication that are sent as part of the outgoing signaling message after standard protocol rules are applied.
set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags customizedSessionTimerBehavior enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags includeTransportTypeInContactHeader enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP commonIpAttributes flags sessionTimerRefreshUpdate enable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags fromHeader disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags requestURI disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP commonIpAttributes transparencyFlags toHeader disable set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP egressIpAttributes numberGlobalizationProfile DEFAULT_IP set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP egressIpAttributes privacy privacyInformation pAssertedId set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters sessionExpiresRefresher notSend set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP egressIpAttributes transport type1 tlsOverTcp commit
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP rtcpOptions rtcp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP rtcpOptions rtcpMux enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP codec codecEntry1 G711-U set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP codec codecEntry2 G711-A set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP codec codecEntry3 OPUS set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP codec codecEntry4 G722 set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP packetToPacketControl transcode conditional set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding thisLeg g711a,g711u,g722,opus set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP packetToPacketControl codecsAllowedForTranscoding otherLeg g711a,g711u,g722,opus set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP preferredRtpPayloadTypeForDtmfRelay 127 set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp cryptoSuiteProfile DEFAULT set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags allowFallback disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags resetROCOnKeyChange disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags resetEncDecROCOnDecKeyChange disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags updateCryptoKeysOnModify disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags allowPassthru disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile DEFAULT set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags allowDtlsFallback disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags enableDtlsSrtp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSrtpRelay disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSctpRelay disable commit
The SMM GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP is used for the following purposes:
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP state enabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP advancedSMM disabled set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP profileType messageManipulation set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 criterion 1 message messageTypes requestAll set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 operation add set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 headerPosition last set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 from type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 from value <trunk_secret_key_for_tenant2> set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 to type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 1 action 1 to value X-Google-Pbx-Trunk-Secret-Key set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ cancel invite ack ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 regexp string "^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1[0-9]|[1-9]|)[0-9])(\.(?!$)|$)){4}$" set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 2 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ cancel invite ack ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header name To set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 headerInfo fieldValue set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 to type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 to value To set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 regexp string siplink.telephony.goog set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 3 action 1 regexp matchInstance one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 applyMatchHeader one set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 type message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 message set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 message messageTypes request set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 1 message methodTypes [ cancel invite ack ] set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 type header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header name request-line set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header condition exist set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances number 1 set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 criterion 2 header numberOfInstances qualifier equal set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 operation regsub set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 from set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 from type value set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 from value trunk.sip.voice.google.com set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 to set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 to type token set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 to tokenValue urihostname set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 regexp set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 regexp string siplink.telephony.goog set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP rule 4 action 1 regexp matchInstance one commit
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant id 5 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile SIP_OPTIONS set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant dnsGroup DNS commit
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipSigPort 5 ipInterfaceGroupName LIF2 ipAddressV4 x.x.x.x portNumber <tls_port2> transportProtocolsAllowed sip-tls-tcp set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipSigPort 5 tlsProfileName TLS_PROF_2 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipSigPort 5 tcpKeepaliveTime 100 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipSigPort 5 tcpKeepaliveInterval 60 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipSigPort 5 tcpKeepaliveProbes 2 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipSigPort 5 mode inService state enabled commit
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG media mediaIpInterfaceGroupName LIF2 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG signaling timers sessionKeepalive 1800 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG signaling timers sessionMinSE 90 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG ingressIpPrefix x.x.x.x x set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG policy media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG policy signaling ipSignalingProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPSP set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG services natTraversal tcpKeepaliveTimer 240 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_ADP set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG mode inService state enabled commit
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP policy description "" set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP policy sip fqdn siplink.telephony.goog set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP policy sip fqdnPort 5671 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP pathCheck profile GOOGLE set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP pathCheck hostName siplink.telephony.goog set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP pathCheck hostPort 5671 set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP pathCheck state enabled set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP pathCheck statusUpdateSupport enabled commit
Routing management allows you to manage all the configurations associated with routing calls based on the carriers' business requirements.
Routing label is associated with a route. Each route includes a gateway/trunk group pair. Routing labels provide the link between an entry in the Standard Route table and the set of routes associated with that Standard Route table entry.
set global callRouting routingLabel GOOGLE_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup GOOGLE_TG ipPeer GOOGLE_IPP inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup PSTN_TG ipPeer PSTN_IPP inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel GOOGLE_Multitenant_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG ipPeer GOOGLE_Multitenant_IPP inService inService set global callRouting routingLabel PSTN_Multitenant_RL routingLabelRoute 1 trunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG ipPeer PSTN_Multitenant_IPP inService inService commit
Routing allows you send calls to the correct destination. You can use routing options based on your requirements. Configure the standard and specific routes (with usernames) to ensure that no matter how the called party is addressed (a number or username), the SBC routes the message to the Core. Create Route entries for standard Trunk Group routing with Matching Criteria and a Routing Label destination.
set global callRouting route trunkGroup GOOGLE_TG GOOGLEVOICE standard Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel PSTN_RL set global callRouting route trunkGroup GOOGLE_TG GOOGLEVOICE username Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel PSTN_RL set global callRouting route trunkGroup PSTN_TG GOOGLEVOICE standard Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel GOOGLE_RL set global callRouting route trunkGroup PSTN_TG GOOGLEVOICE username Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel GOOGLE_RL set global callRouting route trunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG GOOGLEVOICE standard Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel PSTN_Multitenant_RL set global callRouting route trunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG GOOGLEVOICE username Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel PSTN_Multitenant_RL set global callRouting route trunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG GOOGLEVOICE standard Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel GOOGLE_Multitenant_RL set global callRouting route trunkGroup PSTN_Multitenant_TG GOOGLEVOICE username Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL routingLabel GOOGLE_Multitenant_RL commit
Customers can choose to encrypt the media using either DTLS or SDES-SRTP based on the requirement.
Configuring both DTLS and SDES-SRTP will result in call failure. Hence, customers are advised to use only one method of Media encryption.
The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol provides authentication, data integrity, and confidentiality for communications between two applications over an Unreliable Datagram Protocol (UDP). The Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) provides encryption, message authentication and integrity, and replay protection to the RTP data in both unicast and multicast applications. DTLS-SRTP is an extension to the DTLS protocol, where DTLS acts as the key management protocol. DTLS protocol is also extended to negotiate the SRTP crypto suites and parameters for use with those keys.
WebRTC is a signaling protocol defined for real-time communication between Web browsers. WebRTC has assigned DTLS-SRTP protocol for the media exchange between the browsers. The SBC includes the following DTLS functionality:
The SBC includes DTLS crypto suites that define a set of ciphers (algorithms used for encrypting data) which allow the selection of an appropriate level of security. When a TLS connection is established, the client and server exchange information about which cipher suites they have in common.
This object specifies the parameters associated with DTLS Flags. These are supporting parameters for DTLS objects.
set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS handshakeTimer 5 set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS sessionResumpTimer 300 set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS cipherSuite1 rsa-with-aes-128-cbc-sha set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS cipherSuite2 nosuite set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS cipherSuite3 nosuite set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS dtlsRole client set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS hashType sha256 set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS CertName defaultDtlsSBCCert set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS cookieExchange enabled set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS v1_0 enabled set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS v1_1 enabled set profiles security dtlsProfile byotDTLS v1_2 enabled commit
Disable SRTP.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp disable commit
Enable the flag for DTLS.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile DEFAULT set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags allowDtlsFallback disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags enableDtlsSrtp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSrtpRelay disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSctpRelay disable commit
Associate the DTLS profile to the Trunk Group.
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG state disabled set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG media dtlsProfileName byotDTLS set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG state enabled commit
Disable SRTP.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp disable commit
Enable the flag for DTLS.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsCryptoSuiteProfile DEFAULT set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags allowDtlsFallback disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags enableDtlsSrtp enable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSrtpRelay disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags dtlsSctpRelay disable commit
Associate the DTLS profile to the Trunk Group.
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG state disabled set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG media dtlsProfileName byotDTLS set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG state enabled commit
SRTP is an IETF cryptographic protocol that provides secure communications over untrusted networks as described in RFC 3711. SRTP provides confidentiality, message authentication and replay protection to Internet media traffic such as audio and video. The SBC Core supports Secure RTP and its associated secure real-time transport control protocol (Secure RTCP) for IPv4/IPv6 addressing for both audio and video streams.
Remove the DTLS profile from the Trunk Group.
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG state disabled delete addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG media dtlsProfileName byotDTLS set addressContext default zone GOOGLE sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_TG state enabled commit
Enable SRTP.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP dtls dtlsFlags enableDtlsSrtp disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp enable commit
Remove the DTLS profile from the Trunk Group.
set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG state disabled delete addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG media dtlsProfileName byotDTLS set addressContext default zone GOOGLE_Multitenant sipTrunkGroup GOOGLE_Multitenant_TG state enabled commit
Enable SRTP.
set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP dtls dtlsFlags enableDtlsSrtp disable set profiles media packetServiceProfile GOOGLE_Multitenant_PSP secureRtpRtcp flags enableSrtp enable commit
During this interop, SBC SWe was configured in HA mode with the configuration below for High Availability.
In an HA configuration, the two SBC VMs are connected to each other using the HA ports on the respective VMs. The HA logical ports must be in the same network and routable using the switch and they must be connected to a switch. Failure of the connection is via link detection and also TIPC keep-alives.
Link Detection Group:
The Link Detection Group allows you to group interfaces and associated Link Monitors together and track link verification failures within the group. A Link Detection Group (LDG) is configured with a unique name and a failover threshold. The LDG tracks the number of link verification failures that have occurred among the Link Monitors configured.
Create Link Detection Groups for both pkt0 and pkt1 interfaces.
set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG ceName GOOGLEACTIVE set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG type ip set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG threshold 1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG state enabled set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_ACT_LM interfaceGroup LIF1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_ACT_LM interface PKT0 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_ACT_LM destination <pkt0_default_gateway> set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_ACT_LM state enabled set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG ceName GOOGLESTANDBY set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG type ip set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG threshold 1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG state enabled set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_STB_LM interfaceGroup LIF1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_STB_LM interface PKT0 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_STB_LM destination <pkt0_default_gateway> set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT0_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT0_STB_LM state enabled set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG ceName GOOGLEACTIVE set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG type ip set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG threshold 1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG state enabled set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_ACT_LM interfaceGroup LIF2 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_ACT_LM interface PKT1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_ACT_LM destination <pkt1_default_gateway> set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_ACT_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_ACT_LM state enabled set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG ceName GOOGLESTANDBY set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG type ip set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG threshold 1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG state enabled set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_STB_LM interfaceGroup LIF2 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_STB_LM interface PKT1 set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_STB_LM destination <pkt1_default_gateway> set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup PKT1_STB_LDG linkMonitor PKT1_STB_LM state enabled commit
For configuration on Google Voice, visit support.google.com/a?p=siplink.
The following checklist depicts the set of services/features covered through the configuration defined in this Interop Guide.
Sr. No. | Supplementary Services/ Features | Coverage |
1 | Basic Call Setup & Termination | |
2 | Call Transfer (Attended/ Consultative/ Warm) | |
3 | Call Transfer (Unattended/ Blind/ Cold) |
Supported | |
Not Supported |
The following items should be noted in relation to this Interop - these are either limitations, untested elements or useful information pertaining to the Interoperability.
This issue will be addressed by GV in their upcoming releases.
For any support related queries about this guide, please contact your local Ribbon representative, or use the details below:
For detailed information about Ribbon products & solutions, please visit: https://ribboncommunications.com/products.
This Interoperability Guide describes successful configuration for Ribbon SBC Core interop involving Google Voice SIP Link for Multitenancy.
All features and capabilities tested are detailed within this document - any limitations, notes or observations are also recorded in order to provide the reader with an accurate understanding of what has been covered, and what has not.
Configuration guidance is provided to enable the reader to replicate the same base setup - there may be additional configuration changes required to suit the exact deployment environment.
© 2021 Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc. © 2021 ECI Telecom Ltd. All rights reserved.